Ep. 2: “One Step Closer To Consistency.”
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In the second episode of “We Still Haven’t Named This Podcast but We Absolutely Will,” we follow our traditional routine of Finance/Business, Sports, Pop Culture, and discuss the growing pains of becoming better adults. We actually start this episode off with a Fun Fact, which will be customary moving forward. Today’s fun fact discusses The Fourth of July and days that may or may not be just as important as this one, so click on the video above to get put on game. We even introduce a new co-host, Melijah, who will be a mainstay moving forward, so get accustomed to seeing the three of our faces every week! We are one step closer to consistency, which means our content will get better and better as time passes and develop that sense of cohesion. We have hit a stride with this and will continue to improve for the sake of current and future fans of the show (shout out to the 25 people that watched the last one, that was actually super dope!” Gotta start somewhere right? Check us out above and leave a Like, Comment, snd Subscription for the boys. Peace ☮️