Is Christianity Left? - Talk 2
Manage episode 447121943 series 3611125
In this installment we explore the relationships between the politically LEFT and the perceptions of Christianity. The topics are taken from as a reference point and are divided into two categories (Personal and Social). While the topics are mirrored for the RIGHT Perspective, the topics descriptions are unique. They are:
NOTE TO LISTENERS. WE are not debating the issue. Just if those outside or inside organized Church find these topics to be descriptors of Christianity.
Personal (Issues typically more individual)
- Abortion: Unpenalized access. Both adult and embryotic stem cell research.
- Gay Rights: gay marriage; support anti-discrimination laws to protect LGBT against workplace discrimination
- Economy: Distribution of wealth; Larger government regulation on social programs and business.
Social (Issues typically more social)
- Education: Favor expanded free, public education
- Gun Rights: like background checks or waiting periods before buying a gun; banning automatic weapons; and disallowing concealed weapons.
- Voter ID: Against voter ID laws citing (a) undue burden on lower income groups causing them to be disenfranchised
- Immigration: Pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants; moratorium on deportations or prosecutions of undocumented immigrants who are young adults and have no criminal record.
- Healthcare: Access to healthcare is a fundamental right for all citizens. Support universal healthcare.
- Environment: Conservative, ban economic activity that may create jobs but could potentially harm the environment.