1:7 How Zenovate Went from Millions to Nothing, and Back to Revenue in 90 Days - Amelia Wilcox
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Resurrecting a Company Destroyed by COVID: How Zenovate Went From Millions to Nothing, and Back to Revenue in 90 Days
Amelia Wilcox and her story are an inspiration! She is a brilliant, dedicated Founder and CEO that has shown the grit and aptitude to navigate massively disruptive conditions, including #COVID19, which took her business's revenue from millions to ZERO, literally overnight.
Join Amelia and I for this enlightening and fun conversation on:
* The art of the #pivot and being scrappy
* Learning to reinvent yourself and your product,
* While raising #capital, #scaling at a rapid pace, and
* Being intentional about work/life #balance and #mentalhealth