024 | 哈里斯的梦幻开局和副总统沃尔兹的选择 Harris's Dream Start and the Choice of Tim Walz
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拜登退选并宣布支持哈里斯之后的最初几周,哈里斯打出了梦幻开局。8月6日,哈里斯选择明尼苏达州的州长蒂姆·沃尔兹(Tim Walz)为自己的竞选搭档。我们会在本期节目中盘点哈里斯的开场,副手的选择,以及特朗普的反应。
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00:01:15 过去一个月的感受
00:03:00 哈里斯成为民主党总统候选人后的党内团结和士气高涨
00:15:32 哈里斯的好感度上升及其原因
00:18:00 万斯好感度和特朗普的绑定
00:23:06 拜登/哈里斯的竞选团队
00:25:58 民主党选民政治联盟可能的变化和挑战
00:28:20 哈里斯竞选策略和政策立场的转变
00:32:32 哈里斯选择蒂姆·沃尔兹作为副总统候选人以及没有选别人的原因
00:35:38 北卡州长库珀主动高风亮节
00:39:21 宾州州长夏普罗最终出局
00:45:30 沃尔兹如何成为左派的最爱
01:03:25 沃尔兹的竞选能力怎样
01:07:45 民主党给共和党贴上怪异(Weird)标签的策略能否奏效
01:10:13 特朗普对哈里斯的种族主义攻击
01:17:23 特朗普竞选策略的变化
【 What We Talked About】
Following Biden's withdrawal and endorsement, Harris launched her campaign with remarkable momentum. On August 6th, she tapped Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. In this episode, we'll analyze Harris's campaign kickoff, the veepstakes, and Trump's response.
This podcast was recorded on August 6th at 8 PM Eastern.
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00:01:15 Reflecting on the past month
00:03:00 Democratic Party unity and surge in morale post-Harris nomination
00:15:32 Understanding Harris's rising favorability ratings
00:18:00 Vance's approval tied to Trump's fortunes
00:23:06 Breakdown of the Biden/Harris campaign team
00:25:58 Shifts and challenges in the Democratic voter coalition
00:28:20 Evolution of Harris's campaign strategy and policy stances
00:32:32 Unpacking Harris's VP pick: Why Walz, why not others
00:35:38 Governor Cooper's (NC) strategic withdrawal
00:39:21 Governor Shapiro's (PA) exit from VP contention
00:45:30 Walz's ascent as a progressive favorite
01:03:25 Assessing Walz's campaign chops
01:07:45 Viability of the Dems' "weird" strategy
01:10:13 Examining Trump's racist attacks on Harris
【Who We Are】
The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics.
Our Hosts and Guests:
王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information
Talich:Aficionado of American politics, culture, and history
Lokin: U.S. law school student, incoming NY litigation lawyer
小华 (Xiao Hua): Journalist, political observer
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