365 January 25
Manage episode 407142777 series 3558151
I Acquaint Myself with Peace Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. —ISAIAH 26:3
"When we give a spiritual mind treatment, or affirmative prayer, we are recognizing the Presence of God in, around, and through us. It is this closeness of the Divine Presence that gives us the feeling of peace that is accompanied by a consciousness of power. And it is because we do believe that we can have this feeling, this inner conviction, this sense of certainty that all spiritual teachers have told us is necessary to effective living. I know that there is a Power greater than I am. I know that there is a Love that casts out all fear. I know that there is a faith that overcomes all obstructions. I now enter into this Love. I now use this faith and know a great peace of mind, a deep sense of belonging, a complete realization that God is right where I am.
“I believe that the Spirit within me, which is God, makes perfect and peaceful the way before me. I enter into conscious union with everything that lives. I commune with the Spirit in all people and in all things. I feel an intimate relationship to the Presence and the Power that control everything. I put my whole trust in God. I know that the Spirit gently leads me, wisely counsels me. I know that the Love that envelops everything flows through me to everyone and with it there goes a confidence, a sense of joy and of peace, as well as a buoyant enthusiasm and zest for life. There comes back to me today everything that makes life worthwhile, everything that flows from the inner realm of fathomless Peace—the indwelling Presence of God.”
Excerpt From 365 Science of Mind Ernest Holmes