The start of a new end? The ReBirthday show is over. More info about the new show is coming soon! An undressed comedy, conflict and comfort podcast. Facing all the consequences and existential drama - of being born. Hosted by Leona and Tommy - known from fuck for forest - the wolds only true erotic ecological organisation. Don’t panic! We are Scandinavians. Inviting friends, enemies and doomsday authorities - with deep, abstract or just funny reflections on life, ecolog ...
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Bipolar Circle: ReBirthday - Or how to start a doomsday cult: Getting back to reality (part 1)
Bipolar Circle has been a long time off air - and the rebirth day show died violently. What happened? Only time will tell. We will explain a little about what happened. Do not panic. It will come in small doses. Something else that seems to not always come in small doses - is reality. Tommy Temblor is slowly aging and dying, And Leona has left him …
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Did you ever do magic? In a world where we are challenged daily with abstract and seamlessly unlimited difficulties and struggles, with a tiny pinch of love on top - to know magic would be both a useful and powerful tool. But it is all hidden information we thought. Still if this knowledge was available - could we all learn to bend time and space? …
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Can sex-workers be a resource for creating a better world? They are working with the essential root chakra, the sexual energy, and this should give them some special skills and powers. Still if society moralize and suppress the subject of sex-work - how can this well educated people, be able to use their wisdom - to help people with a traumatic rel…
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So what is inspiration? Can inspiration go both ways? The right inspiration for the right time - could change your life forever! And so it did - when Leona & Tommy first met Annie Sprinkle on the "Her story of porn" event she did in Oslo, Norway 2003. We had to fight ourselves past angry anti porn activists and a show promoter who was believing we …
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So welcome once more to the bipolar circle and the Birthday Show. No oh, its now the RebirthDay show! - honouring the constant reborn moments of "now". So whats up for our first ReBirthDay Show? What is human values? What is capitalism? And what is buying sex all about? It is gender based? It is only for old lonely or creepy guys who never got fuck…
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Cant buy me looooove? Still we CAN buy sex. Maybe love comes after? Still it might be not legal and it will make you a criminal for following your deep natural urges - with some money in your pocket. Can working to sell sex be a good job? Its the oldest profession in the world, so maybe its the best work also? We contacted a professional sex worker…
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Horny all the time. All day long. Can be tiering? So what is asexuality all about? It is possible to be in a love relationship - without having any sexual attraction what so ever to each other? What is a relationship really - and what is love? As always your fragile Scandinavians are confused. Can we learn to be asexual? So we found an expert on as…
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So we skipped a week again. Because of being lazy or depressed - or a mix of both. What came first? So many things to think about in the wide and vast bipolar world. So what is actually bipolar disorder? Is it really a disorder or just a symtom of something bigger and unknown? Something about our ability to live and love together as the human tribe…
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Sometime or often you can feel pretty alone in this big and potentially dangerous world. Still sometimes some special people cross your path who somehow can seem to be on the same mission. Leona & Tommy has been fucking for forest for over 15 year. So it is great to know there is someone else out there who also think sex and nature is one - and wor…
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So there was no Birthday Show last week. Why!!! We needed to have a quiet meditation inner birthday show for ourself. We were trying to find the source of our Bipolar Circle experience - while crossing out all the stuff we have already done before the final days of our common modern humans existence and experience. Well, we did not get to any concl…
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Sex is great! Still the subject of sexuality - also have dark sides. From societies stigmatisation of sex workers and sexual educators - to the reaction and expression of a sexually sick society - where abuse and sexual violence also is a real part of our complicated human experience. And sometimes life seems just too dark. So we got in touch with …
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So in the deep search for new hope at the edge of our planets existence - we agains ask help from people who study the human condition and psychology - hopefully to find the roots to all our problems. Could patriarchy be the fundament of all our suffering? Macho men with penis envy - who aggressively holds all of humanity down - with their evil pat…
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Why do we sometimes feel we are in the flow and sometimes not? Why are some people more lucky than others? Do the stars and planets have anything to do with it? If we knew how it worked we could use or abuse this powers - to become the master of the universe - and eventually get fucked by all the most sexy people in the world. Cool! But how does it…
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Can we really express what ever we want? Even if it stinks? And is there something with our body that is too obscene and controversial to express? And what is toilet humour anyway? Matt Farley from "Motern Media" is in our Bipolar Circle studio to share his ideas on creative song writing - and free expressions. Matt Farley has made great fame and a…
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What is femdom? Many humans out there like to get spanked, controlled or even be verbally abused in bed. They do not just like it - the LOVE it and it makes them horny! So we invited "Thimble" to our studio. Thimble is a expert on femdom and have a book project focusing on femdom and SM. Femdom is about getting excited - when being dominated by a w…
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What is Bipolar Circle and The Birthday Show - really all about? We are trying to get educated - and if we are so lucky to entertain you at the same time - we would feel like Gods - in the world of substitutional activities. Still it is not so easy to be funny in this darkly twisted and sadistic real "reality". So Leona & Tommy got in touch with a …
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Leona & Tommy`s search for the meaning of birth, life and death - is tuning in to what made us produce new humans in the first place - SEX. In a voluntary or non voluntary manor - children still seem to spurt out on our planet. Someone told us that creating babies could be a defence mechanism from nature - when it fears death. So maybe that is why …
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We are blessed! Mr "Monk Turner" - the creator of the all mighty intro song for Bipolar Circle and The Birthday Show - is in our studio! He is coming to explain us about how Monk turner & Fascinoma together created the greatest pop culture icon of our time - namely "Its your birthday" that now is the new official birthday song - not just for Bipola…
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EXTRA SHOW! - THE BIRTHDAY OF SANTA AND JESUS! MERRY what the fuck....It is the 21 of December and it is the day of the Solstice - one of the most important ritual days for many nature worshiping tribes - worldwide. Is this the same as Christmas? Does it have anything to do with each other? Is Jesus and Santa Clause - born on the same date?? We gue…
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Leona & Tommy has invited a true Anarchist - Logan Maria GlitterBomb - to get to the roots of what true Anarchism is all about. Tommy is more or less confused about freedom and rules and how much to behave in the right way people expect from him - and how to behave right or wrong to the right or wrong people. Leona is being a true anarchist and say…
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In this weeks Birthday Show - we are celebrating the birthday of a ghost. James Holm from the musical project "Wretched Pinhead puppets" - comes on our show to talk about how it is to make music with a Ghost friend. Listening to music and time traveling to days - where friendship and death get mixed together to created the blues of life. All spiked…
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In this weeks Birthday show - your fragile Scandinavians talk to Marcus Quillan - the creator of "Thousand faces". This is theatrical porn - exploring performance, artistry, kink, and emotion. Tommy is concerned about being to dirty and obscene for fine art - and wish to switch to do erotic musicals. Leona is doing her research on what is truly alt…
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The Birthday Show this week - is for Satan! We get a visit in Bipolar Circle studio - by the Magister of "The Church of Satan" - Mr David Harris. Explaining to us the essence of Satanism - and custom made fetish porn. Is it ok for Satan to do porn? Is Satan evil? Are we just doing Satanic small talk now? Tommy had a relationship to Satanism from ch…
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Leona & Tommy is doing a show about confusion. We really wished a special person - with authority on confusion - to make a intro for this show. So we merged our intention together - in a demonic ritual - asking the darkness to guide a guest to our show. In the middle of this Satanic ritual - Doug Stanhope made a Zoom roulette - making intros for pe…
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Leona & tommy get a visit on their podcast - from Samantha Evans and her husband Paul. They have specialised in selling quality sex toys and are the creators of - and are also doing education about how to have a greater sex life - even when you get older. Is it possible to continue to enjoy sex - in this world of ecological and politic…
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Leona & Tommy goes to experience - the day of the dead in Oaxaca, Mexico. This is the most exciting traditional celebration we have ever seen in the world - AND is happening again! So armed with Mexican bombs, death wishes and a bottle of the super strong traditional Oaxaca alcohol - Mezcal - we enter the streets of our dusty cowboy town - to visit…
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The Birthday Show is proud to invite - for a transsexual birthday celebration - Don "Buck Angel" Buck Angel is a pioneer in sexual education, human rights activism and weed availability. He is also a scientist for developing sex toys for transsexuals, and a early transsexual - in the world of transsexual expressions and politics. Talking about the …
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Leona & Tommy from the erotic ecological organization - is inviting to the Birthday Show - our close friends and FFF family! Super Cunt - body worker, sexual liberator and life creator. Tri - psychedelic doom metal/Eco porn star - and graphic artist. Super Cunt explains orgasmic birth and body work and Tri tells the mystical s…
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Tommy and Leona from the erotic ecological project is creating their first "pilot" podcast. Talking about all the joy and complications of human attachments and addictions. Tommy share a "self rehab" experience - while trying to figure out the meaning of life and addictions - and why it is part of our addictive human behavior …
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Leona & Tommy from the erotic ecological project invites fiends - and chat about their ecological project "La Manzana Podrida" - in Oaxaca Mexico. Pecado - artist and FFF activist, and Finn - modern society dropout and multimedia artist - talks about why they choose to help FFF, or just egocentrically trying to escape a sneaki…
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Leona and Tommy, from the erotic ecological project - - talks about why they left their hedonistic Eco-Sexual lifestyle for a life as farmers, in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. All spiced up with some silly stuff about freedom of expression and life in general. Do you enjoy our shows? Please help us with some small change fo…
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