Endless Ranters is a fan-interactive comedy podcast.
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We're back & speaking into voids.由[email protected]
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Chris & Q tell us of the pre-iPhone times.由[email protected]
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On this episode of, Drone division!由[email protected]
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Www.rantersshop.com for all your endless ranters gear.由[email protected]
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Do you smell something ?由[email protected]
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This episode is dedicated Pete Roses' white fans.由[email protected]
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#Sadness由[email protected]
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Invisible pens, coming soon ?由[email protected]
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This episode goes out to ALL the average Joe's around the world.由[email protected]
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Don't be scared, stupid!由[email protected]
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We're giving you a biblical POV由[email protected]
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Digital pollen gets the best of Quana.由[email protected]
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Our guest, Koop,, lets us know how he turns 4's into 5's.由[email protected]
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You're going to want to sit down for this.由[email protected]
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Q like's her men tall, bald, & mysterious.由[email protected]
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This episode is brought to you in part by Nescafe.由[email protected]
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The first rule of depression club is...由[email protected]
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We find out that Chris is a survivor!由[email protected]
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From here on out we shall be known as, The Federal endless ranters podcast.由[email protected]
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Thanks for listening you filthy breeders.由[email protected]
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We're talking positive propaganda.由[email protected]
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We're talking MILF's, peeps!由[email protected]
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Triad wives, don't mess with them!由[email protected]
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We take a DEEP dive into rapid fire depression.由[email protected]
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Q fills us in about the time(s) the internet ruined her life.由[email protected]
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We'll teach you how to carry the hate.由[email protected]
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Mole man lets the gang in on his puppy flipping business.由[email protected]
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The gang goes out for group face peels.由[email protected]
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We're living the meme.由[email protected]
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We're joined by a founding ranter on this episode.由[email protected]
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Get your ocular urine pouches checked, everyone.由[email protected]
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We're joined by Koop & Russ, two grumpy bastards, to discuss hash browns!由[email protected]
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Can you smell danger ? Tune in to find out.由[email protected]
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Watch for falling acorns.由[email protected]
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We're bringing awareness to an alarming trend of people's susceptibility to DANCE!由[email protected]
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Q strategizes alongside Chris & Mole on new methods to tap unseen markets.由[email protected]
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We're talking breadmaking, baby!由[email protected]
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Chris is accused of being a Karen.由[email protected]
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Fight the ninja '24!由[email protected]
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You've heard of white flight but have you heard of, white plight?由[email protected]
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We're talking belts, peeps.由[email protected]
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We'd like to take this time to thank this episodes sponsor, McDonalds. Try their new Mc beatdown deal at your local McDonalds, today. *prices & participation may vary由[email protected]
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We spread awareness on the alarming & underreported homeless salmon population.由[email protected]
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Q unleashes her rage.由[email protected]
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We nominate Chris as tribute in the inaugural algorithm games.由[email protected]
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Our friend of the show, Andrew McG, joins us in an effort to spread awareness about Bucatini pasta.由[email protected]
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Friend of the show Russ drops by to educate us on the current state of affairs, offsides in soccer, & a complimentary oboe lesson.由[email protected]
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Welcome back to commie talk...由[email protected]
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Find out how you can sponsor a token Christian, today.由[email protected]
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Just don't!由[email protected]
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