From the sick and twisted mind behind Slobcore Kitchen!!!!!!!!! Just a normal weird guy talking to my normal weird friends!
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O Podcore é um podcast voltado para o universo do hardcore, comandado pelo jornalista Fábio Forni, pelo publicitário Luis Antônio e pelo também publicitário Vinícius Pereira. Aqui temos como objetivo trazer conteúdos referentes ao gênero, entrevistas e indicações.
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You can watch the video of this reading on my Youtube or Instagram由Bryn Nilsen
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Read the article here:由Bryn Nilsen
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由Bryn Nilsen
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Talking with Mamma and Pappa about our beloved Riley and our grief由Bryn Nilsen
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My cousin Annika came over and we talked about all things grief and Riley! They would have loved the steak, eggs, and broccoli that we ate in their honor由Bryn Nilsen
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The next installment in my grief pod! Got together with my sibling Xylem to remember and celebrate Riley Faye +'s expansive and beautiful queerness for Pride month! They all took this picture of us on a super nice walk and hangout we had a couple of years ago. We love and miss you and all of your parts, selves, and identities!…
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We went to Taco Time! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM check my Instagram for a taste test of the dastardly TacoTime International! Ciao!由Bryn Nilsen
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Talking about Riley and our experience with grief with my older brother Andrew. I love you Broheimious Maximus由Bryn Nilsen
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Well folks this is a big one. My siblings Andrew and Xylem came over and we talked about the life and death of our beloved youngest sibling Riley Faye+. So many important things said and shared and also so much fun and joy captured. Riley was certainly present with us. That's all I have to write, look below for the links to two pictures which inclu…
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You're gonna have to make it through the burp zone to get to the best song at the end. See if you can hear Riley's voice within ours. Sorry about the rough audio, I should get a mic stand lol. I love you all!由Bryn Nilsen
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由Bryn Nilsen
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I was archiving some stuff and came upon the booklet from my Bestemamma Marge Nilsen's memorial service. There was some great stuff in there so I felt called to share! Enjoy and hopefully I will be using this podcast feed more由Bryn Nilsen
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This was a really fun one with my friend Dominic! So great just riffing with someone as insightful and fun as him! Give er a listen! If you dare!!!!!!由Bryn Nilsen
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Wassup y'all I am feeling back on my Pod game. This one with Adam, one of my friends from childhood who I recently have reconnected with. We reminisce on the old Stephenson Elementary days, talk about Riley, gender, masculinity, writing, art, teaching, and a bunch of other random cool stuff. Adam is as brilliant and hilarious as he was back in 4th …
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Podcast is back folks, I plan on making more full episodes with guests as well as sharing whatever random audio recordings that I want. Enjoy!由Bryn Nilsen
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Reading and Reacting to "I Fell Down the Alt-Right Rabbit Hole. Eventually, I Climbed My Way Out." by Justin Brown-Ramsey in Jacobin
Feel free to read it yourself and listen to my reaction around 28 minutes in.由Bryn Nilsen
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Check out the corresponding video here!由Bryn Nilsen
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Talking Coastal Ecosystems with Austin AKA The Kelpmeister AKA The Seaweed Shogun AKA The Dulse Dude
This was a fantastic one with my friend Austin! Get in on the kelp train now!!!!! THE FUTURE IS SEAWEED由Bryn Nilsen
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Four of us absolute goofballs reminiscing on family road trips of yore, playing some classic road trip games, and general hilarity!由Bryn Nilsen
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由Bryn Nilsen
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Clube do Disco no ar. Para falar de som, convidamos a nossa amiga Jessy Alberola, baterista da R4VEL. Rolou Bad Rabbits, Linkin Park e Movements. Cola que ficou foda!
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Com doses melódicas de hardcore, o Podcore Entrevista bateu aquele papo sensacional com o Guilherme Amato, o Fox, guitarrista do Costanera, Horace Green e do Zander. Falamos sobre a entrada no Zander, disco novo do Horace Green, planos para o futuro e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda!
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Com fortes doses de hardcore, o Podcore Encore da vez trocou uma ideia com a nossa querida amiga Yasmin Pacheco, da Eskröta. Falamos sobre o trampo novo da banda, o "Atenciosamente, Eskröta" e a tour do disco, entre outras coisas. Cola que ficou foda!!
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Trazendo boas doses de peso, o Podcore Entrevista trocou uma ideia massa com o Diego, Renato e Matheus, da banda Cura. Falamos sobre publicidade, projetos paralelos, Cura Fest, planos para o futuro e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda. Vida longa ⚒️
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My friend Shelby from LA joined for a great conversation! They teach me what a trombone is then we got into some of the classic Podcore Slobcast topics! The Internet! Friendship! Podcasting! Anxiety! Much more! Tune on in this is a great one!由Bryn Nilsen
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Mais um Clube do Disco no ar! E pra fazer uma mistura pra lá de diversificada, convidamos nosso amigo Gustavo Diakov pra falar de som com a gente. Rolou 36 Crazyfists, Have Mercy e Wiegedood. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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Chegamos aos 200 episódios! Isso aí mesmo, mais uma marca sensacional batida com sucesso! É pra esse super episódio, convidamos o grande Murilo Amancio, guitarrista da Badluv. Trocamos ideia sobre som, fotografia, audiovisual e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda, vida longa! ⚒️
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A rambling solo episode! The internet! Friendship! Supporting each other! Politics! More! Tune in if you want!由Bryn Nilsen
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Navegando pelo alternativo, o Podcore Entrevista trocou aquela ideia com o Vinicius e o André, da Clarea. Falamos sobre publicidade, influências, single novo, planos para o futuro e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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Did growing up white, in one of the richest and whitest parts of the whitest cities in America, lead to me developing implicit biases? Tune in to this episode with my friend Nate to find out!由Bryn Nilsen
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Com altas doses de grindcore e falatório sobre som, o Podcore Entrevista bateu um papo sensacional com o Caio Augusttus, vocalista do Desalmado e um dos idealizadores do canal Scena. Falamos sobre a cena, mídia underground, scena fest, planos para o futuro e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda. Vida longa ⚒️…
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Clube do Disco na área! Para trocar aquela ideia marota sobre discos, convidamos nosso querido amigo Caio Hansen para participar do episódio da vez. Rolou In Angles, Superheaven e Weezer. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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Watch the video here!!!由Bryn Nilsen
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Em meio a gravações, shows, bandas e muitas histórias do underground, o Podcore Entrevista trocou uma baita ideia com Tyello Silva, dono do Rock Together e guitarrista do Desprezo. Falamos sobre Straight Edge, colecionismo, a cena underground, bandas e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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Chegando com nome novo e mudanças na sonoridade, o Podcore Encore trouxe os irmãos Murillo e Felipe pra contar sobre essa nova fase da banda Queimando seus Reis. Cola que ficou foda. Vida longa! ⚒️
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Two of the four Skatebabes and the Bryntern come together to talk about the joys roller skating and Mike's Drive In!由Bryn Nilsen
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Misturando filmes com muita música, no Ilustres Desconhecidos de hoje trocamos uma ideia sensacional com o nosso amigo Danilo Carbone, criador do Filmes para Ouvir. Falamos sobre colecionismo, filmes, documentários e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda. Vida longa ⚒️
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由Bryn Nilsen
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Watch here!由Bryn Nilsen
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Trazendo uma sonoridade emo bem atual, o Podcore Entrevista trocou uma ideia com a banda gaúcha Atemiz. Falamos sobre a banda, vida e perspectivas pro futuro. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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🖲 ALERTA DE QUADRO NOVO 🖲 Quais discos você levaria para uma praia deserta? Essa é a pergunta que o nosso grande amigo Leonardo Cantinfras vai responder no Meu Escritório é na Praia. Vem saber qual vai ser a trilha sonora do Cantinfras nessa praia deserta. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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Clube do Disco na área! Pra falar sobre som, convidamos o nosso querido amigo Jean. Rolou Captain We're Sinking, Diabo Verde, Paleface e Protest the Hero. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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My pal Benny and I get in to all sorts of things, including growing up in Portland but across the river from each other.由Bryn Nilsen
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Com altas doses do mais puro hardcore melódico, o Podcore Entrevista trocou aquela ideia massa com o Chinho e o Mateus, do Chuva Negra. Falamos sobre a volta aos palcos, singles, sonoridades, planos para o futuro e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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No worries if this ain't your cup of tea. Got some fun friend interview eps coming soon!! Video Episode:由Bryn Nilsen
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Com doses pesadas de hardcore melódico, o Podcore Entrevista trocou uma baita ideia com o Fabiano Nick, da banda Fistt! Falamos sobre o álbum novo, processo de gravação e composição, cenário underground, planos para o futuro e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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Watch the video episode here!由Bryn Nilsen
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Com doses pesadas de Sludge Metal, o Podcore Entrevista bateu aquele papo com o Lucas França, guitarrista e vocalista da banda Cras! Falamos sobre colecionismo, metal torto, shows, planos para o futuro e muito mais. Cola que ficou foda! Vida longa ⚒️
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The robo version!由Bryn Nilsen
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Two of my dearest friends from college joined me to rank the foods in our campus cafeteria! This was a super fun and hilarious episode!由Bryn Nilsen
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