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show episodes
Each week Stuart and Jo dive deep into a wide range of topics, all focused on inspiring humanity to evolve into a more balanced and harmonious existence. They host on the podcast experts from all kinds of different fields. Movers and shakers that are opening hearts and minds in Yoga, health, fitness, nutrition, art, entertainment, entrepreneurship & spirituality. These are raw and honest conversations with no script. With these conversations I intend to provoke, educate, inspire and empower ...
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Dancing Mind Yoga's Podcast

Dancing Mind Yoga

We are the DC area’s only Baptiste Power Vinyasa Affiliate yoga studio and one of only 55 affiliates worldwide. Our Power Yoga classes offer an exciting and challenging way to transform your body, challenge your mind, develop strength, focus, flexibility, and ultimately unleash the best that is within you!
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"My Yoga Mind" is a podcast channel offered by KrsnaKnows that focuses on exploring the practice of yoga beyond just the physical asanas. Hosted by KrsnaKnows, an experienced Spiritual Master, this podcast dives deep into the philosophy and principles of different forms of yoga can be applied to your daily life for greater inner peace, happiness, blissfulness and general well-being. Each episode offers practical tips and insights on meditation, breathwork, mindfulness, love, devotion and oth ...
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Swami Tattwamayananda’s exposition of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras was given at the Vedanta Society of Northern California, San Francisco (founded by Swami Vivekananda in 1900) from October 10, 2014 to December 21, 2018 in a series of 111 lectures. These lectures include a mixture of philosophy both Eastern and Western, history, psychology, comparative theology, mysticism, classical parables, and simple everyday examples. Patanjali was a great Indian sage who wrote major treatises on Ayurveda, Sa ...
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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali After reading many self development books on creative visualisation, mind control, power of the sub-conscious and self-actualisation, I got to studying Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, that changed my life. I realised that the previous books I had been reading, the crux of all that knowledge and much more had already been compiled more than 2500 years back by Maharishi Patanjali in the 196 Yoga Sutras. Each Sutra is a pearl of wisdom, to be properly chewed, digested and pra ...
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show series
Send us a text Join me as I chat about live, heath and spirit. As mentioned, here are some links: Please use the following link to get the best red light technology available: https://infraredi.com.au?sca_ref=7963432.mB3nkmhNaH Use promo code STUARTWATKINS for a nice discount. Take your baths to the next level with STEEP AYURVEDA. METHYLENE BLUE ht…
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Send us a text A cntrespace weekend retreat with Stuart and Cam Watkins featuring live soundscape by Matthew Hatch. January 11-12, 2025 Join us for this powerful immersive weekend of authentic Yoga and connection, blissful soundscapes and intelligent movement exploration, specifically focused on providing a potent platform to explore the Self, in a…
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Send us a text After an unexpected hiatus filled with home renovations and globe-trotting adventures with my daughter, I'm excited to reconnect with you all. Much love as we journey onward together. So much gratitude to the sponsors of this show: https://www.solemechanics.com.au?sca_ref=2745696.Gb110u1TEi Your discount code is: WATKINS6162 for 15% …
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Send us a text Please join us for a practice to help wake us up to who we Truly are. Join us November 1st in Perth City for the next Quiet Mind, Open Heart. So much gratitude to the sponsors of this show: https://www.solemechanics.com.au?sca_ref=2745696.Gb110u1TEi Your discount code is: WATKINS6162 for 15% off To get the best mala beads out there v…
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Send us a text We're back, baby! So much gratitude to the sponsors of this show: https://www.solemechanics.com.au?sca_ref=2745696.Gb110u1TEi Your discount code is: WATKINS6162 for 15% off To get the best mala beads out there visit: https://www.aumrudraksha.com/ & enter promo code WATKINS10 for 10% off. Click the link below for $30 off at Outerknown…
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Send us a text We're so proud of the graduates of our teacher trainer course! Well done Yoga Heart Mind crew! Many of you have been asking if we'll be doing the YTT again next year. We won't be, but we're very excited about this advanced studies programme. Check it out here and have a listen to this podcast episode to hear our vision for this progr…
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Send us a text Mother, mentor, poet, artist, volunteer, bestselling author and host of the Practice You Podcast, Elena Brower has taught yoga and meditation since 1999. After graduating Cornell University in 1992, she designed textiles and apparel for almost a decade shifting her focus to yoga, meditation, art and writing. Her first book, Art of At…
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54th Sutra Chapter 2 When consciousness gets centered within by uncoupling from external objects, the senses do likewise;this is called withdrawal of the senses, Pratyahara. Pratyahara, or withdrawal of the senses and moving them inwards,away from external stimuli, is equated with a turtle pulling its limbs into its shell. Pratyahara is the fifth l…
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Send us a text Tully is a committed father and husband who has a deep passion for supporting people to access their full creative potential in life, love and leadership. Known for his down-to-earth approach, Tully speaks about complex intimate issues with ease, clarity, and humour. He has a gift for helping people drop out of their busy overwhelmed…
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Send us a text Benjy and Heather Wertheimer have been leading kirtan (sacred chanting) worldwide since 2001 as the duo Shantala. They are known for their special gift of bringing the audience into a vast and loving experience through their unique blend of exquisite voices with instruments of India and the West. Together they create music with beaut…
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53rd Sutra Chapter 2And, the mind attains the ability to concentrate, to focus its attention.Pranayama is not only an instrument to steady and purify the mind to experience the prakash of the buddhi, the dawn of wisdom, as detailed in the last Sutra, but also the gateway to concentration, Dharana.Dharana is the sixth limb of AshtangaYoga, the eight…
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Send us a text After sell out shows at Perth and Adelaide Fringe, the other boy from Bassendean Corey White returns for one night only in Fremantle. I'll be going. If you want to join us and the WA community click here for tickets. Corey White went from criminal lawyer to Australia's most controversial comedian. Since then he's appeared at Sydney W…
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Send us a text Ryan Rowlands and Jaime Duff are the founders of of @holistika_au and @brotherhoodawakening Join these two beautiful men, myself and the incredible community. To book your ticket please click here. Much gratitude to the sponsors of this show: ww.solemechanics.com.au Your discount code is: WATKINS6162 for 15% off https://www.themilkcl…
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Send us a text Eric Schwarz is a Yoga Teacher and a life coach. His teaching style is engaging, empowering and creative, embracing the full potential of body, mind and spirit. Eric was voted best yoga instructor in Washington, DC in 2016 and his students across the globe are a testimony of this honour. Eric is an E-RYT 500 and leads state of the ar…
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52nd Sutra Chapter 2Pranayama removes the veil covering the inner light of knowledge and heralds the dawn of wisdom.In essence, if we observe from the bottom of the sea floor, there are many a veils we would encounter.Firstly, the deposit on the sea floor, which could be linked with the Samskara deposit of Karma.Secondly, the muddied waters of the …
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51st Sutra Chapter 2: bThe second fundamental quality of the fourth Pranayama is that it ends Dualities. Non Duality is being undisturbed by Dualistic thinking.Being untouched by the crests and troughs of the thought waves disturbing the mind.Non Duality is becoming one with our inner self, the witness consciousness, the soul, the Purush within.Bec…
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51st Sutra Chapter 2: bThe first essential aspect of the fourth Pranayama is that it is effortless. Progressing from Doing the action to Being the action.As the effort starts becoming effortless, we start to align and merge with the infinite.Leading to a stable body, a blissful mind and actualisation of our infinite potential.——————————————- बाह्या…
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51st Sutra Chapter 2: aThe fourth Pranayama transcends the external and internal operations, and appears effortless and non-deliberate.The long and subtle movement of breath starts functioning without one’s effort.And a state of pause is experienced, in both the breath and the mind.The science and art of breath begins and ends with awareness.Everyt…
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50th Sutra Chapter 2: fBenefits of Pranayama are innumerable.Starting from the beneficial effects of Pranayama pose to the phenomenal effects of Basic Yogic breathing and Advanced Yogic breathing, all directly impacting our physical, mental and emotional health.Increasing the vitality, longevity and life force of the body, prompting the body to res…
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50th Sutra Chapter 2: eAdvanced Yogic Breathing involves first understanding our breath, and then slowing down the process of this breath.Our breath does not involve only inhalation and exhalation, but their are gaps between the two.Our breath has four stages: Inhalation, stoppage of breath, exhalation and stoppage of breath.Our Yogis realised that…
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Yoga Sutra 2.50 d: Yogic Breathing Pranayama: How to make our breath long and subtle through Desha, Kala and Samkhya50th Sutra Chapter 2: d How to make our breath long and subtle regulated through Desha, Kala and Samkhya, ie through Space, Time and Number.The basic form of Pranayama, Yogic Breathing works on all these three aspects to fulfil two pu…
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50th Sutra Chapter 2: cThe phases of Pranayama are exhalation, inhalation, and suspension.Observing them in space, time and number, one is able to render breathing more harmonious in duration and subtlety.As per Patanjali, where the attention goes, Pran flows.————————————बाह्याभ्यन्तरस्तम्भवृत्तिर्देशकालसंख्याभिः परिदृष्टो दीर्घसूक्ष्मः॥५०॥bāhya-āb…
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50th Sutra Chapter 2: bThe modifications of breath in exhalation, inhalation, and retention regulated by Desh (place), Kala (time) and Sankhya (number) leads to long and subtle breathing.Regulation by Desha means the location where the breath is directed, and how to regulate, observe and measure this aspect.————————————बाह्याभ्यन्तरस्तम्भवृत्तिर्दे…
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50th Sutra Chapter 2Pranayama has three movements:out-breath, in-breath and breath suspension,that are harmoniously regulated with precision,to become progressively long and subtle,when observed by means of location, time, and number.As we control our breath, we control our thoughts. And as we observe our breath,we get to observe our thoughts and e…
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49th Sutra Chapter 2: cPranayama is mastery of Pran, the universal life force, through the breath. Pranayama is considered in our Scriptures as Param Tapa that is the highest form of Tapa practice, that purifies all impurities in the body and the mind.——————————————तस्मिन् सति श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामःtasmin: on thissati: being accomp…
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49th Sutra Chapter 2: bThe cosmic energy is churned together through inhalation and exhalation for the production of the nectar of life.This is called Pranayama.——————————————तस्मिन् सति श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामःtasmin: on thissati: being accomplishedshvaasa: inhalationprashvaasayoh: exhalationgati: movementvichChedaH: regulation;pran…
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49th Sutra Chapter 2: aThat Asana having been perfected, regulation of the flow of inhalation and exhalation, is Pranayama.——————————————तस्मिन् सति श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामःtasmin: on thissati: being accomplishedshvaasa: inhalationprashvaasayoh: exhalationgati: movementvichChedaH: regulation;prana: cosmic energy ayama: churningpraaNa…
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48th Sutra Chapter 2From then on, the sadhaka is undisturbed by the dualities of the pairs of inseparable opposites.Like pain and pleasure, heat and cold, success and failure, honor and dishonour...His whole life is transformed.——————————————ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातःtatah: consequently, then, at this pointdvandva: by the opposites, opposing pair, dualit…
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47th Sutra Chapter 2By relaxation of effort and absorption in the infinite, the posture is mastered.——————————————प्रयत्नशैथिल्यानन्त्यसमापत्तिभ्याम्॥prayatna-shaithilya-anantya-samaapattibhyaamprayatna: effortshaithilya: relaxationananta: the infinitesamaapattibhyaam: absorption of mind---------------------------…
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46th Sutra Chapter 2The posture of the body, as also the posture of the mind, or attitude to life, should be firm and pleasant.Through the Asans, as we develop the requisite strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, ease and comfort in the physical body, so do the same get developed in the mind, psychologically and emotionally. As the body gets to…
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45th Sutra Chapter 2By complete self surrender to God, perfection in Samadhi is attained.To realise our infinite self, we need to transcend our limitation, that is the ego.Surrender to God is the easiest way to overcome this obstacle, to reach the ultimate.——————————————समाधिसिद्धिरीश्वरप्रणिधानात्samaadhisiddhirIshvarapraNidhaanaat samaadhi: ultim…
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44th Sutra Chapter 2Svaadhyaya, union with knowledge leads to union with the Divine.Union with the chosen divinity comes from Svaadhyaya, the study of selfthrough the sacred texts.——————————————स्वाध्यायादिष्टदेवतासंप्रयोगःsvaadhyaayaa-diShTa-devataa-saMprayogaHsvaadhyaayaat: from study of self through study of sacred scriptures, iShTa: desired, pr…
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Sutra 2.43Through Tapas, the inner fire of self-discipline, impurities of body and senses are destroyed and supernatural powers gained.——————————————कायेन्द्रियसिद्धिरशुद्धिक्षयात्तपसःkaayendriyasiddhirashuddhikShayaattapasaHkaaya: the bodyindriya: sensessiddhih: perfection, supernatural powersashuddhi: impuritieskShayaat: destroyed tapasaH: inner …
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42nd Sutra Chapter 2Contentment brings supreme happiness.Eat cleanKeep fitBe contentThe supreme secret to happiness!——————————————संतोषादनुत्तमसुखलाभःsantoshad anuttamah sukhalabhahsantosha - contentmentanuttamah - supremesukha - happinesslabhah - gained.---------------------------
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41st Sutra Chapter 2Upon the purification of the mind, one attains cheerfulness, one pointedness, sense control and fitness, for the realisation of the Self.The first sign that we are becoming spiritual, is that we are becoming cheerful.When this comes, know that we are progressing in Yoga.——————————————सत्त्वशुद्धिसौमनस्यैकाग्र्येन्द्रियजयात्मदर्श…
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40th Sutra Chapter 2Purity and cleanliness guides us to protect and maintain our body like a temple, for the soul to reside within. We learn to see and appreciate the Cosmic beauty, rather than the cosmetic beauty, in ourselves as well as others.——————————————शौचात् स्वाङ्गजुगुप्सा परैरसंसर्गः //2.40//shauchat svanggajugupsa parairasansargah//2.40/…
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39th Sutra Chapter 2One who perseveres on the path of non-possessiveness, gains deep understanding of the meaning of life. The power of clairvoyance is developed, helping one to plan one’s future lives from this present life.——————————————————अपरिग्रहस्थैर्ये जन्मकथंतासंबोधःaparigrahasthairye janmakathantasanbodhah• aparigraha - non-receiving• stha…
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38th Sutra Chapter 2When the Sadhak is firmly established in Brahmcharya, knowledge, vigour, valour and energy flow to him.——————————————————ब्रह्मचर्यप्रतिष्ठायां वीर्यलाभःbrahmacharyapratishthayam viryalabhah· brahmacharya - channelising energies towards ultimate goal· pratishthayam - established· virya - energy, strength· labhah - gained.-------…
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37th Sutra Chapter 2When one is established in refrainment from stealing, precious jewels manifest.Upon the man who does not take what does not belong to him, all riches are showered.Being without desire, he effortlessly attracts what is precious, materially and figuratively, including the gem of all jewels, virtue.—————————————अस्तेयप्रतिष्ठायां स…
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36th Sutra Chapter 2On being firmly established in truthfulness the Yogi gets the power of attaining for himself and others the fruits of work without the work. When the sadhaka is firmly established in the practice of truth, his words become so potent that whatever he says comes to realization. The yogi achieves unity with truth.Whatever he says i…
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35th Sutra Chapter 2Around one who is solidly established in non-violence, all beings cease to be hostile.Love and warmth radiate from his being.Fear and discord vanish in his presence.By his example, he inspires people to give up enmity.——————————————अहिंसाप्रतिष्ठायां तत्सन्निधौ वैरत्यागःahimsapratishthayam tatsannidhau vairatyagah• ahimsa - non-…
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34th Sutra Chapter 2The obstacles to yoga- such as acts of violence and untruth or any of the acts contrary to the yama and niyam:- may be directly committed by oneself,performed on one’s behalf by another, or condoned of by oneself;either through greed, anger, or infatuation;whether mild, moderate, or intense,result in innumerable ignorances and m…
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33rd Sutra Chapter 2When harassed by doubt, cultivate the opposite mental attitude.Everything is creative twice.First in mind, and then in reality.So when our thoughts have so much power in our daily life, then why not make that reality a positive one.See the effects of changing your negative thoughts into positive ones and changing the reality.———…
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32nd Sutra Ch 2: 5th Niyama: Isvara PranidhanaWith lsvara pranidhana, self surrender to the divine, comes total surrender of the ego-sense.As the ego dissolves, the fears, the doubts, the worries, the expectations dissolve.If there is lsvara pranidhdna, one is in constant samadhi.——————————————————शौचसंतोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि नियमाःshauchas…
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32nd Sutra Ch 2: 4th Niyama: SvadhyayaSelf Study, ie., Svadhyaya reminds us that to fulfil the journey to Samadhi, we cannot be halfhearted in our efforts to look at ourselves, to look inside.If we know we are love and light, then we can never be tainted by the world around us.——————————————————शौचसंतोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि नियमाःshauchasant…
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32nd Sutra Ch 2: 3rd Niyama: TapasTapas ie., Self Discipline, is embracing pain as a friend and teacher.We can never change our life if we do not move out of the safe confines of our comfort zone.Change begins at the end of our comfort zone. ——————————————————शौचसंतोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि नियमाःshauchasantoshatapahsvadhyayeshvarapranidhanani…
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32nd Sutra Ch 2: 2nd Niyama: Santosha Santosha, ie., Contentment is developing the faith that steadies the mind.And is enough to take us to Self-realization.Put simply, the first two Niyams can be stated as follows:Eat clean.Get fit.Be content. We lack nothing.We only have to use what the Divine has already given us. ——————————————————शौचसंतोषतपःस्…
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32nd Sutra Ch 2: 1st Niyama: ShauchaTo achieve long term purity, we need to regulate what is allowed into our bodies as well as into our minds. Cleanliness is not only keeping our surroundings and environment clean, but it embraces and encompasses the whole being.A pure Body, mind, heart, and soul.———————————————शौचसंतोषतपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि…
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