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Talk Art

Russell Tovey and Robert Diament

Actor Russell Tovey and gallerist Robert Diament host Talk Art, a podcast dedicated to the world of art featuring exclusive interviews with leading artists, curators & gallerists, and even occasionally their talented friends from other industries like acting, music and journalism. Listen in to explore the magic of art and why it connects us all in such fantastic ways. Follow the official Instagram @TalkArt for images of artworks discussed in each episode and to follow Russell and Robert's la ...
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Art Talk Live

Art Talk Live

Art Talk Live is a podcast production of KZUM Studios, a division of KZUM community radio in Lincoln, Neb. Produced by Julia Noyes and Lynette Fast, of Lincoln's Noyes Art Gallery, the program features interviews with Nebraska artists, patrons and others in the state's art scene.
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Talk About Art

Regina Nekhaeva

Вы слушаете подкаст Talk About Art — об искусстве, актуальных выставках и важных темах в искусствоведческой науке. На связи Регина Нехаева и Юля Карпенкова. Мы расскажем о том, как меняются оценки творчества художников, обнаруживаются новые факты, ведь на многие вопросы, которые мы порой считаем предрешенными, не существует единого мнения. Поддержать нас можно на Boost По вопросам совместных проектов и рекламных интеграций: [email protected]
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Cole is a frustrated photographer, and Urich is a frustrated musician. But, that's never stopped them from pursuing other creative ventures. Follow them as they explore the creative scene of Dumaguete, one episode at a time.
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Art Talk Music

Claudio Tolousse

Musician and Artist, Claudio Tolousse, takes you on a journey to discover the inner-workings of creative types from all walks of life. You will hear from musicians, artists, poets, entrepreneurs, travelers and all other various types of people to get an in depth look into their story.
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Artwork A place to inspire, encourage and help guide you in attaining your goals. Here I will be discussing my philosophies and experiences, industry tips on how to improve your art as well as the discussions on the business of art. Art has value, protect what is yours. Check all previous Art Talks at
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Tracing Lines is a periodic podcast by Two Rivers Gallery, where our staff have conversations with some of the amazing artists we work with. If you’re looking for extra insight into an artist’s practice, work, exhibitions, or projects, you’ve come to the right place. Two Rivers Gallery is located on the traditional territory of the Lheidli T'enneh, on the land now known as Prince George, BC, where we are privileged to share art and promote creativity.
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Austin Art Talk

Scott David Gordon

The goal of the podcast is to facilitate connections with and to learn from the successes, struggles, life experience, and wisdom of the people featured, most of whom live and create in Austin, Texas. The honest conversational flow of these weekly long form interviews lends itself to some really great insights and information that is available to anyone who wants to listen. Join us to explore the origins, stories, lessons, lives and work of those in our community who are at the forefront of ...
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Readings and anecdotal commentary on creatives and process. Muses and musing: A day in the life of a painter. I do not monetize these casts. It’s strictly for enjoyment and educational purposes. I cast to share artists and subjects that interest me.
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Art Monthly's regular visual art discussion programme presented by Matt Hale and Chris McCormack broadcast by Resonance FM. Each month writers from the London-based contemporary art magazine discuss topics featured in the current issue.
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藝術聲鮮 ART TAIPEI Live Talk


藝術聲鮮 ART TAIPEI Live Talk 在數位工具不斷改善、普及的當代語境中,ART TAIPEI沿伸了嶄新的接觸、認識、了解藝術的方式。 在ART TAIPEI 2024將於10月25日至10月28日世貿一館展覽現場打造直播錄音間;主打不間斷聊藝術,讓藝術話題飄揚網路時空。除了展前預錄宣傳,布展日也透過Podcast直播開箱活動,系列節目也將收錄台北藝博從布展到最後一天的聲音片段,為ART TAIPEI留下珍貴的紀錄,聽眾也能在ART TAIPEI官網及各大Podcast平台聆聽! ART TAIPEI 官網 ART TAIPEI Facebook: ART TAIPEI Instagram: @arttaipei(
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Art and Talk - Il podcast dell'arte

Silvia Tiritiello e Cristian Tosato

Nato dalla nostra grande passione per la cultura e l’arte, Art and Talk è un podcast alla portata di tutti. Le nostre puntate infatti non vogliono essere noiose lezioni accademiche di arte, ma uno spunto per farti incuriosire e per avvicinarti ai più grandi protagonisti della storia dell’arte. Puoi ascoltarlo ovunque e in qualsiasi momento. All’interno di ogni episodio di Art and Talk trovi i link alle opere di cui parliamo che sono anche su questo sito nella sezione relativa ad ogni singolo ...
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Art · The Creative Process: Artists, Curators, Museum Directors Talk Art, Life & Creativity

Artists, Curators, Museum Directors Talk Art & Creativity · Creative Process Original Series

Art episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. We speak to artists, curators, museum directors about their work & how they made their creative careers. To listen to arts episodes across a variety of disciplines, follow our main podcast: “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”. You’ll find us on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations wit ...
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Art Talks discusses ways in which artists are pioneering a new era of creativity, experimentation, and artistic expression. Hosted in collaboration with leading contemporary art gallery HOFA , we bring tech innovation and critically-acclaimed digital artists together to explore themes of identity, cultural heritage, creative process, digital and generative art.
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Music & Dance: Musicians, Composers, Singers, Dancers, Choreographers, Performers Talk Art, Creativity & The Creative Process

Musicians, Composers, Performers, Dancers, Conversation: Creative Process Original Series

Music & Dance episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds of creative people. Conversations with writers, artists & creative thinkers across the Arts & STEM. We discuss their life, work & artistic practice. Winners ...
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Welcome To The A.R.T Talks With DAJS The ARTBOii & Tesfa Latty, Where We Talk About ART, Inspiration, Creativity, Life, Reality & Truth. Basically a artist link up. Where You Listen, Be Inspired, Create, & Share. " ART is a reflection of REALITY which is the ultimate TRUTH"-ARTBOii #ArtTalksPodcast #arttalks #arttalkslinkup Support this podcast:
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Film & TV, The Creative Process: Acting, Directing, Writing, Cinematography, Producers, Composers, Costume Design, Talk Art & Creativity

Acting, Directing, Writing, Cinematography Producing Conversations: Creative Process Original Series

Film & TV episodes of the popular The Creative Process podcast. We speak to actors, directors, writers, cinematographers & variety of behind the scenes creatives about their work and how they forged their creative careers. To listen to ALL arts & creativity episodes of “The Creative Process · Arts, Culture & Society”, you’ll find our main podcast on Apple:, Spotify:, or wherever you get your podcasts! Exploring the fascinating minds o ...
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The ART of Girl Talk: A safe, judgement-free space to talk life experiences with three best friends hailing from Washington, D.C, and an expert navigating this journey of self-discovery and growth.
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Some of the world's greatest artists, designers, photographers and architects showcase their work and visions onstage at the TED conference, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos free on, with an interactive English transcript and subtitles in up to 80 languages. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.
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British Art Talks

Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art

British Art Talks is the audio series of the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art. It features new research and aims to enhance and expand knowledge of British art and architecture. The PMC is an educational charity that champions new ways of understanding British art history and culture. We publish, teach and carry out research, both at the Centre in London and through our online platforms. Our archives, library and lively events programme are open to researchers, students and the ...
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Lucy Clark, Owner of The Lucy Clark Gallery & Studio, will dive deep into the essence of the artists in her gallery and beyond to find their inspiration and exactly who they are and why they do what they do. If you have ever wondered what drives an artist to create or perhaps you are looking to connect with an artist that you admire, this podcast strives to deliver. Lucy will explore in conversation with other artists just what it means to create and where, down deep, we all want to touch an ...
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show series
Olá, sejam muito bem vindos ao canal art talks.Nesse episódio vamos responder 7 dúvidas sobre mercado de artes e carreira, então fica até o final para aproveitar algumas dicas por aqui.@Ana Katia de Mesquita BragaTenho sempre dúvidas sobre os certificados. Devo fazer o meu ou a galeria fornece?@ricardocarneiroartOs investidores têm preferência por …
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Episode 600: Listen to my chat with Sonoma County abstract painter & portraitist, Deb Breton. We talk about art as therapy, how learning art history can create a relationship with the art; being a full-time artist, her inspirations, why she’s inspired by Taylor Swift & Basquiat, being a positive force, & much more. All images used with permission. …
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We meet painter Vanessa Raw to discuss her solo show at the Rubell Museum Miami, where she was the 2024 Artist-in-Residence. Vanessa Raw: This is How the Light Gets In marks her first exhibition in the United States, as well as her first institutional show. In these newly commissioned, large-scale works, Raw’s distinctive layered brushwork and expr…
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Peter Weller is a renowned theater and Hollywood actor. His performances in films such as RoboCop and Naked Lunch garnered him much critical and commercial success over the years. His television acting and directing credits include Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, and 24. Unbeknownst to most, Weller has spent decades honing his appreciation for the visual …
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路易斯.布爾喬亞展覽預售票購票 【藝術聲鮮ART TAIPEI Live Talk】節目由中華民國畫廊協會企劃製作 來賓|富邦美術館 林羽婕副館長 精彩內容 |路易絲.布爾喬亞是誰? |是什麼契機讓台灣終於等到路易絲.布爾喬亞這位藝術家的展覽? |富邦美術館會用什麼樣的角度或空間去詮釋這次的展覽? |除了最經典的「大蜘蛛」之外還有哪些精彩作品? |本次展覽的獨家爆點是? 《路易絲.布爾喬亞:剛從地獄回來,順便說一句,太精采了》展覽資訊 ◎時間:2025.3.15 - 2025.6.30 ◎地點:富邦美術館1樓 水景展廳、3樓 星光展廳 ◎富邦美術館官網:…
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In questa puntata vi parliamo del pittore americano Edward Hopper, pittore, incisore e illustratore vissuto tra il 1882 e il 1967. Sebbene sia arrivato tardi al successo, Hopper è oggi ritenuto uno degli artisti più rappresentativi della tradizione americana, in grado di creare, attraverso l’uso sapiente degli schemi compositivi e della forza espre…
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O Art Talks é o canal do Neste episódio de perguntas e respostas, o Paulo responde às seguintes questões:@reisjpegComo começar a carreira como curador?@guicorrea_tattooQual a melhor forma de precificar o trabalho de pintura em tela@precieleSe o artista fizer uma obra e 1º for para uma exposição e depois pra galeria ela ainda é do setor…
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Peter Weller is a renowned theater and Hollywood actor. His performances in films such as RoboCop and Naked Lunch garnered him much critical and commercial success over the years. His television acting and directing credits include Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, and 24. Unbeknownst to most, Weller has spent decades honing his appreciation for the visual …
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Peter Weller is a renowned theater and Hollywood actor. His performances in films such as RoboCop and Naked Lunch garnered him much critical and commercial success over the years. His television acting and directing credits include Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, and 24. Unbeknownst to most, Weller has spent decades honing his appreciation for the visual …
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“I met Miles backstage at the Hollywood Bowl—the last gig he ever played. Miles asked, “Who’s that white boy?” I introduced him to Bob Thiel Jr., whose father produced Coltrane. When Miles discovered this, he said, “Well, you can hang,” following this friendly gesture with me walking Miles to his car. I did not know he was dying. I kissed him on bo…
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“I met Miles backstage at the Hollywood Bowl—the last gig he ever played. Miles asked, “Who’s that white boy?” I introduced him to Bob Thiel Jr., whose father produced Coltrane. When Miles discovered this, he said, “Well, you can hang,” following this friendly gesture with me walking Miles to his car. I did not know he was dying. I kissed him on bo…
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“I met Miles backstage at the Hollywood Bowl—the last gig he ever played. Miles asked, “Who’s that white boy?” I introduced him to Bob Thiel Jr., whose father produced Coltrane. When Miles discovered this, he said, “Well, you can hang,” following this friendly gesture with me walking Miles to his car. I did not know he was dying. I kissed him on bo…
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A numeração de reproduções de obras de um mesmo original devem mudar para tamanhos diferentes ou devem seguir uma única numeração.Responderemos a esta pergunta neste vídeo.📱Nos acompanhe nos demais canais:1️⃣ Instagram:️⃣ Portal de arte:️⃣ Arteindex: Instagram: ht…
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Episode 599: Listen as I chat with Iraqi born sculptor, artist, & teacher, Ahmed Fadaam. We talk about sculpting methods, doing art in wartime in Baghdad, being a journalist, how he escaped to the US. He’s also making a comic for DC Comics about his life. It’s really an amazing story! All images used with permission. This episode is brought to you …
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Neste vídeo, nós falamos de técnicas usadas pelas galerias de arte para facilitar a venda de uma obra de arte.📱Nos acompanhe nos demais canais:1️⃣ Instagram:️⃣ Portal de arte:️⃣ Arteindex: Instagram: Instagram:…
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We meet legendary artist Peter Berlin from his home in San Francisco. Peter Berlin (born Armin Hagen Freiherr von Hoyningen-Huene) is a photographer, artist, filmmaker, clothing designer, model, and gay icon. Berlin started taking self-portraits of himself in the 1970s. By modifying his clothes, choosing various props and settings, and sometimes us…
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No video de hoje nós falamos sobre o processo a ser percorrido para fazer uma exposição de arte.📱Nos acompanhe nos demais canais:1️⃣ Instagram:️⃣ Portal de arte:️⃣ Arteindex: Instagram: Instagram:…
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JULIE ANDREWS (Oscar, Tony & Pulitzer Prize-winning Actress & Singer · The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins) Andrews shares her experience working on Mary Poppins, revealing behind-the-scenes secrets about the character. She reminisces about her collaboration with Walt Disney and Tony Walton. ETGAR KERET (Cannes Film Festival Award-winning Director & A…
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Neste programa discutimos a valorização de algumas técnicas mais do que outras.📱Nos acompanhe nos demais canais:1️⃣ Instagram:️⃣ Portal de arte:️⃣ Arteindex: Instagram: Instagram:…
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New @TalkArt podcast! We meet leading artist Mickalene Thomas to explore her major solo show in London’s Hayward Gallery. SEASON 24 BEGINS!!!! Happy Valentine’s Day! Our gift to you is Episode 1 of Season 24!!!! 'All About Love' presents two decades of work by the internationally celebrated artist and pioneering portraitist Mickalene Thomas (born 1…
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“What I have done in my career is just try to assess who we are, what we are, why we are here, and how come we, as animals, are able to walk around and wear pants and dresses and talk on the internet, while the other animals are not. It's been my obsession since I was young. I think if I hadn't become a novelist, I might have been happy to be a nat…
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Why are we filled with so many contradictions? How does writing help us make sense of the absurdity and of the absurdity and chaos of the world? T.C. Boyle is a novelist and short story writer based out of Santa Barbara, California. He has published 19 novels, such as The Road to Wellville and more than 150 short stories for publications like The N…
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【藝術聲鮮ART TAIPEI Live Talk】節目由中華民國畫廊協會企劃製作 來賓|中華民國畫廊協會藝術總監 Viola 精彩內容 |目前ART SG的市場現況? |藍籌畫廊的回歸,在市場策略上有哪些想法上的改變? |什麼是S.E.A. Focus? |是否能期待一下今年的Taipei Art Week? |新加坡在舉辦一連串的活動後,對於在新的藝術市場的定位上有哪些轉變? |台灣的藝博會在未來是否有機會效仿新加坡的模式? |藏家也能舉辦藝博會? 中華民國畫廊協會官網: Instagram: 節目維護單位:聲鮮時采科技 ([email protected]
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No programa de hoje vamos discutir como devemos fazer para vender online de uma forma eficiente. 📱Nos acompanhe nos demais canais:1️⃣ Instagram:️⃣ Portal de arte:️⃣ Arteindex: Instagram: Instagram:…
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Episode 598: Listen as I chat with Andy Sinclair & Stefania Van Dyke of the Denver Art Museum, about their Maurice Sendak, Wild Things exhibition, which covers his 65 year career of illustration and popular books. The show is so popular, it has been extended to Feb. 23, 2025. Images used with permission. This episode is brought to you by: The post …
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Neste vídeos falamos sobre os prós e contras de um artista navegar por muitas frentes.📱Nos acompanhe nos demais canais:1️⃣ Instagram:️⃣ Portal de arte:️⃣ Arteindex: Instagram: Instagram:…
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Neste programa falamos sobre vários pontos importantes na hora de montar uma galeria de arte.📱Nos acompanhe nos demais canais:1️⃣ Instagram:️⃣ Portal de arte:️⃣ Arteindex: Instagram: Instagram:…
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