EP 26 | 重訓熱身:熱身如何增加運動表現?靜態伸展,動態伸展,泡綿滾輪,應該如何選擇?
Manage episode 404780423 series 3494866
大家好!歡迎返嚟「健人港人話 Steven Talks」。今集我地會探討「酪蛋白」對於肌肉恢復和增長嘅潛在好處。之後我地會講解熱身嘅好處,包括提高肌肉溫度、增加心跳和血液循環,以及熱身對預防受傷和提升運動表現嘅重要性。之後我地會討論靜態伸展對運動表現嘅負面影響,並討論靜態伸展嘅效果同最佳時機。最後我地會討論泡綿滾輪和動態伸展點樣幫助提高運動表現,並解釋它們應該如何被整合到你嘅運動熱身中。等我哋一齊嚟揭曉呢啲疑問啦!
00:00 廢噏 -彳亍
04:00 觀眾Q&A:「 睡前食酪蛋白可以增加肌肉蛋白質合成」?
08:00 為什麼運動前要熱身?
12:27 靜態伸展會降低運動表現嗎?
17:00 泡綿滾輪和動態伸展能提高運動表現嗎?
📖 References:
1. Konrad A, Bernsteiner D, Reiner MM, Nakamura M, Tilp M. An Intense Warm-Up Does Not Potentiate Performance Before or After a Single Bout of Foam Rolling. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2022 Mar 4;21(2):145-52.
2. Wiewelhove T, Döweling A, Schneider C, Hottenrott L, Meyer T, Kellmann M, Pfeiffer M, Ferrauti A. A meta-analysis of the effects of foam rolling on performance and recovery. Frontiers in physiology. 2019:376.
3. Cheatham SW, Kolber MJ, Cain M, Lee M. The effects of self‐myofascial release using a foam roll or roller massager on joint range of motion, muscle recovery, and performance: a systematic review. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2015 Nov;10(6):827.
4. Skinner B, Moss R, Hammond L. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of foam rolling on range of motion, recovery and markers of athletic performance. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2020 Jul 1;24(3):105-22.
5. Joy, J.M., et al., Daytime and nighttime casein supplements similarly increase muscle size and strength in response to resistance training earlier in the day: a preliminary investigation. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 2018. 15(1): p. 24.
6. Trommelen, J., et al., Presleep dietary protein-derived amino acids are incorporated in myofibrillar protein during postexercise overnight recovery. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 2018. 314(5): p. E457-e467.
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🏋🏻 主持人簡介:
Steven Yu
👨🏻🎓 教育背景
現正於都會大學 —修讀物理治療
🤾🏻♂️ 運動背景
HKNBF新秀組健體 - 亞軍
HKNBF青年組健體 - 季軍
HKNBF青年組古典健美 - 第五名
HKNBF青年組運動模特 - 第五名
🎖️ 專業資格
美國國家肌力和體能協會 - 肌力與體能訓練專家