220 - Erev Chanukah
Manage episode 457421831 series 3553707
The first part of Emunah that we've been focusing on and discussing is making our maximum effort to build our belief in Hashem, believing specifically when we don't understand and we can't necessarily make logical sense of many of the happenings in our lives, but nevertheless we are called on to believe that everything Hashem does is for our best; that all the mitzvos with all their precise intricacies have a very specific reason and are to be treated with utmost importance; that when we feel feelings of anxiety and worry, as the verse teaches, we have the opportunity and are called on to take refuge in Hashem and turn to Hashem for our salvation.
And as we've discussed, there are many levels in what it means to do so. Although it is already a tremendously significant achievement when one has acknowledged and internalized to even a very minor degree that Hashem does exist, and therefore when I am experiencing some sort of trouble in my life, I do turn to Hashem, even if it is only for a few seconds or a few moments, instead of trying to go and find my own solutions, if I turn to Hashem and acknowledge that He is the one that can help me, that is a tremendous achievement. However, as we've discussed, there are many levels as to what it means to rely on Hashem. The more we grow in our Emunah and Bitachon, the more we will be inclined to turn to Hashem.
And as we've discussed many times, Emunah is our life's work. And although we are certainly called on to make our maximum effort in achieving our life's purpose, in growing in our Emunah, and one of the main ways we can exercise that effort is by exposing ourselves to what the Torah, the only true perspective, Hashem's perspective, has to teach about Emunah and Bitachon, thereby trying to incorporate those concepts more and more into our lives on a daily basis, at the same time, we have learned many times that Hashem only expects from every single one of us to make our maximum effort. Everyone has a different story, a different background, and many other factors that make up who we are. And certainly it is not our place and we cannot tell about the success levels of Emunah of one another. Our only focus is to make our maximum effort in our own lives to grow as much as we can, just a little bit more every day, to have that little bit more Emunah and that little bit more Bittachon.
Although on the one hand, throughout the year we are certainly called on to do our best in making an active and practical effort to grow in our Emunah, be it by learning Torah sources, seeking daily inspiration, asking Hashem in our own words to help us with our Emunah and Bitachon endeavor, and the like, at the same time, however, there are certain times and places that our opportunity to connect with Hashem and have an Emunah and Bitachon boost are stronger than other times and places. A basic fundamental to the Torah and to Judaism is that Hashem fills every single space of the world that we live in, and certainly Hashem hears us, whatever part of the world we might be in, as well as whatever time of year it might be. However, we are also taught that the opportunity for this connection is more potent at certain auspicious times and holy places.
Although we all have the constant opportunity to talk to Hashem from our own homes, and we should certainly capitalize on that opportunity, b'ezrat Hashem soon when the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt and we will have the opportunity to come to the holy land of Eretz Yisrael and go to the Beis Hamikdash, there is no question that the opportunity for closer connection to Hashem will be all that more potent inside the Beis Hamikdash.
The way I once heard this concept explained can be compared to Wi-Fi connection. The whole world is within Hashem's Wi-Fi vicinity, and there is no question that we are connected, wherever we are, whenever it might be. However, there are certain spots that the Wi-Fi connection is particularly strong, and the connection is therefore faster, more efficient, and the like. And similarly, when it comes to our connection to Hashem, there are certain times that our opportunity for connection has a tremendous boost. We are about to enter the holy days of Chanukah, eight unique days that have a tremendously electric energy in terms of the opportunity of our connecting to Hashem and building our emunah and bitachon. May we all merit to capitalize on the tremendous opportunity we have to boost our emunah and bitachon and connection with Hashem throughout the eight holy days of Chanukah.