Sermons and talks from St Giles' Church West Bridgford. For more details visit our website.
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Excelling in the gift of giving as part of our worship - giving with our hands, hearts and heads.由St Giles Church
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This week Joanna considers a different part of worship and, reflecting on Psalm 149, asks us 'why do we sing'?由St Giles Church
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This week Joanna speaks about worship as a response, a privilege and a place of transformation.由St Giles Church
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As we continue to prepare for Jesus' coming using the prophets of the Old Testament, this week we look at Zephaniah. We consider the call to repent and remember who God is, and rejoice as we wait. (Zephaniah 3: 14-end)由St Giles Church
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As we continue to look at the wisdom of prophets from the Old Testament, this week we turn to Malachi and his encouragement to live lives that truly reflect God's goodness and mercy (Malachi 3: 1-4).由St Giles Church
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Through December we will look at the words and wisdom of prophets from the Old Testament. First we reflect upon the words of Jeremiah, the voice of judgement and of grace, of lament and of confidence in the faithfulness of God (Jeremiah 33: 14-16).由St Giles Church
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Joanna explores how Jesus enables us to draw close to God, reflecting on today's reading - Hebrews 10: 19-25.由St Giles Church
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In the final week of our short series on Colossians, Graham takes a look at God's vision for the love and peace of Christ in action, and transformed relationships. (Colossians 3:17 - 4:6)由St Giles Church
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This week, continuing our short series on the book of Colossians, Graham invites us to lift our eyes and our hearts to Jesus, to consider how we can make him the focus in our lives. Colossians 3: 1-17由St Giles Church
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由St Giles Church
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Graham starts a short series this week on Paul's letter to the church in Colosse. Looking at Colossians 1: 3-14, he encourages us to commit afresh to prayer and to look for signs of God's faith, hope and love in the week ahead.由St Giles Church
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In this harvest season, Joanna invites us to consider our response to the creator God who gives good gifts. Genesis 1: 26-31由St Giles Church
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Our current Sunday sermon series is looking at Growing Disciples, with compassion, confidence and courage. Week 3: Courage 1 Peter 3: 14-16由St Giles Church
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Our current Sunday sermon series is looking at Growing Disciples, with compassion, confidence and courage. Week 2: Confidence. Matthew 7: 24-27由St Giles Church
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Our current Sunday sermon series is looking at Growing Disciples, with compassion, confidence and courage. Week 1: Compassion. Matthew 9: 35-38由St Giles Church
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In the last week of our series looking at the work of the Holy Spirit, Joanna considers what Jesus says about the Spirit in John 14: 15-27. She reflects on his promise that the gift of the Holy Spirit is available to each one of us - to live in us, to be our counsellor, our helper, our guide.由St Giles Church
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In his first talk at St Giles, our new curate Graham reflects on Acts 11: 19-30, when Barnabas rejoices at the grace of God's work in building up the early church. He reminds us to continue to encourage one another in the same way, by sharing how the hand of the Lord is at work among us today.由St Giles Church
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On the morning that we joyfully celebrate Chloe and Daniel's baptisms, Joanna reflects on Acts 8: 26-40. She encourages us to ask the Holy Spirit to help us to understand God's word, so that we may discover more of Him and be equipped by the Spirit to share the good news about Jesus, that is for everyone.…
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This week Joanna reflects on Acts 6: 1-7. She considers how the Holy Spirit leads us to an understanding of the role that God has called us to in the world and how we are empowered by the Spirit to fulfil that role for the glory of God.
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Joanna looks at Acts 5: 1-11: how Peter's response to Ananias and Sapphira shows us that sin matters. She invites each of us to reflect on our own journey of discipleship, to pause and receive God's forgiveness; how is the the Holy Spirit is guiding us to be a holy people, at peace with one another and with God?…
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Joanna reflects on the impact of Peter and John healing a man in Acts 3: 1-9, encouraging us to live ready, filled with the Holy Spirit, ready to pray, praise and proclaim.由St Giles Church
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Over the next few weeks we will look at how the Holy Spirit is at work, and this week we start with how the Spirit unites and equips us to build a community of faith (Acts 2: 42-47).
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On Pentecost, Joanna invites us to reflect on God’s promise that the Holy Spirit is for everyone. How might the Holy Spirit equip us to step out to be who God is calling us to be? (Acts 2: 1-12)由St Giles Church
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As Bishop Paul joins us to lead a special service of confirmation at St Giles, he reflects on the power and the work of the Holy Spirit. He shares how the Spirit helps us to live in the freedom that Christ has brought us, and draws us closer to God each and every day. "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Romans 8:14…
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Joanna reflects on the importance of the Ascension and why we celebrate it (Acts 1: 1-11).由St Giles Church
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Looking at Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 Joanna invites us to reflect on the truth of the resurrection and the eternal perspective that it gives us. As Paul was transformed by Christ, are we letting him transform us day by day?由St Giles Church
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Joanna reflects on Luke 24: 36-49, when Jesus appears to the disciples and asks us to ask ourselves whether we are living a new normal in the light of the resurrection.由St Giles Church
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On Palm Sunday Emily Charkham reflects on Mark 11: 1-11 - Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King. As we begin our journey through Holy Week, she invites us to ponder, "do you know how much Jesus loves you?"由St Giles Church
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Simon Cartwright (Chief Officer at Transforming Notts Together) reflects upon Nehemiah, a man of action seeped in prayer (Nehemiah 1 - 2 v5).由St Giles Church
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This week we continue to look at the approaches of different people in the Bible to prayer. Che Seabourne considers Paul and his priority of prayer that revolves around Jesus (Ephesians 3:14-21).由St Giles Church
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Continuing with our Lent series looking at different people praying in the Bible, Joanna asks us what we can learn from Daniel and how his habit of prayer equipped him to face whatever came his way (Daniel 6: 1-27).由St Giles Church
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In looking at 1 Samuel 1 and the rawness of Hannah's prayer Joanna encourages us to seek God and to be real before God in prayer.由St Giles Church
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Looking at the story of the Transfiguration, seeking the presence of God.由St Giles Church
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This week Joanna shares her vision for God's calling on St Giles.由St Giles Church
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Joanna speaks on the theme of Belonging and what it means to be called into a community of faith, to belong to St Giles. She reflects on Mark 1:14-20, the calling of the first disciples.由St Giles Church
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This week Joanna asks us to reflect on what being part of our community at St Giles means. Looking at John 13: 1-17, we consider what it means to serve, to meet the needs of those around us, according to our gifts and talents.由St Giles Church
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Rev Kristine Mole reflects on Matthew 6: 5-15, where Jesus tells us how we should pray, and gives us the Lord's Prayer. Kristine encourages us to jump into the pool of refreshment that this prayer offers to us, to rest on a line of the Lord's Prayer.由St Giles Church
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Joanna invites us to consider the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15 - what has God given us and how does he want us to use it? She illustrates her message through the medium of homemade cake!由St Giles Church
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On her first Sunday at St Giles, our new Rector Joanna looks at on one of the most well known stories of the bible. She reflects on harvest and a God who takes the little we can offer and abundantly magnifies it. She invites us to give thanks for God’s provision and to pray to know how he wants us to use the resources that he has gifted us with.…
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This week the Treasurer of St Giles, Chris, talks about the financial facts of church life and invites us to reflect on how God has called us to be stewards of all his gifts, including our money, and to share responsibly all that God has given us.由St Giles Church
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On Sunday 11th September, in the shadow of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we are invited to consider her lifelong commitment to her duty and to her pledge to serve. We reflect on how we can commit our lives, pledge our all, to Christ and his service.
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In the latest of his talks on giving, Rev Christopher invites us to consider the importance of giving, as with all things that we are and have, being within the context of prayer.由St Giles Church
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"Where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Matthew 6: 21 In the next of his series of talks on the subject of giving, Rev Christopher Wheaton invites us to reflect on our attitude towards our money and what that reveals about our Christian discipleship, all framed by what Jesus says to us about money in the Bible.…
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Revd Peter Watkins helps us to consider what it means to be an outward looking church (Acts 4:32-35) and presents a biblical challenge for us all during the current Rector vacancy at St Giles: "they never stopped proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah".由St Giles Church
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Last Sunday we welcomed Rev Craig Hunt, the Diocesan Director of Ordinands. He talked about 'every member ministry' and the responsibility that we all have during this time of Rector vacancy to discover and use our gifts here at St Giles.由St Giles Church
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"It is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20: 35. Revd Christopher Wheaton invites us to reflect on the basic biblical principles for Christian giving.由St Giles Church
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Psalm 23 will be familiar to many, it begins 'The Lord is my Shepherd'. This is the final sermon of our Rector Rev Lee Proudlove before he left us and he encourages us to come afresh to the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep, and who's heart is gentle and lowly.由St Giles Church
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Psalm 33 encourages us to sing a new song. What does this mean? How do we sing the Lord's song when things around us seem to spinning out of control?由St Giles Church
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Exploring the meaning of the Transfiguration in Luke chapter 9.由St Giles Church
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What does it mean to be devoted to the teaching of the apostles as the early church was. Part of a new series looking at Acts 2:42 - 'They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.'.由St Giles Church
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