Terror at Collinwood Episode 66: Dark Shadows & Pop Culture with Jim Beard, Rich Handley, and Charles R. Rutledge
Manage episode 377086174 series 2924655
Where does Dark Shadows fit into the landscape of popular culture, and is DS going to slip out of the pop culture consciousness, completely? Writers Jim Beard, Rich Handley, and Charles R. Rutledge visit the podcast to address these topics and shine some light into the shadows! Jim, Rich, and Charles have written extensively about numerous icons of pop culture and speculative fiction. Their writing, which includes works of fiction and non-fiction, examines many wondrous worlds of horror, fantasy, and science fiction. They’ve explored Dark Shadows, Batman, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Spider-Man, Dungeons & Dragons, Universal Monsters, Godzilla, Ghostbusters, Ultraman, Hammer Horror, The X-Files, The Shadow, and many other franchises of the fantastic! Please join us for this fun and lively discussion! Other topics include: the ’91 DS NBC revival series, whether Barnabas and Julia would end up together, Dark Shadows Reincarnation and the idea of a sequel show, recasting vs. not recasting, more discussion about the proposed Dark Shadows fiction anthology, and much more!
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Running Home to Shadows on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Running-Home-Shadows-Memories-Supernatural/dp/B09X49ZXT2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SGJT3GQMX3RA&keywords=running+home+to+shadows&qid=1694310088&sprefix=running+home+to+shadow%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1
The Doctor’s Beard podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-doctors-beard-podcast/id1666876246
The Jim Beard and Becky Books Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thebeardjimbeard/
Rich Handley Website: https://richhandley.com
Charles R. Rutledge Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Charles%20R.%20Rutledge/author/B009D154T4