Tune in every week as Gamer Escape’s Aetheryte Radio crew talk about the latest news surrounding Final Fantasy XIV!
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Tune in to get caught up with all the new information announced during the most recent Live Letter! Check out our Live Letter summary. Check out our Patreon here, featuring our new content: Dungeon Disaster! — Watch live on Saturdays!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Join us as we talk about the latest news for FFXIV! Check out our Patreon here, featuring our new content: Dungeon Disaster! — Watch live on Saturdays!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Join us as we talk about the first wave of Live Letter information to release for Patch 7.2 Seekers of Eternity! Check out our Live Letter summary. Check out our Patreon here, featuring our new content: Dungeon Disaster! — Watch live on Saturdays!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Join us for the first episode of the year as we're joined by Dr. Griswald and Liana for another walk down Mod Controversy Lane.由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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We're hanging out with Lythi to talk about the recent race to world first in Final Fantasy XIV!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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It's patchin' time! -Oh, wait, no, we did that already. It's reviewin' time! We're sitting down with our review of Patch 7.1!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in as we talk about our initial impressions about Patch 7.1!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in as we get caught up with all of the info released for Patch 7.1!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in as we catch up with news from the newly opened Patch 7.1 Special Site and talk about the recently held GATEway FATE in St. Louis!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Crystaahhl and Adeen join the team today to talk about the experiences of women in our gaming communities. We keep it light, but we're also going get real here, so steel yourself for not Drama, but Trauma.由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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It's time to sort through the surprises and certainties of Live Letter LXXXIII with our guest Del! Also, Fusion talks about FFXI again. Whaaaat?!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in this week as we're joined by Pet Food Alpha Alum Squigglicious to talk about Echoes of Vana'diel!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in this week as we talk about what we would like to see out of Patch 7.1!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in this week as Lythi joins us once again as we go over all the latest news including info from Gamescom and PAX West 2024!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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The Aetheryte Radio crew hangs out and celebrates the show's 15th anniversary with a round of maps and *spoiler* filled Dawntrail discussion!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Lythi joins us for a chat about the latest Savage Raid tier's world race AND the news from the Chinese FFXIV Fanfest!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Just before the next Savage tier drops, we talk about the first tier of The Arcadion normal! Be wary of a few stray spoilers and much mechanic discussion.由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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We’re back after taking a few weeks off for summer vacationing! That also means we’re diving into our review of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, complete with story spoilers! If you haven’t gotten through the new story yet, our written review is spoiler free so you can still check out our overall thoughts on Dawntrail without…
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The Producer Letter Live LXXXII(82) has at last come to herald the arrival of Dawntrail! Join the whole Aetheryte Radio crew as we run through the upcoming changes, some known and some a complete surprise!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Sly and Joon just the Aetheryte Radio crew as we talk about the Dawntrail Media Tour!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in as we talk about, and unbox the Final Fantasy XIV TTRPG!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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With Dawntrail on the horizon, Gamer Escape's wiki is due for a big update! Today we'll talk about how you can navigate the wiki for helpful hints, as well as contribute your own!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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It is time to talk about all of the job changes that were announced during the latest Live Letter!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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This week we're joined by EksuSplosion and Sfia as we end our pre-Dawntrail Role Roadmap series with Casters!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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This week we're joined by MrHappy for the Ranged DPS episode of our pre-Dawntrail Role Roadmap series!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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This week we’re joined by SlyAKAgreyfox for the Melee DPS episode of our pre-Dawntrail Role Roadmap series! Keep up with Sly on Twitch and Twitter — Watch live on Saturdays at noon PST.由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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This week we're joined by Rin Karigani for the Tank episode of our pre-Dawntrail Role Roadmap series!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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For episode 280, we recap Live Letter 80! Coincidence? Yes, 100%! But that doesn't change how excited we are for some of these upcoming changes and additions!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Last weekend at PAX East, Yoshi-P gave a quick summary of the dev team's impression of how FFXIV's been doing over the past 10 years, then got down into the nitty-gritty with some new info from Dawntrail. And now... it's our turn! Join us as we recap!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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The internet has been absolutely abuzz with FFXIV related news this past week! So we are looking beyond the lodestone and getting back to our roots with a Classic Aetheryte Radio News Show!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Pure healing to shield healing and everything in-between healing! Today we discuss the current state of healing Jobs in Endwalker and what we hope to see in Dawntrail.由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Some of the most interesting and wild game lore can be found hidden in the lines of minion descriptions. Join us as these tiny cuties blow our minds!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Have you gotten your hands on a Lorebook Volume III yet? We managed to get our curious, lil fingers on one and we have perused the pristine pages to present you with some fun revelations that we found sprinkled throughout!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Today Aldianaux, Rook, and Xen tackle tier lists for a surprisingly in-depth run down of the best (and worst) Scions and Villains FFXIV! Let us know what you think! Were we totally off?由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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"Legs" has grown into something more! Furrier, friendlier, and one of the topics on today's episode about Patch 6.55, with Fornax The Herald and Dr. Griswald joining Fusion and Rook!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Tune in as the Aetheryte Radio crew talks about last weekend's FFXIV Fan Festival in Tokyo!This is a story all about how,Four nerds got together and all set down,To talk about a Fan Fest in the Tokyo Dome,And the Dawntrail we're a-following to get Wuk Lamat home!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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The countdown has begun for the final Final Fantasy Fan Festival! So today Fusion, Aldianaux and Rook put their predictions for Tokyo out into the Aether. What are you guys hoping for?!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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We are doing a deep dive on everything we know about the upcoming FFXIV TTRPG!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Are you feelin' fancy? We are! Join us for a for a leisurely perusal of the winners from the latest Hair Design Contest! Which do YOU think is the most beautimous?由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Some fabulous reps from the Firebird Theatre join FusionX, Aldianaux, and Rook to share their adventures on the stage in FFXIV and talk about their upcoming show: A Starlight Story!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Have you watched the streams from London, or even better, did yo get to go?! Whether you've already experienced the excitement, or you need to catch up, today's episode is for you, as the Aetheryte Radio crew recaps the London Fanfest 2023!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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The illustrious Anonymoose joins the team for our Patch 6.5 review! Will the scores fly high or fall fast? Join us to find out! You can read our written review here. 3:12 News 6:13 Review Intro 7:06 MSQ 52:59 Dungeon 1:12:20 Trial 1:28:29 Raid 2:05:26 Other 2:23:11 London Predictions Keep up with Anonymoose on Twitch,…
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Patch 6.5, the conclusion of our Void journey(?) and a hot, divisive topic amongst the community! Which side will each of us fall on? Listen in to see if you agree!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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The Live Letter snuck up on us, how about you? Sit back and check out the things we knew were coming and the delightful surprises we came across!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Would you like to take a survey~? Cause we did! After the extensive news this week, Rook, Fusion, and Xenedra fill out the Realm Reborn 10th Anniversary Survey, and you can too!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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That's right, Yoshi-P, we're calling you out! It's only A Realm Reborn's 10th Anniversary— and we wanted to share our fond memories with you!♥由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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Celebrate XIV Years of FFXIV Podcasting with us! It's our anniversary and we've returned from the oven-like landscape of Vegas with news on the (MAJOR) ups and downs of Fan Fest!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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It's the Fan Fest Count Down~♪ And we're here with our predictions on what we might see along with a little sum out of the latest game additions from Patch 6.5.由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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What happens in Vegas does NOT stay in Vegas as the whole crew rolls in to discuss the ins and outs of travel and convention-going there-in!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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At long last, we return to our discussion on the State of the Game, and Sly drops back in to help us finish it out! Once again, thanks to everyone who chimed in to help us get variant views from the community!由Michelle "Xenedra" Folts
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