The unofficial weekly drabble competition in the Elite Dangerous forums.
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Cuap-cuap kelas warkop mengenai pemilihan aktor Batman terbaru
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Setelah kami menonton filmnya beberapa hari lalu, inilah post reaction dan review film gundala yang disutradarai Joko Anwar.
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giveaway : 2 tiket Hodgepodge Superfest 2019 untuk 2 orang caranya : follow ig @hodgepodgefest dan @geegoenews jawab pertanyaan berikut: siapakah nama 2 personil Public Enemy yg tergabung di grup Prophet of Rage ? sertakan hastag #HPSF19 dan tulis jawaban kamu di kolom komentar Instagram @geegoenews dan tag 2 teman mu. kuis berlangsung sampai tangg…
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cuap-cuap kelas warkop tentang Jagat Sinema Bumi Langit
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Apakah Marvel lebih unggul dibandingkan DC? atau sebaliknya? dua kubu bicara mendalam secara acak mengenai Marvel dan DC.
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cuap-cuap mengenai season Game oF thrones season 8 (maaf, suara kita kaya radio dangdut karena kesalahan teknis)
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Reaksi peristiwa "bersejarah" dalam pemilu 2019
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Cuap-cuap mengenai posisi wanita di dunia industri kreatif lokal.
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cuap-cuap mengenai debat capres/cawapres jilid 1.
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Cuap-cuap Perkembangan Barang Analog di Era Digital
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Cuap-cuap tentang fenomena nikah di KUA ala Suhay Salim
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cuap-cuap mengenai entrepreneur dan feminisme serius tapi tak serius
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cuap-cuap Streetwear mahal yang menjadi komoditi pemuda-pemudi endoesiaaa
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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The weekly readings of the community entries for this weeks Abraka Drabble由Abraka Drabble
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