EP167 | 吞雲吐霧的校園癮君子得面對的事
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As a parent, you should know more and more young people are experimenting with vaping, or e-cigarettes, so it’s crucial that you are aware of the danger posed by vaping. Foremost, e-cigarettes often contain more nicotine than regular cigarettes, so they are more addictive and harmful. Moreover some substances found in e-cigarettes have been linked to an increased risk for cancer. What’s more, scientists have yet to gain enough data regarding long-term effects of vaping on adolescent health and development. To make e-cigarettes more appealing to teens, companies package them with fruit and candy flavors and sleek designs. If you discover your teen is vaping, don’t react in an aggressive manner. The calmer you are, the likelier your kid is willing to confide in you and listen to some suggestions. Then try to find out what drove them to vape. Was it peer pressure, depression, or academic anxiety? Because vaping is a relatively new problems, scientists are still trying to find out what the best ways to help teens quit are. So be supportive and empathetic through their path to quit vaping.
vaping n. 電子煙
be aware of ph. 要注意
foremost adv. 首先
addictive a. 成癮的
link to ph. 與…有關
sleek a. 油亮的
adolescent n. 青少年
package with ph. 用…包裝
react in ph. 反應出
aggressive manner n. 激進的態度
to confide in ph. 吐露
academic anxiety n. 學業壓力
drive to ph. 迫使…去做…
empathetic a. 有同理心的
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