001 | Coming to A Full(er) Understanding
Manage episode 295114982 series 2940024
YOU GUYS! Welcome to The Babel Podcast. This first episode is just an explanation of why I decided to start this podcast. I'm just a girl from Dallas, TX who grew up going to a Christian megachurch, attended a Baptist university, and graduated into the real world completely naive to other religions or perspectives. During 2020 quarantine, I finally decided that I needed to take all of my old church journals, bibles, and religious textbooks and write everything out that I had been through. I needed to work through my church/faith journey for my own healing. Honestly, I thought that my writings were going to end up being a book. But as I began discussing my writings with others, I realized that so many people have also been impacted by their religions (whether it be for better or for worse). And although my story is valid and beautiful, it is not the only story. We need to be talking about religion openly and honestly. And this is where The Babel Podcast was born.
We all have a seat at the table. And I invite you to sit with me as we all listen and learn.
Author Tags:
Paige Breese
(Always include the HOST(s) and GUEST(s), and also relevant company names or keywords that are mentioned in the episode).
Notes for iTunes & Feed:
YOU GUYS! Welcome to The Babel Podcast. This first episode is just an explanation of why I decided to start this podcast. I'm just a girl from Dallas, TX who grew up going to a Christian megachurch, attended a Baptist university, and graduated into the real world completely naive to other religions or perspectives. During 2020 quarantine, I finally decided that I needed to take all of my old church journals, bibles, and religious textbooks and write everything out that I had been through. I needed to work through my church/faith journey for my own healing. Honestly, I thought that my writings were going to end up being a book. But as I began discussing my writings with others, I realized that so many people have also been impacted by their religions (whether it be for better or for worse). And although my story is valid and beautiful, it is not the only story. We need to be talking about religion openly and honestly. And this is where The Babel Podcast was born.
We all have a seat at the table. And I invite you to sit with me as we all listen and learn.
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● Follow @TheBabelPodcast and @PaigeTerynBreese on Instagram
● Visit paigebreese.com or paigebreese.com/podcast