11th Sunday in ot Fathers Day Deacon Louis Zemlick make a Radical Choice "LOVE"
Manage episode 423812629 series 3503763
Ezekiel 17:22-24 God will Plant us we must Radically strive to be Good soil. No CCC
Psalm 92 God will plant us like a Lebanon Cedar we Must be Good soil. No Catechism of the Catholic Church teaching on either of the above Scriptures. You are called, choose.
2 Cor 5:6-10 CCC164,769,1005,1021,1681 To rise with Christ we must die with Christ. We walk by Faith not by sight, yet we are called to this Action of Dying.
Gospel Mark 4:26-34 CCC546 We are called to Radical Choice to Gain the Kingdom of God. Words are NOT enough, Deeds are required will you be Hard soil or Good soil for the Word to grow. What talents have you received from God
What are you doing with your life, today is the Greatest Day of the rest of your LIFE.
How to Start being Good soil. Repentance (reconciliation) 2nd : Holy Communion, practicing you Faith going to Holy Mass, following the commandments you will be good soil. You will have made the Radical choice to follow Jesus and Love the Holy Family. Blessed Mother Mary pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen.