Episode 9: Updated AOA Card Evaluations
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Today, Sir Dan discusses his epic Archon event in which he piloted the mighty House Sanctum alongside House Mars' and their generous abduction combo.Sir Jake then reconsiders if he made the right call about his sealed deck in the Vault Tour after all. Then, our two knights had an exceedingly long discussion about cards from AoA that have impressed and left them wanting. Some cards promoted true brotherhood, whilst others caused each knight to suspect the other of being an imperial traitor. Please consider the cards that were discussed and feel free to send courier pigeons of your own views to our knights to help them in their search for knowledge. Also Sir Jake is taking an oath of poverty and giving away a GAMA deck so be sure to head to the Twitterverse to enter that contest. Sir Dan is looking for those of you who want to represent Sanctumonius at your local events with branded Archive denoters of Sanctumonius. And finally please express thine interest in a shirt to represent Sanctumonius in your everyday lives. The Sanctumonius artist is currently designing these, so stay tuned for the final designs. As always, go forth and FORGE THOSE KEYS!
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