2021 頭條新聞回顧 (2021 News in Review Headlines)
Manage episode 314743057 series 2971404
2021年終於要到尾聲了,今年可以說是起起伏伏又動盪不安,用「 a mixed bag」 來形容再適合不過了。一袋糖果總是有你喜歡的,也有你想要「讓」給別人吃的口味。
- To gloat 幸災樂禍
The winning soccer team gloated over their rivals' lack of skill after the game.
- To fret 煩躁不安
Mary fretted and worried about his safety after Tom went missing for two days.
- Narrative 陳述
The police officer did not believe the suspect's narrative because of his questionable alibi.
- To snarl 糾結
It took me one hour to drive home after work yesterday because the traffic was terribly snarled during rush hour.
- To scrap 丟棄
The impurity was scrapped after gold was extracted.
- To undermine 破壞、削弱某樣東西的基礎
The bribery scandal was fabricated to undermine the public image of the presidential candidate.
- Complacency 自滿、安於現狀而缺乏警覺性
The Benz autopilot system is a remarkable achievement, but there is no room for complacency because Tesla’s system is promising to be even more advanced.
- Money grabbing 用不公平的或是違法的方式來獲取金錢
The company has a state sanctioned monopoly and is notoriously known for its unethical money grabbing.
- To sequester 隔離
The two suspects were sequestered and interrogated separately to avoid collusion.
- Standstill 停滯不前
The economy of the country was at a standstill once the war began.
- Bustling 繁華的
Detroit, which was once famous for being the ‘Motor City’, was once a bustling metropolis until Japanese automobiles overtook American cars in the global market.
- Gimmick 吸引人注意力或是引誘人購買的花招、把戲
Real estate agencies tend to use gimmicks to make the market seemingly popular in order to sell more houses at a higher price.
- To cast shadow over something 讓某樣東西蒙上陰影
The sudden death of the CEO casted a shadow over the company causing the share price to collapse because the company did not have a clear succession plan in place.
- To tread a fine line 小心翼翼避免犯錯
The presidential candidate was treading a fine line during the debate to avoid upsetting gun rights supporters and those who want to curb sales of firearms.
- To spur 激勵或是鼓勵某人
Anytime Nadal faced off against Federer they always spurred each other to play with the highest level of intensity.
- Full tilt 全速地、盡快地
When Mary received a call from the hospital that her dad had been in a car accident, she drove full tilt to the hospital.
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