Hexis Podcast #87 - Capt King, Crayons, Drag, Master Byro, Randalicious
Manage episode 381209429 series 2658482
We will try and be more positive on the next podcast, sorry.
0:00 Introductions
1:30 Capt King acitivies since 200M All/McNugget Challenge
►Shooting Stars - Upcoming Changes/Nerfs/Buffs 5:50 Shooting Stars AFK for 7 minutes at a time
16:55 Do Zalcano, Volcanic Mine, Blast Mine, Motherlode Mine, Amethyst methods need any smaller changes?
► Forestry Part 2
36:00 What were your initial thoughts when Forestry was revealed at Winter Summit?
48:30 Thoughts on Forestry and the way it is trained?
1:01:10 Would you change anything about the 2H axes?
1:05:00 "If you dont like the update dont do it and nothing has changed" as a valid opinion to have?
1:11:00 What rating would you give Forestry out of 10?
► Hunter Guild
1:16:10 What do you think about the upcoming Hunter Guild?
1:23:45 Do you think all skills need a guild?
► Sailing
1:31:00 What do you think of the lack of information from Sailing? (2 months of no information)
1:38:00 Sailing, Shamanism, or Taming?
1:41:00 How did you vote in the final poll for Sailing?
1:45:25 Had they not manipulated the polls, would Sailing have got 75% with refinement?
► Halloween Event & More Post
1:52:22 Copy and pasted Halloween Event that had a Roadmap
1:58:00 Varlamore the biggest launch to date?
2:02:02 RuneFest survey. Would you ever go?
►Miscellaneous and Submitted
2:10:40 Is the game progressing way too fast?
2:16:00 Any predictions on the next big change to a skill?
Forgot to timestamp discussion about "The Gift of Guthix"
2:24:45 What was the last book you read?
2:29:00 Old School Runescape Top Trumps Card Game
2:33:06 What is your favorite board/card game?
2:39:30 What have been your favorite skilling methods?
2:43:25 Biggest achievement on Old School Runescape for you
2:49:25 Favorite Runescape memory
2:59:00 What have you been up to during the podcast?