Blessing First - Mark Cerfonteyn
Manage episode 375649614 series 3220376
Imagine approaching a new group of people to ask to sit with them and they just answer, “sorry, this seat is taken”.
We can also live a life that does not have room for new people, or we can choose to make space for new people at our table.
The one way of living is self-serving with a small impact. The other way invites new people in and has a great impact on the lives of others! That is a life of legacy and the life God wants us to live.
(Read 2 Samuel 9:1-2)
Our default setting is to think of ourselves. But like David we need to be looking for ways to show God’s kindness to others, even when there is no benefit for us. We need to enter each day being a blessing first. Not seeking benefit first.
Q - How can we become more outward focused and blessing minded to others in our daily walk with God?
David brought Mephibosheth from Lo Debar ( which means “No Thing”) and gave him a seat in the palace. David brought him from nothing (a place of no hope and no vision) and restored his honour and hope for the future.
Q - Who do you have in your world that God is calling you to invite to his table? Maybe spend some time this week and ask God who you need to invite in.
We are a Church that is committed to reaching people who have yet to be reached! Heart for the House Sunday is a chance to come together and give to the vision that is working to reach people beyond ourselves. It’s about moving forward because God has more for us to do!
Q - Have you spent time asking God how he wants you to be a blessing to others in this Heart for The House season?
We have all been in that place of Lo Debar (the place of nothing). But thank God that we received that invitation to the Kings table. Now we have a hope and a future. But now it’s our opportunity and responsibility to make room for others at the table.
God’s grace and his mission for his church to reach the lost and lonely should never end with us. It’s all so others may live!