Clear Spot: Criss-Crossing the Vectrex Scene
Manage episode 449465880 series 2487878
Covers of Karl Quappe, Vectorblade, Big Blue, Quartz’s Quest for the Vectrex / photos of Chris Parsons, Malban, and Alex Fitch
Criss-Crossing the Vectrex Scene: In the fifth in an annual series of shows looking at the Vectrex, an obscure, but much-loved video game system from the early 1980s, Alex Fitch talks to a couple of programmers who make new games for the platform. Christopher Salomon a.k.a. Malban discusses the many releases he’s written for the Vectrex including the terrific shoot-em-up Vectorblade and his two adaptations of Frogger. Chris Parsons, who publishes and distributes games as Vector Republic, chats about the inspirations for his titles Big Blue, Frontier and Quartz’s Quest.
Originally broadcast 1st October 2023 on Resonance 104.4 FM / DAB (London)
For more audio formats to download and stream, please visit and for the 60 minute brodcast edit, plese visit the Resonance Mixcloud page
More info: Vector Republic website
Malban’s Vectrex Development Blog
Vector Gaming proboards forum, including info on 2024 Vector War competition
Vector Fans Unite! Facebook group