生命河靈糧堂 主日信息 及 主日敬拜
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由吳嘉洛弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由余健弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由陳甘霖姊妹、王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由曾興才牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉仲偉弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由吳嘉洛弟兄, NewWave Team
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由Pastor Pearson Lau
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由施弘美姊妹
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由卓爾君牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由曾興才牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由吳嘉洛弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由余健弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由陳甘霖、吳宥樺姊妹
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由王亞辰牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由蕭景洲弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由吳嘉洛弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由曾興才牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由劉彤牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由畢萌姐妹、 余健弟兄
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This is the weekly Sunday sermon from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由卓爾君牧師
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This is the weekly Sunday worship from River of Life Christian Church. Come and join us. May God bless you and your family.由陳甘霖姊妹、王亞辰牧師
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哈維拉·坎寧頓教導我們專注力的重要性。定睛仰望耶穌,你所在的環境就有了焦點。神把你放在這裡,要向當下的世代闡釋天國。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由Havilah Cunnington
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在聖經中,我們被稱作鹽和光,還有天國的酵,這三樣事物都會影響周圍的環境。在這篇講道中,比爾 強森鼓勵我們擔起責任,帶著更大勇氣,恆切地禱告,去成為神在地上的解決方案。任何時候,都是禱告的好時候。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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馬太福音五章四十四節說,“要愛你們的仇敵,為那逼迫你們的禱告。”克里斯 偉羅頓傳遞了一個針對當下的信息,饒恕那些不配得的人,保守我們的心,免受冒犯。當我們愛人的心增長,對他們的影響力也增長。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由克理斯 偉羅頓
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面前的巨人是你的盤中餐。比爾強森教導我們一個事實,神造你就是得勝者。戰勝你面對的巨人就是營養的來源。這條信息教我們帶著得勝的態度來思考行動。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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感恩讓我們在神應許的突破中更堅定。比爾強森的這篇經典信息是關於感恩的必要性。讓我們在突破之前,就享受得勝的喜悅 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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勇敢不是沒有害怕的感受,而是選擇去面對。克理斯偉羅頓講述了關於勇氣的真理,裝備你來戰勝懼怕,滿有勇氣,堅守美德。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由克理斯 偉羅頓
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我們最大的權柄出自於對未見之事的信心和堅守。比爾強森在這篇經典信息中,強調了信心,能力和權柄,幫助我們回應聖靈的感動,培育信仰的花園。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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尊榮是身為王室的基本原則。克理斯偉羅頓分享了尊榮的本性和必要性。一起來領受神所啟示的尊榮的通路。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由克理斯 偉羅頓
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神在帶領我們經歷蛻變。克理斯偉羅頓鼓勵我們放掉那些過去帶給我們益處但如今不再適宜的東西,全身投入未來的改變。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由克理斯 偉羅頓
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失望是誤解了神對我們未來的計畫。邁克爾 梅登為我們講解,神聖的命定是如何藏身在最大的失望中。不要放棄!由Michael Maiden
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更新過的觀念能夠查驗神的旨意。比爾強森挑戰我們讓神蹟改變我們生活和思考的方式,讓不可能變得合理。由比爾 強生
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愛沒有附加條件。布萊恩·强森牧師教導我們屬神的愛。讓我們降服在這種愛中,感同身受地理解別人,愛別人。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由布萊恩 強森
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神說的話人們需要來經歷。比爾強森教導我們如何來管理神的話,經營和耶穌的關係。神的話讓我們的生命更透徹清晰。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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忠心的僕人會得到什麼獎賞呢?克理斯 偉羅頓講到十錠銀子的比喻,當我們對神的囑託忠心的時候,神會如何回應。我們要更新眼光,預備好興起,有效實現我們的命定。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由克理斯 偉羅頓
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我們相信什麼往往透過行為表達出來。比爾強森講解了這四個基礎信念:神是良善的;在神凡事都能;耶穌在骷髏地解決了一切;我有非凡的身分。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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埃裏克·梅塔克斯是一位暢銷書作家。他分享了他的得救經歷。神對著我們的心講只有我們聽得懂的隱密語言。他就是如此在尋找我們。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由埃裏克·梅塔克斯
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在我們生命中,健康的盟約關係至關重要。克理斯偉羅頓借用聖經故事描述了在家庭和朋友當中健康關係的樣式。健康的關係讓我們彼此保護,彼此憐憫看顧。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由克理斯 偉羅頓
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信道是從聽道來的,聽道是從基督的話來的。比爾強生教導我們怎樣認出神的聲音。我們的理解力不會侷限他的聲音,他一直在對我們講話。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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停留在熟悉和舒適,會攔阻我們理解神當下的作為。比爾強森鼓勵我們回到曾經的代價和火熱中,讓我們持續對神更渴慕。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由比爾 強生
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只有愛可以改變世界。克理斯偉羅頓教導,無論是個人、機構還是地域性轉化,人與人傳達的愛是關鍵。作為教會,我們有責任用神的愛彼此相愛。 音訊由Bethel Media翻譯譯製。 https://www.bethel.tv/zh/podcasts/donate由克理斯 偉羅頓
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以馬內利- - -基督的出來 -黃思義 牧師
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耶和華神已掌權, 井水湧上來, 唯有耶穌
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