Don't get stuck - Jan Cerfonteyn
Manage episode 382523407 series 3220376
When God can trust us to be faithful in the ordinary then he can take us into the extraordinary. When we are faithful in the routine, something is happening that we can’t see. Spiritual muscles are being strengthen and we are being prepared for what is ahead. And the routines of life are not always exciting but they are necessary to become all God has created us to be. Remember that God will always put bigger things in your spirit before they come to pass. David was anointed to be king at an early age but he still had to be faithful in the shepherds fields. David had to pass the test of being faithful in the ordinary even when he knew he had a greater anointing. Q: what are some of the day to day things God is calling you to be faithful in? Are you being faithful and excellent where you are now? You won’t move forward unless you learn to give your best where God has you right now. It’s not the big things that hold most people back but it’s the small things. The bible tells many great stories of the heroes of faith in the bible, but the truth is those events account for just a few days in their lives. Most of their days were ordinary. We can’t live for the big events alone. Instead we must learn to enjoy where God has us now. Psalm 118:24 says this is the day the Lord has made! Q: What do you do to remain faithful and enjoy where God has you now? The bible tells us how God is the potter and we are the clay (Jeremiah 18:6) and shaping us means going around in circles. If we choose to step away from that because it’s too ordinary or boring, we miss the opportunity to be shaped into something great. Q: Discuss how we might discover what God is trying to teach us in the ordinary seasons of life. The Israelites were told by God to march around the walls of Jericho, which may have seemed pointless, but when you are faithful in the routine, God can make things happen that you could never make happen on your own (Psalm 18:29). Marching around the city was their test. (Psalms 110:1) No person can keep you from the destiny God has for you. Don’t speak negatively or turn away from Him. Trust Him to take you into your future (Romans 8:28). Guard your heart and stay encouraged. God is faithful to the end!