017 | 疲惫娇娃 X 美轮美换 :《美国内战》——失去语境的战争电影 A24’s “Civil War” is a War Film Stripped of Context
Manage episode 432417779 series 3591009
英国导演Alex Garland的新作《美国内战》(Civil War)以一场虚构的美国内战为背景,引发了广泛关注和争议。作为A24迄今为止最大制作,电影集全明星阵容和炫目视效于一身,更因触及当下美国社会分裂、政治极化的议题而备受瞩目。然而,电影却避开了最敏感的政治问题,转而以四名战地记者为主角展开叙事,聚焦新闻伦理和人性挣扎,也因此被批评为避重就轻。 在本期节目中,疲惫娇娃的两个女的与美轮美换的主播Lokin和小华一起,探讨以下问题:在战争中,镜头背后是新闻理想主义的湮灭,还是人性的回归?在信息过载的时代,我们是否还有余力正视战争和苦难的真相?摄影和报道究竟能否改变世界,抑或终将被时代洪流所淹没?影片刻意模糊了内战的起因和立场,这是否在鼓吹一种危险的相对主义,还是向观众传达了更有价值的提醒?
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【时间轴 The When】
- 【时间轴】
- 00:02:54 讨论电影《美国内战》Civil War的情节和导演Alex Garland的作品。
- 00:15:13 Alex Garland导演对战地记者职业的矛盾心理刻画
- 00:40:06 电影对种族主义暴力的直白展现
- 00:48:06 导演在政治立场上的模糊态度引发争议
- 00:55:22 战争带来的不确定感和混乱感
- 01:01:09 摄影记者的自我矛盾:记录还是介入?
- 01:08:24 社交媒体时代,记者的责任与观众的责任
- 01:15:08 前辈记者对后辈的无奈:这一行太苦,但拦不住你
- 01:17:03 尽管科技发达,战争的荒谬感依旧没变
- Lokin:美国法学院学生,即将成为一名纽约诉讼律师
- 小华:媒体人,美政观察者
- 小杨和花酱:《疲惫娇娃》主播
【 What We Talked About】 Alex Garland's latest film, "Civil War," was set against a fictional war between two different factions within the United States. The film has sparked considerable controversy. It explores America’s political reality through the lenses (zing!) of four war correspondents, centering on journalistic ethics and the struggles of the human condition, but somehow sidestepping all of the more contentious, real political issues currently dividing America. We were not sure if we liked this artistic choice, so we recorded an episode with our friends from 美轮美换 The American Roulette to process it. Do we like Alex Garland’s decision to obscure the causes of the war? Why do we need photojournalism? Do we still have the capacity to process the harsh realities of conflict and suffering, and hold complexities in this age of social media?
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- 00:02:54 Discussion of the plot of "Civil War" and the works of director Alex Garland
- 00:15:13 Alex Garland's portrayal of the conflicting psychology of war correspondents
- 00:40:06 Blunt portrayal of racist violence
- 00:48:06 Alex Garland did not take a stand but do we need him to?
- 00:55:22 The uncertainty and chaos of war
- 01:01:09 The self-contradiction of photojournalists: to document or to intervene?
- 01:08:24 In the age of social media, the responsibility of journalists and the responsibility of the audience
- 01:15:08 Senior journalists' helplessness towards their juniors: This profession causes inevitable moral or physical injuries, but they can't stop people from joining
- 01:17:03 Despite advances in technology, the absurdity of war remains unchanged
【Who We Are】
The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.
Hosts and Guests of This Episode:
- Lokin: U.S. law school student, incoming NY litigation lawyer
- 小华 (Xiao Hua): Journalist, political observer
- 小杨 & 花酱:Hosts of CyberPink