Episode 11: A Genealogy Guide to Dutch Surnames
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Do you have family from the Netherlands? Have you ever been baffled by the surnames and tried to make sense of why some family members have different surnames? Or why there might be so many common surnames in a specific village or community? And how did Napolean impact the surnames for Dutch ancestors?
In this weeks episode we cover all of this and more.
A few surname tips to have on hand during your research:
- The -sen suffix could also be shortened to sz, z, se, and x (e.g., Dirks, Dirkse, Dirkx, etc.). Likewise, a woman would be called Dirksdochter, meaning daughter of Dirk, but could also use the abbreviated suffixes d, dr, s, se, sen, sens, and x (e.g., Dirks, Dirkse, Dirksdr, etc.).
- Dutch surnames based on locations usually include prefixes like de (the), van (from), van de, van der, van den (from the), or te, ter, ten (on).
If you have Dutch ancestors and have hit a brick wall in your research, the experts at Legacy Tree Genealogists are here to help.
Want to learn more about hiring a professional genealogist to assist with your family history research?
Contact Legacy Tree Genealogists by visiting https://www.legacytree.com to request a free quote and learn more about what it's like to work with a professional genealogy firm.
May your week be full of discoveries.