Il podcast amatoriale di storia
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The Gochujang Gang hosts, Alex, Amanda, Chad, and Michael, are four Korean Americans bonded by blood, friendship, and marriage, who chat about popular (and unpopular) entertainment, news, and culture/lifestyle topics to determine if they stand the test of time to stay hot like gochujang (Korean red chili paste). Join the Spicy Gang! Follow for new episodes every week. 📧
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Marco Antonucci vi racconta tutto (o quasi tutto) sull'olio extravergine e... Sulle olive!
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What's new and exciting in the world of Pokémon GO? Listen to weekly episodes of GOCast: a Pokémon GO Podcast to find out!
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Il podcast amatoriale di storia
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Health, Fitness, Running, Nutrition, Entrepreneurship & Lots Of Craziness
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Broadcast & Transmission, production, sports, politics, improving lives, travelling and making connections ...
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Ciao! Sono Giulia Di Sipio, Psicologa ad approccio strategico e Istruttrice di Mindfulness. Gocce di benessere è la rubrica attraverso la quale mi piace riflettere e portare l’attenzione sul quotidiano per facilitare chi mi ascolta a superare momenti di difficoltà o di disagio e migliorare la qualità della propria vita. Come? - Potenziando le abilità; - Raggiungendo con efficacia i propri obiettivi; - Allargando le proprie prospettive; - Integrando nuovi strumenti - Visualizzando nuove strat ...
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goCIO ist einer der ganz wenigen deutschsprachigen Podcasts für CIOs und IT-Professionals. Mathias Hess interviewt exzellente IT-Experten, ordnet deren Themen in jeder Episode eloquent, kompetent und humorvoll ein. GoCIO ist relevanter und wertiger Content für die Welt der IT von heute und morgen - gewinnbringend, reichweitenstark, persönlich und hochprofessionell produziert.
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Gocuco Easy Currency Exchange, Anytime, Anywhere Don’t let currency exchange slow you down. Easy Currency Exchange, Anytime, Anywhere. Adress: Street: 4318 Jerome Avenue City: Brownsville State/province/area: Texas Zip code: 78520 Country calling code: +1 Country: United States Phone: 0956-350-0341 Website: Email: Hastag: #gocuco #currency_Converter #exchange_rates #currency
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born and raised San Diego California crazy past with a beautiful life
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Nóng giận là bản năng, tĩnh lặng là bản lĩnh
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Göç ve müzik... (Hazırlayan ve sunan: Evrim Hikmet Öğüt) (Kapaktaki resim: Derya Ülker)
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Rise From Ashes with Carol Gockel
Soul Rich Woman, Instant Podcast Leader 2019, Leader of Excellence 2019, Woman of Influence 2020
Burned Crashed, reduced to dust. Then rise from the ashes. Hello, I'm Carol Gockel, Confidence Coach, speaker, author of the book Breakthrough - with the legendary Les Brown. I'm a mum of 2, a loving daughter and a devoted wife. A modern woman can juggle life, work, family and have it all. You too, can have it all.
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Welcome to the Geeks Of Color Podcast! Our goal is to inform, entertain and interact in support of diverse comics, writers, artists, characters and more!
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1 | El coloquio EBP/ICP-ECF: El despertar de la adolescencia. Del goce al deseo. Conferencia La adolescencia en cuestión es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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1 | Las conferencias del Campo Freudiano Ciclo 2015-2016: Los paradigmas del goce en Lacan es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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1 | Reseña sobre las IV Jornadas Anuales EOL-Sección La Plata. “El cuerpo: Goces y Ficciones”. es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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La vita della prima e più amata sovrana della Georgia, “re dei re e regina delle regine”. Puntata anomala con al microfono Davide al posto di Anna Lisa. Tamara, superando le spinte disgregatrici dei nobili, condusse il Paese all’apice del suo prestigio, distinguendosi per la sua saggezza, leadership e visione strategica. Sotto il suo regno la Georg…
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La vita della prima e più amata sovrana della Georgia, “re dei re e regina delle regine”. Puntata anomala con al microfono Davide al posto di Anna Lisa. Tamara, superando le spinte disgregatrici dei nobili, condusse il Paese all’apice del suo prestigio, distinguendosi per la sua saggezza, leadership e visione strategica. Sotto il suo regno la Georg…
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The Gochujang Gang settles their tabs and grabs their wallets to determine if tips are an effective incentive for good service or if they've gone past the tipping point. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts with a Chad GPT opening and tipping habit introductions, (08:26) closes the jangdok lid, taking a look at tipping back in the day, (16:07)…
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Talks about the sale of Pokémon GO are now official, let's talk about all the details in Scopely! Debuts abound with a new Gigantamax, a new Mega, and even a new bull! …and more on this episode of GOCast! Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:04:39 - News News Links: Moving to Scopely - Fuzzy B…
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: More Scroll Cup! Future events Bug Out 2025 and Fuzzy Buddy Research Day Zygarden’s Invitational Tournament and Battle Frontier is back! Thailand Qualifiers and Stockholm Regional this weekend Two great pieces of mail from the mailbag that sparked great conversation abou…
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Il segreto della #felicità? Forse non è sempre fare ciò che vogliamo, ma volere ciò che facciamo. Lev Tolstoj, il celebre romanziere russo che visse alla fine dell'800, ci insegna che la nostra #serenità dipende dal modo in cui guardiamo alla vita: non possiamo sempre #controllare gli eventi, ma possiamo #scegliere come viverli. ...e allora, come c…
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: Scroll Cup in GO Battle League All of the upcoming in-game events, like Festival of Colors and Deep Depths Go check out Zygarden on Twitch! Fortaleza and Vancouver Regional Championships - congratulations to Kourlash and Reis2Occasion for their championship wins (with th…
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The Gochujang Gang gets ready to head out the door and checks out what's in their bags to determine if they are prepared for whatever the day may bring or if they seriously overpacked. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts with a "bag" opening and introductions, (06:02) closes the jangdok lid, taking a look at what they carried in their bags (a…
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Should we GO Fetch some GO Fest details for you? Sure thing! Let’s slow down, there's no reason to Bug Out…or is there? …and more on this episode of GOCast! Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:13:32 - News 00:52:20 - Pokélore 00:58:14 - PokéPoll 01:10:25 - Emails/Voicemails News Links: Pokémon GO Fest 2025 Details -…
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Sul mercato italiano si trova l’extravergine, l’olio di oliva, l’olio di sansa, il condimento a base di olio extravergine di oliva, ma non l’olio di oliva vergine: perché?由Marco Antonucci
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"Il tempo vola… o siamo noi a perderlo?" ⏳ Hai mai notato che più tempo hai per fare qualcosa, più lo allunghi all’infinito? È la Legge di Parkinson: il lavoro si espande fino a occupare tutto il tempo disponibile! 🔹 Ti sei mai ritrovato a rimandare un compito fino all’ultimo minuto? 🔹 Le tue giornate sembrano piene, ma alla fine concludi meno di q…
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The Gochujang Gang starts their ninth season by taking a look at the BLACKPINK members' solo efforts to determine if they move them like an earthquake or if they give them a love hangover. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with a song title opening and new introductions, (03:51) officially starts off season nine and talks recent…
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A new season is about to begin in Pokémon GO–be sure to bring both your might and your mastery! Shiny Charcadet is here and ready to make you squint! The only thing better than a tiger is a BIG TIGER! …and more on this episode of GOCast! Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:27:26 - News 01:15:54 - PvP Corner 01:53:13 - PokéPoll News Links: New Season! Mig…
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"Non vediamo le cose come sono, le vediamo come siamo" ...e come stiamo. Lo sapevi? Hai mai discusso con qualcun* che vedeva la stessa situazione in modo completamente diverso da te? Ti sei mai chiest* perché ognuno interpreta la realtà in modo diverso? 🤯 📌La Legge del Talmud ci introduce proprio a questo tema e a come le nostre esperienze, emozion…
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: Last battles of the Season of Dual Destiny Breaking down Unova Tour Global and Fuecoco Community Day EUIC was full of champion trainers - congratulations to our new EUIC Champion, P4T0M4N! Fish & DphiE address a mailbag question from lemyrrio and discuss fun art on TCG c…
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It’s not always Black and White, sometimes it’s both and a DRAGON to boot! Everyone gets a free pass to Unova Tour Global, but is the premium track worth it? …and more on this episode of GOCast! Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:23:06 - News 01:00:20 - Gear Up 01:15:37 - Pokélore 01:25:18 - PokéPoll 01:31:27 - Emails/Voicemails News Links: Black Kyurem…
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Perché un extravergine profuma di erba uno di mandorla e un altro di foglia di pomodoro? Come si formano i 200 profumi dell’olio?由Marco Antonucci
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Hai mai provato a NON pensare a qualcosa… e finire per pensarci ancora di più? 😵💫 Se sì, benvenuto nel club! Si chiama #paradosso dell’orso bianco: più cerchi di ignorare un pensiero, più torna a bussare alla porta. Carl Gustav Jung lo aveva capito bene: "Ciò a cui opponi resistenza, persiste." ❌ Eviti un problema? Torna più grande. 😤 Reprimi la r…
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! For this special milestone episode, our hosts are joined by Michael Steranka, the Director of the Live Game for Pokémon GO. Today’s topics include: Wrapping up Love Cup and discussing open Great League teams to wrap up the season GO Tour LA and what goes in to bringing a live event to life Reca…
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The Gochujang Gang closes out their eighth season by taking a look at Gochujang Flavored SPAM to determine if it is a spicy take on a kitchen staple or if it should stay canned up. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with an informative opening and ChadGPT introductions, (05:39) closes the jangdok lid, talking SPAM back in the day…
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Excited for GO Tour? I guess I'm not Unova it yet! March's Community Day Classic is sure to take a bite out of the competition! ...and more on this episode of GOCast! Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:04:23 - News News Links: Next Season Save the Dates - Get Ready For GO Tour: Unova - https://pokemon…
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Quante volte hai detto: “𝑬𝒄𝒄𝒐, 𝒍𝒐 𝒔𝒂𝒑𝒆𝒗𝒐!” quando qualcosa è andato storto? Non è magia nera, né destino avverso... non è neanche sfortuna, ma è il nostro cervello che filtra la realtà! La Legge di Murphy sembra vera solo perché il nostro bias di conferma ci fa notare più gli eventi negativi che quelli positivi. Ma possiamo uscirne! Vediamo come. 📌…
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: Fish is loving the Love Cup and experiencing a lot of success! We are on the Road to Unova Congratulations to MartoGalde for winning the Mérida Regional Championships! Fish and DPhiE empty out the mailbag in anticipation for next week’s SPECIAL GUEST! Let’s shout out som…
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Gochu's Inferno Month: Does the Season Finale of Single's Inferno Feel Like a Whirlwind Romance?
The Gochujang Gang concludes Gochu's Inferno Month, taking a look at the eleventh and twelfth episodes of the fourth season of Single's Inferno to determine if they feel like a whirlwind romance or if they are boring like a Jong-Hoon tour guide. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with a theme song opening and contestant introduct…
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Verso la ghigliottina Gli ultimi anni del regno di Luigi XVI furono caratterizzati dallo Scandalo della Collana e dai tumulti politici sempre più pressanti che culminarono con la fondazione dell’Assemblea Nazionale Costituente del 1789. Da lì in poi il potere della monarchia venne eroso sempre di più fino al suo decadimento nel 1791, da lì in poi f…
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Verso la ghigliottina Gli ultimi anni del regno di Luigi XVI furono caratterizzati dallo Scandalo della Collana e dai tumulti politici sempre più pressanti che culminarono con la fondazione dell’Assemblea Nazionale Costituente del 1789. Da lì in poi il potere della monarchia venne eroso sempre di più fino al suo decadimento nel 1791, da lì in poi f…
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E’ vero che l’olio si mette direttamente sui capelli bagnati? E si mette sulla pelle prima della rasatura al posto della schiuma e del pre-barba?由Marco Antonucci
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📝 Hai mai notato che quando scrivi un problema su carta, all’improvviso ti sembra più gestibile? ✨ Questa è la Legge di Kidlins, secondo cui "𝑢𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑎 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑜 𝑒̀ 𝑢𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑧𝑧𝑎𝑡𝑜". Ma perché funziona? E come possiamo sfruttare questo principio per migliorare la nostra quotidianità e affrontare le #difficoltà con più lucidità? 📍 I…
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Raise your anchor and set sail, Dhelmise’s debut is too big to fail! A new Vivillon event proves that something can be both a bugand a feature! ...and more on this episode of GOCast! Chapters: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:14:51 - News 00:30:40 - Pokélore 00:39:23- PokéPoll 00:47:22 - Emails/Voicemails News Links: Beloved Buddies -…
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Gochu's Inferno Month: Are Episodes 9 and 10 of Single's Inferno as Entertaining as a You-Jin Oompa Loompa?
The Gochujang Gang continues their favorite time of the year with Gochu's Inferno Month, taking a look at the ninth and tenth episodes of the fourth season ofSingle's Inferno to determine if they are as entertaining as a You-Jin Oompla Loompla or if they are a dud like Tae-Hwan's dates. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with a n…
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Big or small, we love them all, during an upcoming size-related event in Pokémon GO! Embrace the chase to exchange and change with February’s Community Day!Chapters:00:00:00 - Intro 00:05:19 - News 00:35:35- PokéPollNews Links: Small Yet Strong - February 2025 Community Day: Karrablast and …
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: Lunar New Year Small Yet Strong Karrablast/Shelmet Community Day San Antonio recap and more! Timestamps: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:05:29 - GBL 00:16:12 - In-game events 00:28:44 - Grassroots PvP 00:37:44 - Play! Pokémon 00:48:38 - Mailbag 01:06:40 - Achievements Regular Links:…
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Gochu's Inferno Month: Are Episodes 7 and 8 of Single's Inferno 4 Forgettable like Jong-'Who'n?
The Gochujang Gang continues their favorite time of the year with Gochu's Inferno Month, taking a look at the seventh and eighth episodes of the fourth season of Single's Inferno to determine if they are as spicy as Si-An and Jun-Seo's Paradise date or if they are forgettable like Jong-'Who'. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode wi…
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Si possono guadagnare oltre € 300,00 facendo creme per il copro e il viso impiegando meno di un litro di olio di oliva? Si può e si deve!由Marco Antonucci
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Le relazioni che costruiamo nella vita adulta sono spesso il riflesso delle prime esperienze di legame che abbiamo vissuto. La teoria dell'attaccamento ci mostra come il rapporto con le nostre figure di riferimento, sin dai primi anni di vita, plasmi il nostro modo di connetterci agli altri, influenzando la fiducia, la gestione delle emozioni e il …
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: Discussion about Corviknight in Open Great League for GO Battle Week Speculation on Little Jungle Cup & Love Cup Steeled Resolve is a premier PvP event! Battle Frontier starts back up with 3 new domains! Fish is here to break it all down for you. Highlights from the Rio …
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The Gochujang Gang continues their favorite time of the year with Gochu's Inferno Month, taking a look at the fifth and sixth episodes of the fourth season of Single's Inferno to determine if they are real game changers or if they are just more of the same. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with a 'Hey There Delilah' opening and…
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Gochu's Inferno Month: Do the First Episodes of Single's Inferno 4 Continue to Bring the Heat?
The Gochujang Gang returns to their favorite time of the year with Gochu's Inferno Month, taking a look at the start of the fourth season of Single's Inferno to determine if it continues to bring the heat or if it isn't enough to keep them warm during the cold winter. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with a new opening introduc…
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Nell'ambito del percorso "𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐚", una delle tematiche più controverse è quella legata alle #punizioni. Quante volte, dopo aver definito delle #regole ci troviamo davanti all'interrogativo: e se nostr* figli* le trasgredisse? Cosa dovrei fare? • È importante dare delle punizioni? • Con quale frequenza? • Come renderle efficaci? 📌Nella…
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Dynamax Legendaries take wing in a new Max Battling event! Steel yourselves as a new Pokemon debut swoops in!Chapters:00:00:00 - Intro 00:08:09 - News 00:40:22 - PokéLore 00:48:15- PokéPoll 01:05:43 - Emails/VoicemailsNews Links:Save the Date: Pokémon GO Fest 2025 - Week: Taken …
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L’ultima regina di Francia Maria Antonietta è un personaggio iconico e a lei abbiamo deciso di dedicare due puntate: questa e la prossima. Maria Antonietta era e rimane il simbolo dell’Ancien Règime fatto di lusso sfrenato, edonismo e miopia verso un paese, la Francia, che marciava verso il default economico mentre le classi più povere divenivano s…
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L’ultima regina di Francia Maria Antonietta è un personaggio iconico e a lei abbiamo deciso di dedicare due puntate: questa e la prossima. Maria Antonietta era e rimane il simbolo dell’Ancien Règime fatto di lusso sfrenato, edonismo e miopia verso un paese, la Francia, che marciava verso il default economico mentre le classi più povere divenivano s…
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: Color Cup Team Ideas! Reis2TheOccasion Video YonkouJean Graphic Fashion Week brings new Shadows from Team GO Rocket The next season of Battle Frontier is bringing several new limited metas to try A piece of mail that leads into a great discussion of our strategies for te…
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The Gochujang Gang grabs their re-useable shopping bags to determine if Trader Joe's Sweet Cinnamon Filled Korean Pancakes are hot(teok) or not. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with a (Gochu Chad-)Wicked opening and ___introductions, (06:04) checks in with everybody's week involving national tournaments and hit musical release…
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Un altro anno è passato e con lui - spesso - arrivano i buoni propositi, i nuovi obiettivi (io per prima ne sono una vera appassionata)... ma come iniziare questa nuova settimana, lavorativa, con il piede giusto? In quale direzione inviare le nostre energie e risorse? Che cos'è per noi il benessere e come coltivarlo nella nostra quotidianità? Cosa …
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The Gochujang Gang picks their group of four to determine if Squid Game 2 is worthy of another round or if it should have been game over. In this episode, the Gang: (00:00) starts the episode with a dramatic Red Light/Green Light opening and character introductions (in need of a laugh track), (07:44) closes the jangdok lid, talking about the first …
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Welcome to PvP Corner with FishOnAHeater and DPhiE250! Today’s topics include: Fish and DPhiE chat about video games they’ve played recently PvP Lag Fix on Android Youtube Video by Jonkus JukkaBukka GBL Exploit article on GOHub by Zeroghan Pokémon to look out for in Color Cup A very fun piece of mail with a shout out to Sable! Fish’s new gaming liv…
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