[幼教老師玩外文]#127 The Bee Box that Jack Built
Manage episode 336954396 series 3357065
The Bee Box that Jack Built – by Margo Linn
Illustrated by Brian Fitzgerald
wood 木頭
hive 蜂巢
nectar 花蜜
honeycomb 蜂窩
scented 散發香味
cough syrup感冒糖漿
This is the bee box,
made of painted wood,
That stands in the shade of the yard.
And these are the honey bees,
that live in the special box that stands in the yard.
These are the flowers, that feed the honey bees,
that fly in and out of the hive in the box.
And this is the sweet nectar, that feeds the Queen and the other bees,
that live in the bee box that stands in the yard.
This is the golden honey, made by the thousands of busy bees,
that work inside the dark shelter that stands in the yard.
And this is Jack, the daddy, who keeps bees as a hobby,
gathering honey from the bee box that stands in the yard.
This is the honey pot, filled with fresh honey,
produced by the worker bees, that live in the hive that stands in the yard.
And this is the mommy, who drinks tea with honey, while her children snack on bread and sweet, gooey honey.
This is the honeycomb, made by the worker bees,
that is collected from the hive that stands in the yard.
And this is Jack, the daddy, who likes to eat raw honey and comb with slices of tart, green apple. Delicious!
This is the beeswax, made into candles, that are scented with honey that is collected from the hive that stands in the yard.
And this is the mommy, who lights the candles, then says a prayer of thanks.
This is the cough syrup, made with golden honey,
that comes from the hive in a box that stands in the yard.
And this is Jack, the daddy, who spoons the medicine,
so his child will sleep better.
This is the yogurt, mixed with honey, that comes from the bee box that stands in the yard.
And this is the grandma, who offers her grandchildren sweet honey yogurt for breakfast.
Here is the whole family, thankful to the bees, for the candles…
for the golden honey…
for the cough syrup…
for the beeswax…
and for the pollinating the flowers!
Thank you, honey bees!
Boys and girls, do you like honey water?
Do you know honey starts as flower nectar collected by bees?
In this book, you would learn about many ways to make lives healthier with honey!
Thank you for buying us a jar of candy! Mamimoon will read more stories. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
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