The forrest stevens show is weekly solo episodes where Forrest discusses strange and interesting topics including self discovery, self improvement and larger and deeper looks at his life and the broader world. He also does bi-weekly guest episodes where he talks with deep thinking people who have ideas to share. Would you like to be a guest? Email [email protected]
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Follow Chris here I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Follow Artem Zen here I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Links to Martin W Ball Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made…
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#109 - Talking with Chad Kultgen - Dudesy, AI, Hollywood, psychedelics, Thinking Deeply, and more.
In this week's episode I talk with Chad Kultgen who is a writer and podcaster. We talk about his experience selling the script "The incredible Burt Wonderstone" starring Steve Carell and Jim Carrey and how he was screwed out of writing credit and royalties. We talk about personal development, his technique of using cannabis and massage to reach new…
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In this guest episode I talk with Dominic Jordon about filmmaking and the creative process. Watch the movie here I wrote called "Tripping" I've made…
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In this episode I react to a couple of comments on a different episode of this podcast where I talk about privilege, stored energy and being in a induced different mind state. link to that episode a comment and I might talk about it in a future episode. love you all. Book I wrote called "Trippin…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" The Forrest Stevens show (Video Podcast) Dwelling Documentaries I've made…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Dwelling Documentaries I've made…
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I talk about moving, and re discuss the topics from the last two podcasts. Book I wrote called "Tripping"
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In today's episode I talk about the reality of capitalism and how it's important to understand and accept that it's what we live in. Book I wrote called "Tripping"
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Technological Dystopian nightmare?New tool for capitalistic productivity?Another Iphone moment for Apple?D) all of the aboveUse our Amazon link to support the showBook I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made…
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In this Episode I talk with Jeff Kitchen, who is an Author, Dramatist and Script consultant. We talk about the creative process, screenwriting, and personal transformation. If you enjoyed this episode consider subscribing and sharing it with a friend. Jeff's website and book I wrote called "Tripping…
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In this episode of The Forrest Stevens show I break down the documentary "Dosed" I talk about sharing online vs sharing in person and much more. Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made…
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Just my opinion on the recent George Carlin AI special titles " I'm Glad I'm Dead" here is the interview I did with Chad. AI special I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast)…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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In this episode of the podcast I try to break down investing terminology, strategies, and get a beginner to be a bit less of a novice in an hour. Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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In this episode I talk about riskBook I wrote called "Tripping" I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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In this episode I talk about the idea of money being competition, then I talk about capitalism and communism and many other things Book I wrote called "Tripping" I've made D…
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I take a look at a random page in my book and discuss deeper the thoughts and ideas it brings up for me Book I wrote called "Tripping" I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) I've made Dwelling Documentaries…
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In this guest episode I talk with Wirmind who is knowledgeable and interested in astrology and dream analysis. Although I used to be interested in astrology I now call myself skeptical and think mostly that it is generalities and I've found it more productive to focus on the things going on in our lives and past for the sake of self improvement. I …
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Audio Podcast) Dwelling Documentaries I've made…
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In this episode of the Forrest Stevens show I talk with Joe Soel who enlisted in the US Army and was deployed to Iraq in 2006. He joined because of the attacks of September 11, 2001. but soon after he was deployed he started to become disillusioned with what the US military was doing in Iraq and upon return wrote a book called " The broken mirror o…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Video Podcast) Dwelling Documentaries I've made…
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in this episode I talk about some of the Innovations that I think are the beginning of a new age that we are living through. ( when I talk about Bitcoin, I am not talking about crypto. be careful in that space as it is full of scams. )Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Video Podcast)…
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I started tripping while biking in a state park about having been a travel vlogger and someone who wants to create from what they do and how that shapes my current reality. Book I wrote called "Tripping" Forrest Stevens show (Video Podcast) Dwelling Documen…
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In this episode I talk about what it will be like and the benefits and negatives of living nomadically in a van or RV. Book I wrote called "Tripping" The Forrest Stevens show (Video Podcast) Dwelling Documentaries…
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In this episode I talk about moving, selling the house instead of renting and the feelings that came up from that. I talk about a kundalini awakening experience I had with the third eye chakra and the reason I think that bud light is being bought less because of the Dylan Mulvaney nonsense Book I wrote called "Tripping" The …
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In this episode I talk about how we came from animals and had less complex thoughts at one time in our evolution. I also talk about how we are also like that as children and we learn about the complex world. Book I wrote called "Tripping" The Forrest Stevens show (Video Podcast)…
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In this episode I talk about what it felt like to receive the first copy of the first book I have ever written. Book I wrote called "Tripping" The Forrest Stevens show (Video Podcast) Dwelling Documentaries…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Alternative Dwelling Documentaries I've made…
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In today's episode I break down my latest entry to my book called Tripping. it is "When something is Challenging it doesn't mean it is worth doing, or not worth doing, but it does mean that it gets done less." Book I wrote called "Tripping"
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here's a link to the series's also available on all podcast platforms Book I wrote called "Tripping" PartnersMint Mobile | Get amazing Cell covrage for as low as $15/M! Brokers | Best Investing platform in C…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Affiliate Partners Mint Mobile | Get amazing Cell covrage for as low as $15/M! Interactive Brokers | Best Investing platform in Canada (Also in US) best place to buy crypto in Canada, get $5 free…
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On a hippie trail, Head full of zombie. This is an update from the land down under. Also a bit about this man at work, and how I got demonetized by YouTube. Hope to do more updates on this pod while traveling but the internet is upside down here and it took me weeks to upload this through anchor. Book I wrote called "Tripping"…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Affilate Partners Mint Mobile | Get amazing Cell covrage for as low as $15/M! Interactive Brokers | Best Investing platform in Canada (Also in US) best place to buy crypto in Canada, get $5 free…
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#82 - World Traveler StrayBob | Walking across India, hitchhiking the Himalayans, paddle boarding across Australia.
Bob is a world traveler from Northern England who has done some amazing trips. I started watching his youtube videos ( ) a couple years ago when he was vlogging every day while walking across the country of India. He also hitchhiked from the Himalayans to England, paddle boarded the Murray river in Australia, b…
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Today, I want to share with you the most meaningful magic mushroom experience of my life. Before I begin, I want to make it clear that I am not advocating for the use of illegal substances. This is simply a personal story that I want to share with you. Now, on to the story. It was a beautiful, sunny day in the summer, and I had been looking forward…
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Watch the show The Forrest Stevens Show Support the show Patreon
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An on going and very complicated story. I try to explain as best I can, some things I said might be incorrect or turn out to be incorrect as new things come to light. Book I wrote called "Tripping"
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Book I wrote called "Tripping" Share this with a friend. Patreon Affiliate Partners Mint Mobile | Get amazing Cell coverage for as low as $15/M! Interactive Brokers | Best Investing platform in Canada (Also in US) best …
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I talk about what it's like living in a van as a couple. The importance of boundaries and how your private life can become shared because of the lack of space. I forgot to talk about sex, maybe I'll mention that next episode as a side note. Share this with a friend. Patreon Affiliate Partners Mint Mobile | Get…
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