Discussions of Biblical subjects from the perspective of a Torah observant Messianic community.
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@sqnr.cc audio relay
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Real Synthetic Audio EBM and Industrial net radio show blog and RSS feed. Specific for iTunes.
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Number 1 on iTunes, a podcast for friends based in Albuquerque, Los Angeles and Philadelphia exploring pop culture and punk/hardcore nerd-assery.
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The Linux Link Tech Show
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Podcast sobre películas y cine. También nos puede leer en www.revius.net
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AVMSessions - Ahora en iTunes
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Dharma Talks from Cedar Rapids Zen Center
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The Official Itunes Page For Moxkito
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Vidéos de 1 à 3 minutes destinées à faciliter l'utilisation de Windows 7.
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BBQ Tips and Tricks
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Comunidad Chilena de TF2
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Bekijk deze fictiereeks van Eén nu op iTunes en op Apple TV. Dankzij www.jopo.be.
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Der Podcast im m4b-Format.
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itunes podcasts
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This is a test
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The official weekly podcast about Scottish Junior Football team Penicuik Athletic, with all the goals from our matches. For the full highlights, be sure to visit our YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/PenicuikAthTV
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A group of guys who drinks chocolate beers and deliver comedy on a daily basis! F THE STREAK!!
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Podcast of Proven Marketing Ideas to Lease Up your Self Storage facility Fast!
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Welcome to the Monsters and Metal Podcast! Each month we combine Horror Comic and Heavy Metal into one amazing show! You can download the show on this site, or subscribe to it on iTunes.
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Itunes Podcasts for Bear Creek Community Church Lodi, CA
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The podcasts posted on this blog belong to Sra. Ackert's 7th grade Spanish class. Each podcast belongs to a dialogue, to a vocabulary list , or to a song.
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(***NEW RSS FEED AND iTunes FEED - subscribe below) Talking Brawls Podcast on SevereMMA.com
Talking Brawls MMA Podcast with Niall McGrath
***NEW RSS FEED AND iTunes FEED (Search talking brawls mma and it's the other feed or copy and pate below to subscribe to new feed) RSS FEED: feed://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:8426553/sounds.rss ITUNES FEED: https://t.co/bRb2TzW2zq
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The Handyguys are two avid DIYers sharing their experiences working around the house. Our weekly video and audio podcasts feature answers to your questions, head-to-head tool tests and other DIY and home improvement topics. If you have a question regarding your home, let us know using the contact tab on our site or call us at (818) 804-8665. We respond to all questions and may use your question on-the-air in a future broadcast. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you arou ...
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The Handyguys are two avid DIYers sharing their experiences working around the house. Our weekly video and audio podcasts feature answers to your questions, head-to-head tool tests and other DIY and home improvement topics. If you have a question regarding your home, let us know using the contact tab on our site or call us at (818) 804-8665. We respond to all questions and may use your question on-the-air in a future broadcast. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you arou ...
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Internship projects LMU eLab - Munich Summer Curriculum (MSC): Electronic Media. Students from all over the world and all universities are invited to participate in an exciting and demanding ten-week long Summer Curriculum: "Electronic Media" This program engages students in subject matters ranging from media technology, media management, European media law, media theory and communication sciences to web design. The program finishes with a four-week internship at a German media company.
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We moved to Spreaker! Find us at RadioMisfits.com! Rick Mancrush, Jay Biglove & Marc James drop a hot one each week as they push out the boundaries of popular culture. Letting loose craptivating interviews with only the best guests! Listen as the trio releases the kraken on movies, music, television and entertainment. Hunker down and cop-a-squat and enjoy the Poop Culture Podcast today! Proudly part of the Misfits Podcast Network! Subscribe to us on iTunes
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ActionCOACH Business Coaching presents Founder and Chairman Brad Sugars sharing the formula for creating success in this series of six ActionCOACH videos. Learn how to overcome resistance and how to create success for you, your relationships, and the fundamentals of being a successful entrepreneur. Visit ActionCOACH.com. Get to know what the ultimate goals of building a business should be and how you can make a business run without you. Go from starting a company to turning your business int ...
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Digital Magazines Publishing - how to make, publish and monetise newsstand magazines in the iTunes, Google Play and Amazon
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I'm quite happy to tell everyone that nearly every prize for the membership drive is in the mail. I can also tell from my shipping dashboard that a few of you have received your gifts! I really hope you like the USB and the Spreadsheet! Its likely that next year the prizes for
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Between smashing the first set of tablets because of the Golden Calf and ascending the mountain again to get the second set, Moses spent 40 days in the tent of meeting outside the camp. What was the purpose of that time and what did Moses accomplish? (The song referred to is "The Family of God.")由Jon Behrens
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Joel and bluetooth horrror.
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Well, we're back!!!! We talk about Kendrick Lamar's subversive Super Bowl halftime show, bad deathcore and mallcore, what our deathcore/metalcore bands would sound like, metalcore stupidity, bands from Scene's past, the Grammy's?, new releases (to prove we listen to modern stuff and not shitty hardcore) and more!!!! We'll be back sooner than later!…
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In Luke 12 and Luke 16 Y'shua gives a discourse on what He expects of the managers over His kingdom during the time of His absence. In Luke 12 the master is away at a wedding and will return at a time the servants do not expect. In Luke 16 the parable of the dishonest manager turns on the manager's estimation of the character of the master.…
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The writer first establishes from the Psalms that the Christ is not an angel and is, in fact, the Son of God. He also establishes that He is fully human and has experienced what all men experience - including death. As one of us, He is able to understand what we go through and treat us sympathetically.…
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The prizes have all be "created" and are now sitting next to a box of small mailers. This afternoon I'll be sending out the first batch and I figure that barring crazy circumstances everything will be in the mail and done in a week. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy your little gift very soon! But this week we've got a great show for you, I've mana…
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The Hebrew word 'beged' means both clothing and betrayal. This duality is important because we use clothing to communicate - status, sexuality, position, power, etc. Realizing that clothing can lie and betray is an important part of navigating in society. The High Priest's vestments are thus a statement that can either be true of the man or false. …
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Joel and the marketing push.
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The Luke 16 discourse on God and mammon is a continuation of the running conflict Y'shua had with the Pharisees over money. The Pharisees, being lovers of money, had a warped attitude toward the things of this world.由Jon Behrens
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The retuning exiles, having completed the Temple and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, have fallen into cynicism because the Messianic age has not started. They see the wicked prosper and wonder what the benefit of walking with God really is. God answers.由Jon Behrens
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In Exodus 25, God tells Moses to request contributions of materials to build the Tabernacle from everyone "whose heart moves him". In this, God gave Israel the gift of being able to contribute something instead of merely receiving. The act of giving allows one to participate in what God is doing in the world. As such, it is a great gift.…
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The annual membership drive is over, and you'll no longer have to listen to me beg for money! It was a great success this year, and really made me feel good that so many people are willing to part with their hard earned money for my little show. Now of course I have to get my act together, fill dozens of USB keys to mail out, and a number of cards …
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Joel and five fingers.
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In the context of his pronouncing woes over the Pharisees, in Luke 12 Y'shua discusses the proper attitude toward the wealth of this world.由Jon Behrens
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Written after the Babylonian exile, Malachi tells of returning Jews and their priests who have the form of temple worship without either reverence or enthusiasm.由Jon Behrens
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After the ten commandments, God gives several chapters of detailed statutes. These laws are intended to implement God's view of how a good society should behave. Following those laws is for our own good and does not generate blessings. Rather blessings come from a relationship with God. We know from history that that relationship can be damaged to …
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Welcome to the final week of the 2025 membership drive! We'll be accepting donations until next weekend, and then the list will be set in stone! The USB sticks have been ordered, and some will come laser etched with the RSA logo! Your donations are appreciated beyond beleif, it keeps RSA going for another year. But part of that is me delivering new…
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Joel and the snow.
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Conflict between Y'shua and the Pharisees and lawyers. Discussion of the six woes he pronounces against them in Luke 11.由Jon Behrens
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The new heaven and the new earth where God finally dwells among men. The New Jerusalem and homage of the nations. The tree of life restored to man.由Jon Behrens
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In the Decalogue both the first and the tenth commandments forbid alien gods. The first commandment is obvious - thou shall have no other gods before me. The tenth - thou shall not covet - not quite so much. Why, then does Paul equate covetousness with idol worship?由Jon Behrens
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Welcome to the third week of the 2025 membership drive! Thanks for all of your support! http://www.synthetic.org/play.phpWe're almost done and will return to even more mispronunciations and start mailing out prizes and thank you's! But never fear, you've still got just under 2 weeks to get in on the fun! This weekend in Toronto we're being treated …
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Joel dips his burrito.
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Starting in Luke 11, Y'shua speaks about the Kingdom of God. At first, He speaks of the state of the Kingdom as He finds it. He then speaks of the Kingdom as it will be in the future.由Jon Behrens
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At the destruction of Babylon, all of heaven rejoices that justice has been served and God has taken vengeance on the great whore who has deceived the nations. The arrival of the King and His reign over the earth for a thousand year. The Great White throne.由Jon Behrens
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When God took Israel out of Egypt, He did not take the short route to Canaan lest the people change their minds and return to Egypt. Instead, He took them into the wilderness beyond the point where they could return without dying of thirst or starvation. In this sense, He burned the bridge back to Egypt so they had no choice but to continue on to f…
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Welcome to the second week of the 2025 membership drive! http://www.synthetic.org/membership.phpYes, we've survived the first week of Todd begging for money, but how about another? Those of you who have been with me for a while will know the drill. A Patreon where I don't bother you every single week. Just the shortest month of the year. Over and d…
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Joel and utility knife.
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Second half of Y'shua's discourse on prayer containing the Unjust Judge and the Publican and the Pharisee.由Jon Behrens
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After the seven bowls of wrath, we get the fate of Babylon, the spiritual capitol of the first beast. This is the imperial city of the great world government that is arrayed against God and His people.由Jon Behrens
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In the Olivet Discourse, the master entrusts three of his servants with his resources and then goes on a long journey. Two of the servants double his money, the third simply holds and returns it to him upon his return. It would be an error to assume that God's standard is 'double my money' or you're going to be rejected.…
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The 2025 membership drive is upon us! http://www.synthetic.org/membership.phpYes, we take the month of February to plug what would be called our Patreon. But since RSA has just turned 27, we're keeping it old school. I don't like having to plug anything other than the music so we get it all out in Feb. Help keep RSA going another year by considerin…
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Joel and his five fingers.
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In the Luke travel narrative, Y'shua teaches his disciples about prayer. This includes the Lord's Prayer, the parable of the Friend at Midnight, the Unjust Judge and the Publican and the Pharisee.由Jon Behrens
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After the three angels broadcast their messages to the whole earth, the earth is reaped. First the good harvest which would be gathered to God and then the wild grapes which go into the winepress of God's wrath. That is followed by the seven bowls of the wrath of God.由Jon Behrens
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The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 and 25 describes what will happen at Christ's return. In that briefing, there are four parables describing what He expects His followers to be doing while He is away. These parables cover four different subjects. It is important to notice that everyone in each parable is a believer and that each parable describes …
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Getting things ready for the 2025 membership drive (which starts NEXT week) and listening to this weeks show. I did find the dumbest mispronunciation of a bands name that I've made in quite a while. I'd go and fix it, but perfection is not what people who listen to RSA are expecting. I'd be highly amused with an AI rendition of my voice. Could you …
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Joel and the rocket book.
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During his final journey to Jerusalem, Y'shua told a series of parables. The first and last of these provide answers to the question, 'What shall I do to inherit eternal life?'由Jon Behrens
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Two beasts, one rising out of the sea and the other out of the earth. The first beast represents human government that demands fealty from all people to the point even of worship. The second beast is false religion which lends the first beast legitimacy. The 144,000 and the final notice from God to all the earth that He is the only one to be worshi…
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