Terror at Collinwood Episode 69: Daytime Gothic Issue 2 with Stuart Manning
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The episode opens with the sad news of Lara Parker’s passing. Note: The interview with Stuart took place the week before. Please read my post Goodbye, Lara Parker at the Terror at Collinwood blog— Stuart Manning returns to Terror at Collinwood to discuss the upcoming issue 2 of Daytime Gothic, a charity print fanzine devoted to Dark Shadows. Stuart is still accepting submissions for the new issue, so be sure to listen for details on how to send in your proposals. Other topics include: a chat about issue one and some of its contents, cast and crew involvement in the 'zine, the "Emergency Episode" of DS, and more. Stuart also offers some tantalizing hints about what to expect in issue two!
Goodbye Lara Parker blog post https://www.terroratcollinwood.com/blog/v25dxdg1yex0mz2miqzay1nwv1x84n?fbclid=IwAR3BmWMYULN6HOKZVi5Ry_kazmIjwiKTvQkWC5iAHAFss9REvUciH9OM3bA
Daytime Gothic – sign up for email alerts here: https://facebook.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=e7e4f76c7205f28454efd8e84&id=0d2e573318
Lyndhurst Meet & Greet with Kathryn Leigh Scott & Marie Wallace Oct. 21 & 22 event website: https://lyndhurst.org/events/meet-greet-dark-shadows/
Surfing the Shadows theme performed by Johnny D and The Moonlinghters: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/johnny-d-the-moonlighters/1187748534
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