Border Criminologies brings together academics, practitioners and those who have experienced border control from around the world. Showcasing original research from a range of perspectives, we hope to better understand the effect of border control and to explore alternatives. Through an emphasis on visual resources and first hand accounts we hope to flesh out our understanding of the lived experience of law and policy and to develop the emerging field of inquiry into border control within cr ...
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Northern Borders: Addressing Immigration Detention, Deportation, and Degradation in Scandinavia and the UK
Annika Lindberg Shahram Khosravi and Victoria Canning give a talk for the Border Criminologies series on 22nd January 2019. Northern European approaches to immigration are in flux. In Denmark, Sweden and the UK, legislation and policy have seen gradual shifts toward intensified policing and internalised restrictions in welfare allowance, housing be…
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Words Matter: The Politics of Identity in Increasingly Harsh Migration and Crime Control Policies
Yolanda Vazquez, University of Cincinnati - 24 Nov 2016由Yolanda Vazquez
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Maria Norris, LSE - 29 Nov 2016由Maria Norris
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Luke de Noronha, University of Oxford - 24 Jan 2017由Luke de Noronha
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Marie-Benedicte Dembour, University of Brighton - 5/10/2016由Marie-Benedicte Dembour
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Sarah Turnbull - Centre for Criminology - 7 October 2014 at National Law University, Delhi由Sarah Turnbull
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Prof Jennifer Chacon, School of Law, University of California - 12 November 2014由Jennifer Chacon
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Tings Chak - 8 December 2014由Tings Chak
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Excision, Exclusion and Exile: Australia's Refugee Policy and Responsibility Shifting in the Asia-Pacific
Dr Michelle Foster, Melbourne Law School由Michelle Foster
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Sarah Campbell (Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID), UK)由Sarah Campbell
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Rimple Metha (Jadavpur University, India)由Rimple Metha
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Thomas Ugelvik (University of Oslo, Norway)由Thomas Ugelvik
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Sarah Turnbull (University of Oxford, UK)由Sarah Turnbull
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Kizza Musinguizi (London, UK)由Kizza Musinguizi
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Steven De Ridder (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)由Steven De Ridder
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Rimple Metha (Jadavpur University, India)由Rimple Metha
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From banlieue youth to undocumented migrant: Illegalized foreign-nationals in penal institutions and public space
Carolina Sanchez Boe (Aarhus University)由Carolina Sanchez Boe
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Strengths and constraints of the prison life: Identity and sense of belonging of imprisoned maras in Honduras
Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera由Lirio Gutiérrez Rivera
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Trajectories and identities of foreign national women: Rethinking prison through the lens of gender and citizenship
Raquel Matos (Catolica University)由Raquel Matos
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The neocolonial prison and the ‘mark’ of whiteness in current Argentina: Race, gender and chronopolitics in media accounts of incarcerated immigrant population
Victoria Pereyra (Warwick University)由Victoria Pereyra
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Professor Catherine Dauvergne, University of British Columbia由Catherine Dauvergne
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