E98: Flo 自修室:赫爾辛基巴士站隱藏成功之道?
Manage episode 409867343 series 3408778
近年在學術界,久不久便會有新嘅theory去嘗試解釋如何掌握成功之道,其中最多人談論的,必定要數Malcolm Gladwell在Outlier 書中講述嘅1萬小時理論。但原來仲有另一個類似嘅理論叫「赫爾辛基巴士站」!咁究竟巴士站同成功有咩關係呢?
Flow of this podcast:
- 赫爾辛基巴士站
- 唔好成日轉車
- 職場上跳車
- 點搵自己嘅calling?
- 選擇係一種commitment
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Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on Audionautix.com
Tags #Flo women's learning club, #personal stories, #self learning, #self improvement #hong kong podcast, #香港podcast, #廣東話podcast, #廣東話, #cantonese, #cantonese podcast, #Flo自修室, #赫爾辛基, #赫爾辛基巴士站, #helsinkibusstop, #成功之道, #10000hours, #1萬小時, #outlier, #malcolmgladwell
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