A podcast with a fresh perspective on the stages of building a SaaS business
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Today on the show, we talk about the place of growth teams as Josh talks about his business. Nate’s frustrated with cold outreach and Josh gives some tips to improve the odds. This is episode 122由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show Nate & Josh pull together some credible ideas on how to improve our odds of success building a SaaS. In a world of conflicting advice, we’re looking for repeatable, credible advice from people who have actually been successful in the trenches. Links: - My First Million: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkcFcwb6mk0&list=PLWloxQyF_2n…
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Today on the show Nate’s found a market, but feels like the competition is too good. Josh doesn’t think so and points out some ways to uncover opportunities. Links: https://userlist.com/podcast/bullseye-customer-research-with-michael-margolis/ https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/finding-your-bullseye-customer-michael-margolis https://www.systm.co/po…
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Today on the show Josh and Nate talk about narrowing the search for a new SaaS. They recap Josh’s bootstrap business idea search framework and discuss a new focus to help narrow the search field. Links: - https://x.com/hnshah/status/1875997046219645270?t=6EfbrvsoqwuaBeIk41E9cQ&s=19 This is episode 119…
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Today on the show, we discuss some big changes for Nate and Josh weighs with his method for validating early stage bootstrapped business ideas. This is episode 118由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show Josh and Nate talk about conferences and reasons why a startup founder may or may not choose to attend. They dive into customer discovery, early marketing approaches, and language market fit. Links: Marketing Against the Grain: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5AVbuUGM7MftTFVAf86RTT Market / Language Fit: https://review.firstround…
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Today, we chat with Aaron Weiche co-founder of LeadFerno and CEO at GatherUp. Aaron shares his take on the current SMB market, how he grew LeadFerno, GatherUp and his strategy for the future. You can find Aaron at https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronweiche/由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we talk about responding to partnership inquiries. We go through everything from white labelling, reselling, affiliates and specific customization. Josh shares some of his experience from the trenches as we think through these ideas. This is episode 115由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today, Tyler King shares the ups and downs of growing his SaaS over the last 15yrs+. We dig into the origin of LessAnnoyingCRM, mistakes they made along the way and how they currently look at the world. Tyler is a great guy and was very open about sharing his story. Enjoy! You can find Tyler at: - Twitter: https://x.com/TylerMKing - Company: https:…
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Today, we talk about our methods and approach to competitive and technical research. Let’s dive in! This is episode 113由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we talk about market positioning and the two archetypal marketing messages: Bags Fly Free and Soup is Good Food. We also discuss the most urgent question your startup needs to answer: Why Buy Now? This is episode 112 Links: Bags Fly Free vs Soup is Good Food https://kellblog.com/2018/06/13/the-two-archetypal-marketing-messages-bag…
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Today we’re talking about personal strengths, weaknesses and where to focus your attention. Nate & Josh are pretty sure they’re uncommon approach works much better than the status quo. This is episode 111由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we talk about patterns in prospects, co-workers and even our families that change how we approach sales, management and life. It’s a full bag of truisms that have impacted us in unexpected ways. This is episode 110由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today we talk about a tool Nate’s been working on and who the target market is. Josh has some great insights on how to hone this idea for better growth. This is episode 109由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we talk about the non-saas podcasts Josh has been listening to and how this has changed his perspective. All this learning has Josh thinking of a new app idea that he shares with us towards the end of the episode. This is episode 108由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Some market areas seem to be consistently successful while others are not :thinking_face:. We dive into what those successful areas are and what it’s like to run a company there. We also get a sneak peak into Josh’s experience with Arc for Windows. Link: https://www.saastr.com/how-do-i-start-a-successful-saas/ This is episode 107…
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Today, Nate & Josh talk about what can be done to grow Status List. Messages to be clarified, trust signals to be added, pricing to be improved. There’s a lot to get through in this episode! This is episode 106由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we talk to our friend Colleen about her SaaS journey, her latest product for the reporting space and her thoughts on getting from 0 to 1. This is episode 105由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today we talk about two products, one in an emerging market, one in a commodity and the challenges with each. This is episode 104由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today we dig into the complex feelings of customers. A company could be on the way in, the way out or about to be dropped like a hot potato by it's customers. This is episode 103由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today, Chris Savage from Wistia joins us to talk about all things brand and video. We walk through Chris' journey building the brand of Wistia, making technical bets and navigating changes in the market. You don't want to miss this one! This is episode 102由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today, we talk about the practise of apprentices and how we could benefit from that today. This is episode 101由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Can you believe it?! Today we’re celebrating 100 episodes of Searching for SaaS! Nate & Josh take a trip down memory lane and look at fun times, great guests and things we’d change. Join us for the centennial episode of S4S 🎉由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we dig into Josh’s year long project to update pricing for his company. We also get an update from Nate on Testing Taxi growth and the guys talk about experiments Nate could try to grow MRR. This is episode 99由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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On the show today, we talk about marketing Nate’s testing project from 0 to 200MRR. Josh has lots of questions. Let’s start off 2024 with a bang! This is episode 98由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Happy new year everyone! We're working on some new episodes for you. See you soon!由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today we discuss how to balance the nuance of what info to discuss, what insights we can gain, and how to mentally prepare for a meeting like this. This is episode 96由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we talk about tech for marketing sites (wordpress, headless CMS, web flow…) and Josh tells us about his experience building a little no-code project. Links: Jesse Hanley https://twitter.com/jessethanley This is episode 95由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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On the show this week, we talk about business retreats and why some are so great! There are things we love, and things we’d rather avoid and today we talk about it all. This is Episode 94由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show we dive into the world of A/B testing and the tools around that. This is episode 93由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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On the show this week we share our quick takes on category creation (Christopher Lockhead), word of mouth, abandoning business frameworks and Google Podcasts shutdown. Links - Lenny’s Podcast (https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/podcast) - Category creation - https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-to-become-a-category-pirate-christopher#details - WOM …
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Today on the show we’re joined by Colin from Customer.io. He takes on the journey of building an integrated messaging platform and his thoughts on pricing and branding. Colin’s Twitter: @alphacolin This is episode 91由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show, we dive into 4 validation strategies Lenny Rachitsky suggested in a recent newsletter. Nate & Josh lean into what’s worked for them and which methods they think are the most effective. Lenny’s article: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-to-validate-your-b2b-startup This is episode 90…
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Today on the show Nate & Josh look at Testing Taxi and how to reach the audience - and which audience to go after. We also dive into some side tunnels with messaging and early MVPs. Buckle up, this is a good one! Links: - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/heyrobk_voice-of-the-%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F%3F-voice-of-activity-7101581893774573568-tdtv/ - https…
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On the show today, Josh tells us all about Swipefiles, how it helps his creative process and his team. We also into how Josh tracks interesting companies and ideas. Links: - Corey Haines: https://twitter.com/coreyhainesco This is episode 88.由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show, we dive into value propositions and how to to make better ones. We dive into Nate’s value prop for Testing Taxi and how it could be improved. Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oICXfZg68x0 This is episode 87由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today we dig into the tools and habits we use to stay on top of things and prioritize the right things. Josh comes at it from the angle of working with a team, while Nate is in the ever changing landscape of consulting clients. This is episode 86由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today we talk to Luca from Customerly.io about last month's huge pricing change. He walks us through the thinking behind it and discussed previous pricing choices he'd never do again. Join us for a great chat about everything pricing. You can find Luca at https://twitter.com/iLucaMicheli, and the pricing we're discussing at https://www.customerly.i…
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Today we talk about embedding in a customer community. Nate gives an update on Testing Taxi and Josh weights in. Join us for a good discussion on the early stages of customer development. This is episode 84由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today, we explore some strong opinions of serial entrepreneur, Hiten Shah (https://twitter.com/hnshah). We dig into our own ways of thinking differently and how strongly we express that. This is episode 83由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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On the show today Nate and Josh talk about AI and why we aren't jumping in with both feet. This is episode 82由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today on the show, we dig into partnerships - what makes them work and what doesn’t, what keeps them alive and what undermines them. Josh has had over 5 partnerships and he weighs in on some of the insights he’s uncovered. Further reading: - https://joshho.substack.com/p/staying-aligned-on-the-big-things This is episode 81…
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Today on the show we have Mike from Wafris talking about his fledgling internet security company and how he's using social media to get off the ground. We explore where social is working for Mike and what he can do to get even more reach. Links: - https://wafris.org/ - https://wafris.org/ip-lookup This is episode 80…
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Today on the show we talk about the signup process for Nate's new SaaS - Testing Taxi. Self-guided trials are not an option so what should he do? We also check in on Nate's SEO push on Status List and where he's running stuck. Links: https://testing.taxi This is episode 79由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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Today Nate and Josh dive into 3 different SaaS companies and ask: would this be a good business to buy? We dive into how we might market, position or turn a profit with each. The results may surprise you. We also dig into the AI-powered things SaaS businesses are spinning up lately - a full gamut on the show today. This is episode 78…
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Today we talk about Nate’s latest project and if it’s time to buy a domain and tell the world. Josh weights in and gives some helpful SEO tips to get started. Also today, we talk about abilities and environment and how those have both shaped our entrepreneurial journey. Links: https://lawrenceandco.com/your-oxygen-mask-first This is episode 77…
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Today, Josh and Nate discuss the value of domains. What would you pay for a used domain? Why do people pay millions of dollars for special domain names? Some of us like to hold 90+ domains for a "rainy day". Others only buy domains when they're ready to launch something. More on aquisition of chat.com https://twitter.com/dharmesh/status/16410941091…
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Nate shutdown a project because it wasn't panning out. All of a sudden, customers are showing up asking to have it turned on. Nate shares the story and what he's going to do about it. Also today, Josh went on a founders retreat. He shares the wonders of diverse paths in company building and how finding "your people" is so meaningful. This is episod…
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Today, we talk about poker star Annie Duke's book on decision making. As founders, we often look at the world through rose colored glasses. Today we talk about ways to be realistic, limit failure and increase our chance of success. You can find Annie Duke's book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Thinking-Bets-Making-Smarter-Decisions/dp/0735216355/r…
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Nate’s landing page hasn’t been converting. Today, we dive into a tear down of what’s good, what’s missing and how we can improve it. You can find the video version of this episode at: https://joshho.substack.com/p/c18f4386-f062-463e-9f31-8d632de6e2ea This is episode 73由Josh Ho & Nate Bosscher
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