A conversation with the man who gave me shahada.
Manage episode 298804920 series 2954008
In life’s mysterious journey, most of us will experience a transformative event that forces us to reevaluate and reorient ourselves. God asks in the Quran, “So where then are you going?,” a reminder for us to avoid the distractions of this world and to remain steadfast on His path. In this special episode, Haroon Sugich joins Shaykh Hamza in conversation about their own journey to Islam and the incredible lessons they’ve learned on the way.
About the Sacred Text Messages podcast:
In this age of material excess and spiritual privation, grounding ourselves in divine guidance has never been more critical. The Sacred Text Messages podcast with Shaykh Hamza Yusuf provides an antidote to the modern madness by reconnecting us with God and His Messenger ﷺ. Listen to timeless wisdoms from sacred sources and rediscover Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
Read more about Hamza Yusuf. Visit us online at Sandala.org.