探戈雜談室 ep. 81 |首首探戈曲如電影,你看見了嗎?(特別來賓:Ayano 上)
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3:10 當你崇敬的milonguero跟你說聽懂歌詞能跳得更好…
6:15 別人在等待解封,只有她不想結束封城…
10:11 當更多人被「理解歌詞」啟發,她得到更多友誼
15:09 你手中的火柴,能閃耀多久呢?
18:06 有這麼一首歌,是由一位法官寫給所有熱愛探戈的人的之探戈是邪教
La Luz De Un Fósforo (Flicker of a Match):
https://www.tangopoetryproject.com/translations/la-luz-de-un-f%C3%B3sforo?fbclid=IwAR3kTI2z4FQUJvH0qQpgCCetTbeaPLnpfRnZHbpstVqJ9R4Y7e-vbLHUWok Danza Maligna (Evil Dance): https://www.tangopoetryproject.com/translations/danza-maligna?fbclid=IwAR06h2mCjJ56C_JxNPXJU5QDJGNiP7r-xwoUsQB9rAqL31bA-vWB6hTywiQ
Di Sarli器樂曲的背景故事:
豐富手勢 Youtube: https://youtu.be/T7KtcSTGvFU
想看更多兩兩探戈Tango.two: 有臉書有IG有官網有體驗課介紹網站: linktr.ee/tangotwo.taichung
FELIP & AYANO came together in the tango scene of the SF Bay Area, and embody the global nature of tango, traveling full-time throughout North America, Europe, South America, and Asia to teach, DJ, and lecture about the dance, music & poetry of tango. They also spend time annually in Buenos Aires studying and enjoying the dance and its history & culture. Felipe's background includes a degree in education and more than 25 years of experience in tango and is widely renown for his clear teaching strategy, enthusiastic personality, and ability to make real improvements in your dancing. Ayano has been dancing tango since 2005. A milonguera herself, she believes anybody can dance tango. Her mission as a teacher is to help each person find your own unique way to dance tango by cultivating self awareness to find ease and freedom of movement. She is also dedicated to her other passion projects Women's Gathering and Tango Poetry Project to further enrich each dancers' experience. Watch/Listen to her interviews to get to know her more. Together, their demonstrations are clear and precise, offering students an excellent model of movement and showing a deep knowledge and respect for the genre. Both Felipe and Ayano lead and follow interchangeably which is invaluable for teaching. Their series at Stanford University and their classes at The Beat in Berkeley are always in high demand, which is a tribute to their teaching excellence and wide appeal. Based in San Francisco, AYANO travels and dance in the milongas around the world including her annual pilgrimage to Buenos Aires. She regularly DJs at the local milongas in San Francisco such as El Valenciano, Genesis, The Beat, as well as at Milonga de Nora, Alberto's and Milonga Rubia. She has been invited to DJ in Tokyo, Taipei, Maui Embrace Tango Festival, Pasional The Third Coast Tango Marathon, Holiday Tango in DC, Ronda De Ases in Portland, Marathon Z, San Diego Tango Marathon, La Mujeres Tango Marathon and Ann Arbor Tango Marathon. Contact: [email protected]
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