Exclusive Preview: Gun Rights Titans Gather in San Diego for Game-Changing Conference
Manage episode 441945437 series 3561066
Get your tickets now for the Vice Presidential Debate showing in Mission Valley on October 1. 2024. https://reformca.us/debate
Mike answers the questions sent to him over the past week from members.
Get an exclusive preview with John Petrolino of the upcoming Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) in San Diego, featuring key speakers and topics that will shape the future of gun rights. The event is FREE, but you need to register: https://saf.org/grpc
Stay informed about crucial local elections with Carlsbad City Council member Melanie Burkholder, who breaks down the races that could impact your gun rights.
Intro to Modern Off-Grid Communications class on October 19, 2024. Sign up today for this 4-hour class, where you will get to take home a Baofeng UV-5R radio! https://gunownersradio.ticketspice.com/intro-to-modern-off-grid-communications-class
Be inspired by our interview with Perry, founder of Active Valor, as he shares how his organization is making a difference in the lives of Gold Star families through unique mentorship programs. Support Active Valor at https://activevalor.com
Hear our analysis of the shocking case of a 23-year-old ex-Camp Pendleton Marine sentenced to 37 months for illegal firearms sales, and understand the implications for California gun owners. https://sdcgo.org/join
SEAL1’s STUMP MY NEPHEW: Why was the grip safety added to the 1911?
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The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your Second Amendment rights, defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), Orange County Gun Owners (OCGO), or Inland Empire Gun Owners (IEGO).
https://www.sandiegocountygunowners.com https://orangecountygunowners.com http://inlandempiregunowners.com
Support the cause by listening to Gun Owners Radio live on Sunday afternoon or on any podcast app at your leisure. Together we will win.
Get expert legal advice on any firearm-related issues: https://dillonlawgp.com
Smarter web development and digital marketing help: https://www.sagetree.com
Clean your guns easier, faster, and safer! https://seal1.com
Stay cool this summer with Straight Shooter Heating & Cooling! https://straightshooter.ac