EP12. 發大財前只能膽戰心驚?
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繼上週的頭等艙介紹,我們這次來講講搭機的天堂跟地獄:私人飛機 v.s. 機位超賣。
=> 其實有錢人搭的飛機跟我們都一樣,從B737到A330,只是我們謙虛買一個位子,他們買一整架? => 若說想要以擁有一架私人飛機為人生目標,那我該自備款多少? 從要賺三輩子到五輩子都有,任君挑選 => 如果你夠窮但夠幸運買到最便宜機票,要注意了! 因為可能面臨水逆要被趕下機? => 到底為什麼會有"超賣"機票的機制? 航空公司到底在想什麼? => 如果真的面臨被迫下機的窘境,如何維護己身權利、還可能小賺一筆?
Following our Ep. 11, comparing different first-class products, we're continuing the topic to elaborate more about heaven and hell when flying: private jet v.s. bumped from a flight.
=> Actually, the aircraft modules are all the same for the rich and the ordinary, from B737 to A330; the only difference is that we get one seat, while they get one plane. => How much shall I prepare on earth when aiming at owning one private jet? Choose whatever you like from earning for a lifetime to 3 lifetimes. => If you're poor but lucky enough to get a last-minute ticket, be careful! You may also get shitty luck to get BUMPed from an aircraft you just board. => What is overbooking? and Why airlines allow us to overbook a flight? => If really get bumped, what are the measures we'd adopt to protect our rights or even earn another trip?
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