Listen to sermons from Ambassador Church as well as special edition podcasts.
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Pastor Ethan begins an all new sermon series this week called Lament with a message acknowledging the depth of pain and suffering and how we can worship in brokenness.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan concludes our series with a message on Paul’s prayer to the church of Ephesus that they would experience the empowering of the Holy Spirit and the glorious riches of heaven to comprehend the great love of God through Jesus Christ.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan continues our series on prayer with a message on how we can learn to pray like Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane and trust God even in the midst of suffering. We also hear from a member of our church family about how she has been praying and trusting God through her battle with cancer.…
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Pastor Ethan continues our series on prayer with a message on Jesus’ priestly prayer from John 17.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan continues our series on prayer with a message on David's prayer of repentance from Psalm 51.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan continues our series on prayer with a message on Solomon's prayer for wisdom from 1 Kings 3:4-9.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Special guest speaker Stephen Leonard continues our Teach Us To Pray series with a message on the Lord’s Prayer.由Stephen Leonard
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Pastor Ethan Hedberg begins our new series, Teach Us to Pray, with a message encouraging us to pray with persistence and boldness and trust in God’s goodness and provision.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan concludes our Faithsteps series with a look at the communal side of discipleship at Ambassador.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Landon White continues our Faithsteps series with a look at the personal side of discipleship at Ambassador.由Landon White
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Pastor Ethan begins the new year with a message on what we hope discipleship will look like at Ambassador Church in 2025.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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As we close out 2024, Pastor Ethan reflects on what God has been teaching him.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan finishes up our Advent series with a special Christmas Eve message.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Christmas is good news because God came to earth, but what makes it great news of joy is the crucifixion and resurrection. Pastor Ethan continues our Advent series with a message reminding us the we can truly take heart, because Jesus has overcome the world.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Ambassador elder Landon White continues our Advent series with a message looking at the birth narrative in Luke’s Gospel and how the first witnesses to the arrival of the Prince of Peace responded to the Good News.由Landon White
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Pastor Ethan continues our Advent series with a message on waiting for the promised Messiah.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan begins our new Advent series, Take Heart: I Have Overcome the World, with a message about our need for the arrival of Jesus.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan wraps up this leg of our series in the book of Acts with a message on the sufficiency of God’s grace.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Special Guest speaker Stephen Leonard continues our series in Acts with a message about Jesus restoring our humanity as we turn away from dead idols and toward the living God.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Daniel continues our series in the book of Acts with a message reminding us that God is faithful to the unfaithful.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Pastor Ethan continues our series in the book of Acts with a message about suffering and persecution as a church.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan continues our series in the book of Acts with a message about what a church on mission looks like.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan continues our series in the Book of Acts with a message on unity; reminding us that there is level ground at the foot of the cross.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Daniel continues our series in the book of Acts with a message on how the power of the Gospel is demonstrated by carrying forward the compassion we have received.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Pastor Ethan continues our series in the Book of Acts with a message on how we proclaim the name of Jesus, welcome and support the vulnerable, and work together with other churches for Kingdom Impact.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Our series on the book of Acts continues as Pastor Ethan looks at the story of Saul's conversion and what it looks like for us to leave behind our old selves and be transformed into our new identity in Christ.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan brings us back to the book of Acts with a message on our calling as a church from Acts 8:26-40.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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We return to our series in the book of Acts with our second First Read service. Read along with us as we go through Acts 8:25-15:35.由Ambassador Church
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Our Bridge the Gap series comes to a conclusion as Pastor Ethan talks about church hurt and how we as disciples of Jesus can come closer together rather than pulling apart when conflict arises.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Special guest speaker Tim Culling continues our Bridge the Gap series with a message on loving our enemies.由Tim Culling
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Landon White (Ambassador Church elder) continues our Bridge the Gap series with a message on how our practices—both sacred and secular—shape our hearts and minds.由Landon White
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Pastor Ethan continues our Bridge The Gap series with a message on politics and how we should engage as followers of Jesus.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Special guest speaker Tim Muehlhoff of Biola University continues our "Bridge The Gap" series with a message on conflict resolution.由Tim Muehlhoff
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Pastor Ethan kicks off our new series, Bridge The Gap, with a message on standing in the middle and building bridges.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Daniel concludes our series on the Sermon on the Mount with a message on a disciples true foundation from Matthew 7:13-29.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Pastor Ethan continues our Sermon on the Mount series with a message on seeking God first from Matthew 6:25-34.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Daniel continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with a message on what the love of money reveals about our allegiance.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Pastor Ethan continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with a message on seeking to please God rather than people from Matthew 6:1-18.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Daniel continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with a message on true internal transformation through the work of Jesus from Matthew 5:17-47.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Pastor Ethan continues our series on the Sermon on the Mount with a look at what it means for followers of Jesus to be salt and light in the world.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Daniel kicks off our brand new series on the Sermon on the Mount with a message about humility from Matthew 5.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Our series comes to a close this Sunday as Pastor Ethan talks about the transfiguration and how we can follow in the example of Elijah.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Our series on Elijah continues as Pastor Ethan shares a message about spiritual discouragement from 1 Kings 19.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Our Elijah series continues as Pastor Daniel shares from 1 Kings 18 on how our hearts may waver from God, but He never wavers from us.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Our new series, Kingdom People: Elijah, continues this week as Pastor Ethan talks about trusting God in a world of scarcity from 1 Kings 17:8-24.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Our new series, Kingdom People: Elijah, starts this week as Pastor Ethan talks about the God of the Ravens from 1 Kings 17:1-7.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Ethan wraps up the first part of our series in the Book of Acts with a message from chapter 8.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Our series in Acts continues as Pastor Ethan looks at the ministry of Stephen and what it has to teach us about the Holy Spirit.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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Pastor Daniel continues our series in the book of Acts with a look at church unity and staying on mission.由Pastor Daniel Teeter
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Pastor Ethan continues our series in the book of Acts with a special Easter Sunday message on the echoes of the resurrection of Jesus.由Pastor Ethan Hedberg
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