Manage episode 298584718 series 2961078
從UA B777引擎事件到睽違兩年737MAX的復飛。
這兩年可說是這家美國老字號飛機製造商佔據新聞版面最頻繁的時間了。到底在今年2/20同天發生的兩起惠普4000-112引擎事件是怎麼回事?而上次造成相隔不到半年發生的兩起空難共346人全數罹難的MCAS系統,現在已經安全了嗎? 另外,根據波音的說法,難道空中巴士A321XLR的油箱設計有暗藏的危險?
On 20th Feb, two Pratt & Whitney 4000-112 engines exploded in the air on a B777 and a B747 cargo with 241+ ppl onboard. Luckily, no one hurt this time; while not so lucky two years ago, when MCAS on B737Max caused 346 deaths in Malaysia and Ethiopia.
In Ep.2, we're gonna discuss what on earth these incidents happened? and how're the recertified processes go on in the world.
BTW, does Airbus's 321XLR fuel tanks also pose threats to flight safety? According to Boeing.
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