Willkommen beim "Projekt Performance Podcast"! Hier dreht sich alles um erstklassiges Projektmanagement und wertvolle Business-Tipps, um das Maximum aus deiner beruflichen Karriere herauszuholen. Dein Gastgeber, Burak Kalman, teilt sein umfassendes Praxiswissen aus fast 500 Mio.€ Projektvolumen. Egal, ob du Projektmanager, Führungskraft oder Unternehmer bist, hier erhältst du Insights und Ratschläge, um das Beste aus deiner beruflichen Laufbahn herauszuholen. Tauche ein in Gespräche mit Expe ...
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Why Business Teams Fail & How to Avoid It : Strong Leadership Skills For Employee Engagement & High Performance
Rich Allen
Are you stuck trying to grow a high-performance team for your business so you can focus on your business owner responsibilities? Welcome to the show that helps small business owners hire, grow, and develop a radically-engaged team that will run the business for you, reducing your stress, boosting your profits, and letting you fully enjoy being the business owner. You’ll discover techniques to attract and hire top talent, ways to transform your team into a powerhouse of engagement, and shift ...
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The Kelly Roach Show: Entrepreneurial Strategy for Faster Business Growth, Effective Leadership, & High Performance Mindset
Kelly Roach
Looking for mentorship from someone who has a track record of business success? Want to learn how to build a 1% lifestyle and develop the mindset of a champion? Are you a business leader looking to 10x your results so you can build your dream life? If you are unwilling to settle for the status quo, and looking for real, honest, business, leadership, and mindset conversations... look no further. Tune in each week to learn from Kelly Roach, a former Fortune 500 executive, and NFL cheerleader t ...
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The Tailgate Entertainer | Performers | Performance Business | Creatives | Artists | Talent Buyers
Alan Bruess
Tailgate Entertainer is a podcast for performing artists and talent buyers. The goal of the show is to help those involved in the entertainment industry succeed by sharing years of collected wisdom. You will not find a more eclectic mix of people in the world than those that wear the label of Performing Artist. Their exciting journeys, lessons, and humorous anecdotes are woven together here to to provide encouragement, education, and support for the industry.
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Are you looking to reach that next level? To ge there you need to master the mental game. Rick Sessinghaus is the go to mindset coach for pro athletes and entrepreneurs. Now he brings that same training to you. To achieve results, and be at the top of your game, you need to understand the mental side of performance. In the Perform For Success podcast, you will learn principles and techniques that go beyond the typical self improvement. Rick will guide you through the action steps that are de ...
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High Performance Projects von Oliver Buhr ist ein Podcast für Führungskräfte und Unternehmer im Projektbusiness, für Pror jektmitarbeiter und für Projektmanage und für alle, die ihr Können in Projekten entscheidend voranbringen wollen. In Oliver Buhrs High Performance Projects erfährst du, wie du selbst, dein Team und dein Unternehmen im Projektbusiness auf einen High Performance Level arbeiten können. Du bekommst Tipps und Tricks aus Oliver Buhrs 25-jähriger Erfahrung im Projektmanagement, ...
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Performance Therapy is a podcast that explores the world of personal and professional development, with a focus on unlocking your full potential. Each episode features interviews with experts, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders who share their insights and experiences on topics such as business strategy, fitness, and self-improvement. Hosted by experienced performance coach Michael, the show delves into the habits, routines, and mindsets that drive success and happiness. Join us on Performan ...
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Mental Performance 365. Every Day Mental Performance for Athletes and Business Champions
Coach Ignacio Segovia
The realm of ergonomics is a captivating world with three primary branches that delve into the essence of human activity. Physical Ergonomics hones in on bodily performance, Cognitive Ergonomics sharpens mental prowess, and Organizational Ergonomics champions technical excellence and the harmonious coordination of best practices within a collective. Enter Ignacio Segovia, an esteemed Ergonomist from Nanterre University in Paris, France, specializing in enhancing Mental Performance for Athlet ...
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High Performance Humans: Improve your business and life by learning from top performers
Mike Green
Improve your life and business by listening to the High Performing Humans podcast where we get to go in depth with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and discipline. We interview executives, athletes, business owners, entrepreneurs, investors, and more. We focus on how people got to where they are today in addition to any tools, tactics, or strategies that helped them along the way!
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The Live It Forward Show with Kent Julian | Success | High Performance | Personal Development | E+R=O | Professional Speaker | Online Business
Kent Julian - Speaker. Author. Lifestyle Entrepreneur. Proud Bald Guy. You
The Live It Forward show with Kent Julian inspires and equips you to passionately pursue your dream life and calling with clarity and focus. If you want to show up and shine in your personal life, relationships, and career, Kent gives you the success strategies and real-life action plans to make it happen. Don’t settle any longer for a mediocre life…live and earn it forward today!
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One of the biggest questions I get is, "How did you build such an incredible team?" The truth is, it didn’t happen by accident – it was built by design. If you want a team that can sell, market, and serve without you being involved in every detail, this episode is for you. Today, I break down exactly what it takes to build an autonomous, self-led t…
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Als Projektmanager arbeitest du mit ganz unterschiedlichen Menschen zusammen – und genau darin liegt die Herausforderung. Jeder hat seinen eigenen Charakter, seine eigene Art zu denken und zu kommunizieren. Wenn du das nicht berücksichtigst, kann es schnell zu Missverständnissen, ineffizienter Zusammenarbeit und sogar Konflikten kommen. In dieser F…
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What Would Your Business Be Like if EVERY Team Member Made a Personal Commitment to Meet or Exceed Their Goals? Imagine the impact on your business—higher performance, less stress, and more personal time. But for this to happen, you must first build a Culture of Accountability. In this episode, we break down how to move beyond just assigning respon…
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1110. How to Take a 4-Week Vacation While Maintaining Business Growth with Dr. Sabrina Starling
What if you could step away from your business for 4 weeks and return to find it thriving? In this episode, Kelly interviews Dr. Sabrina Starling, a psychologist-turned-business-coach, on how to create a company that operates and grows without you. They dive into the mindset shifts, strategic hiring practices, and leadership frameworks necessary to…
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Faith isn't just a personal belief – it’s a powerful leadership tool. In this episode, I’m sharing 5 ways that prayer and deepening your faith life will strengthen your leadership, reduce stress, and give you the courage to grow your business with confidence. From my own journey of integrating faith into my business to the tangible shifts I’ve expe…
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Projektmanagement ist wie Fußball – ohne ein starkes Team geht nichts! Doch wenn der Teamaufbau scheitert, entstehen typische Probleme, die nicht nur das Projektergebnis gefährden, sondern auch das Teamgefüge belasten. In dieser Folge erfährst du, welche entscheidenden Schritte du unternehmen musst, um von Anfang an ein leistungsfähiges und motivie…
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How do you prevent toxic talk and gossip from polluting your workplace? If you’ve ever felt frustrated by negativity and division in your team, you’re not alone. Workplace gossip can quietly undermine morale, productivity, and leadership effectiveness. In this episode, we explore why toxic talk spreads so easily and how you can shut it down. You’ll…
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How effective is writing a book if you don’t turn it into a new revenue stream? In this episode, Kelly Roach sits down with bestselling author and business coach Jasmine Womack to discuss how entrepreneurs can leverage their expertise, write a book, and turn their message into a scalable movement. If you’re looking to multiply your impact, build au…
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This is one of the most common gaps business owners face when they are struggling to increase profit. In today’s episode, we dive deep into an often-overlooked strategy for business profitability: Monetizing every role in your company. Many business owners fall into the trap of hiring without a profitability plan, leading to unnecessary financial s…
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Stell dir vor, die Geschäftsleitung mischt sich direkt in deine Projekte ein, spricht mit deinen Kunden und umgeht dich als Projektleiter. Ein echtes Problem, das deine Autorität schwächt und dringend angegangen werden muss! In dieser Folge zeige ich dir, woran du erkennst, dass es Zeit ist zu handeln, und gebe dir konkrete Strategien an die Hand, …
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What’s Holding Your Business Back From Being More Efficient and Growing Faster? If your operations feel bloated or inefficient, now is the perfect time to cut back and streamline for stronger growth. In this episode, we dive into four key areas every business should regularly evaluate: Trimming outdated products and services to boost efficiency. St…
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Don’t you hate it when you’re having a promising sales conversation with a prospect who immediately ghosts you? It happens way too often; but today, you’re taking back the power. In today’s episode of The Kelly Roach Show, we’re diving into pattern interrupts – simple but powerful strategies that can help you reactivate conversations with prospects…
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1105. The Fast Track to Becoming a Paid Speaker for Increase Business Growth and Thought Leadership with Jen Gottlieb
Have you been dreaming of becoming a paid speaker and sharing your gifts with a wider audience – but have no idea where to start?? This episode is for you. In this interview with a LIVE audience, Kelly sits down with Jen Gottlieb to pull back the curtain on how to build a profitable speaking career – without spending years figuring it out. Jen brea…
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The Business Owner Mindset Shift You Need To Show Leadership Rather Than Acting Like An Employee
What Leadership Position Are You Filling in Your Business – and Is It the RIGHT One? Too many business owners spend their days caught up in the wrong tasks, leaving them exhausted and directionless. But here’s the truth: Your job is to guide the boat, not to row it. In this episode, you’ll discover: Why many business owners take on roles that slow …
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In der heutigen Folge erfährst du, warum es für deinen Erfolg entscheidend ist, als Projektmanager Gehör zu finden. Sichtbarkeit, Durchsetzungsstärke und klare Kommunikation sind Schlüsselkompetenzen, um ernst genommen zu werden und deine Karriere voranzutreiben. Ich zeige dir, wie du diese Fähigkeiten gezielt entwickelst, damit du nicht untergehst…
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1104. The Education Revolution – How Business Leaders Can Optimize Their Children’s Education with MacKenzie Price
Our children’s education is undergoing a revolution, and we as business leaders are at the forefront of this movement. In this episode, Kelly sits down with MacKenzie Price, founder of the Future of Education and the 2-Hour Learning program, to discuss how we can rethink traditional schooling to better equip our children for success. From innovativ…
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Leadership isn’t just about strategy; it’s about living your values daily and allowing them to shape your business identity. In this episode, we’re diving deep into the essence of brand building and leadership, understanding how values, consistency, and reinvention shape a lasting business identity. We’re walking through the three key elements that…
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What Lessons Are You Learning As You Watch Donald Trump Assume His New Position? Leadership isn’t about politics—it’s about observing, adapting, and applying valuable insights. This week, we’ll explore six actionable leadership lessons inspired by President Trump’s approach during his transition into office. Whether you’re a business owner, team le…
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1102. The 5 Types of Wealth and How They Contribute to Entrepreneurial Success with Sahil Bloom
What if the way we've been measuring success is all wrong? In this episode, we're diving deep into the five types of wealth with Sahil Bloom, author of The 5 Types of Wealth. We unpack why financial wealth alone isn't enough and how optimizing your time, social connections, and personal well-being can lead to a richer, more fulfilling life. This ep…
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Business leadership isn’t one-size-fits-all. The way that you show up and lead your team will be different than how your competitors (or even mentors) do it – but that’s because you are your own unique person. In this episode, we sit down with brand strategist and leadership expert Jen Kem to discuss her groundbreaking framework for identifying and…
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Kennst du das Gefühl, als Projektmanager gegen alle Widerstände kämpfen zu müssen? Manchmal scheint es, als wären alle gegen einen – oder könnten es zumindest sein. Doch genau dieser Gedanke kann dich ausbremsen und den Erfolg deiner Projekte gefährden. Deshalb ist es entscheidend, schnell aus diesem Mindset herauszukommen. In dieser Folge erfährst…
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How Robust is Your Current Hiring Process? In today’s episode, we dive into the challenges business owners face in recruiting and retaining top talent in an unpredictable job market. From the aftermath of the pandemic to “Exodus 2025,” it’s clear that refining your hiring process is more critical than ever. You’ll learn: The costly mistakes most bu…
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1100. Master Your Communication and Connection for Powerful Leadership and Business Growth with Lou Diamond
Making sales and maintaining business growth all comes down to one thing: effectively communicating with your audience. In this episode of The Kelly Roach Show, we welcome Lou Diamond, an expert in communication and connection, to discuss the transformative Speakeasy Method. Lou shares how mastering the way we engage in conversations can revolution…
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Having inconsistent sales in your business is EXHAUSTING. It puts you on a fast track to burnout and creates a very turbulent environment for your team to learn and grow. In this episode, we uncover the 4 essential steps to transform your business into a daily sales machine for rapid business growth. Learn how to optimize your sales leadership to s…
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Im Projektmanagement ist es entscheidend, die richtigen Stakeholder zu kennen, ihre Bedürfnisse zu verstehen und einzuschätzen, wie viel Einfluss und Macht sie auf dein Projekt haben. In diesem Video erfährst du die 3 Schritte, die dir helfen, deine Stakeholder richtig zu analysieren und erfolgreich mit ihnen zu arbeiten. Egal ob du neu im Projektm…
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It might not be what you think. In today’s episode, we dive into a major issue many leaders overlook: the habit of focusing more on what's going wrong in their business than on what's going right. Most employees are starving for positive feedback, and if you’re constantly catching them doing things wrong, it might cost you big time. Tune in as we d…
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1098. Optimize Your Marketing System for Massive Brand & Business Growth in 2025 with Veronica Romney
Wouldn't it be nice to have a resource that tells you exactly how to structure your marketing system to grow your brand and multiply your revenue. This episode with Veronica Romney -- and her NEW book Identity Marketing -- are exactly what you need to start your 2025 marketing efforts right. We're diving deep into the buyer's psychology of today's …
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If you've been burned by investments that didn’t pan out, this episode will show you how to break the cycle and regain confidence in betting on yourself. In this episode, we dive into the strategy and mindset required to ensure your investments bring the return you deserve. Learn actionable steps to vet opportunities, allocate your time, and create…
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Does each of your Team Members know EXACTLY what is Expected of Them in their Current Position? Many business owners assume their team knows exactly what’s required—but in reality, unclear expectations can lead to frustration, mistakes, and low morale. In this episode, we dive into why business owners often fail to set clear expectations and how it…
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Building wealth and increasing sales require more than a mindset shift -- it all comes down to strategy, energetics, and business thinking. In this episode, Kelly Roach is joined by Yinka Ewuola to uncover the critical strategies behind cash flow mastery and financial empowerment in business. Together, they discuss the holistic approach needed to c…
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1095. KAIROS MENTORSHIP: High-level Business Strategy, 8-Figure Mentality, and Faith Leadership
Enrollment into Kairos Mentorship is now OPEN! This is a transformative, year-long program for visionary leaders who are ready to elevate every aspect of their lives and businesses. Key Takeaways: The Core of Kairos: Why this mentorship marries high-level business strategy with faith development and mindset growth. The Leadership Edge: How becoming…
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Your business will grow faster when you sell more -- and Spiritual Selling is the sales strategy that will make that process more peaceful and effective for you. This episode is a replay from Day 1 of the Business Reinvention Workshop where I introduce Spiritual Selling and how entrepreneurs, business owners, and sales teams can implement it for ra…
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Kontrolliert eskalieren – wie du sicherstellst, dass dein Projektteam dir die Zuarbeit liefert, die du brauchst, ohne die Beziehungsebene zu gefährden. In dieser Episode zeige ich dir einen einfachen Drei-Schritte-Prozess, mit dem du Eskalationen effektiv managst, dein Team motivierst und dabei das Vertrauen erhältst. Erfahre, wie du Fehler vermeid…
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How satisfied are you with your progress toward Building a Winning Team? If so, you’re not alone. Many business owners find themselves stuck in the daily grind, unable to delegate effectively because they haven't unlocked the secret to assembling a winning team. In this episode, we dive into the 7 essential keys that every business owner needs to k…
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As an entrepreneur, YOU have the freedom to create your schedule. But in order to be a highly profitable business leader, you need to maximize that time. In today’s episode, we explore the art of pursuing significant life changes while running a thriving business. I’m sharing actionable strategies for creating balance, overcoming fear, and making s…
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Does your business feel like it needs a reset? Maybe the past year didn’t go as planned, and you’re unsure about the path forward. You’re not alone. In this episode, we’re dissecting the art and science of business reinvention. Whether you had your best year or your hardest one, this conversation will inspire you to step boldly into 2025 with renew…
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Are you truly empowering your team to take responsibility for their personal growth? In this week’s episode, we explore a vital topic for business owners: encouraging your team members to take ownership of their own development. Too often, leaders feel obligated to "make" their employees successful. But what if your role was simply to support and i…
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I am approaching 2025 completely differently than I have any other year, and here’s why: 2024 was a new level of hard. As an entrepreneur, when business gets hard, it’s easy to let that stress seep into each facet of your life. But that’s not healthy, so we’re doing something different! As we gear up for an incredible 2025, this episode shifts focu…
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Do you feel like you’ve put in so much work, but you still can’t get to where you want to be? No matter how hard you’ve tried? You’ve hit your business growth edge. Today, you’re going to learn how to scale past it, instead of falling back down again. This episode dives deep into identifying and conquering your growth edge – the psychological and s…
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Das ist vielleicht eine meiner bisher ehrlichsten Folgen: Ich habe meine Ziele für 2024 nicht vollständig erreicht. In dieser Episode teile ich offen meine Zielsetzungen in Kategorien wie Beziehungen, Gesundheit und Unternehmertum. Ich erkläre, welche Ziele ich mir gesteckt habe, warum ich sie nicht erreicht habe und welche Lehren ich daraus ziehe.…
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How much are you REALLY listening to your team, versus just talking? If you think your Talk-to-Listen ratio is in balance, think again! In this episode, we dive deep into why the more you talk, the less trusted and admired you might be—especially as a leader. The best leaders know that listening is the key to building trust and respect within their…
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As an entrepreneur, you have a TON on your mind… but is building business credit one of them? In this episode, we dive deep into the discussion on actionable strategies for business owners to optimize their funding options and build sustainable business credit. Amanda Webster joins The Kelly Roach Show to share her expertise on structuring business…
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The truth is… you CAN have it all. Massive business growth… a thriving family life… and a nurtured relationship with God. In this thought-provoking episode of The Kelly Roach Show, Kelly dives deep into the intersection of faith, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Discover how to use your business as a pulpit to inspire positive change, live out you…
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Ein souveränes Auftreten als Projektmanager ist nicht nur wichtig, sondern die Grundvoraussetzung, um erfolgreich delegieren zu können. Dein Team wird dir dann besser folgen und proaktiv zuarbeiten, wenn dein Auftreten deine Worte untermalt. Doch genau hier haben viele Projektmanager ein Grundproblem: Sie glauben, dass ihnen die nötige Fachexpertis…
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Are you truly leading your team, or are you unknowingly micro-managing them? If you’ve found yourself stepping in to fix every problem, you may be falling into the trap of micromanagement, and it could be hurting your business. In this episode, we explore why micro-managing can be detrimental to a team's morale and performance, and how to adopt a l…
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1087. Why Weightlifting Might Be Holding You Back: The Power of Variable Resistance Training for Business Leaders with Dr. John Jaquish
Being physically in shape is a statement of discipline that can branch into how you act as a leader in your business, market, and family. In this eye-opening episode, we’re joined by Dr. John Jaquish, creator of the revolutionary X3 Bar training system, to discuss why traditional weightlifting may not be the best solution for achieving optimal heal…
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Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly what to focus on to grow your business peacefully this next year? Well, here they are. In this episode of The Kelly Roach Show, Kelly dives into her top three metrics for achieving business success in 2025. Learn how to simplify your approach, streamline operations, and balance acquisition with retention for a th…
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Die heutige Folge ist besonders wichtig – nicht nur, weil sie deinen Arbeitsalltag als Projektmanager deutlich erleichtern kann, sondern auch, weil sie dir hilft, schneller Karriere zu machen. Ich erkläre dir, wie du deinen Chef oder das Management überzeugst, indem du ihnen genau das gibst, was sie wirklich wollen und brauchen. Höre rein und erfah…
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Do your team meetings leave your team motivated, aligned, and ready to tackle the week ahead? In this episode, we dive into the critical role weekly team meetings play in transforming business performance. Drawing from a real-life story of a frustrated business owner, you'll discover how a simple yet structured approach to meetings can resolve chao…
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1085. Unlocking Healing: Breathwork for Business Leadership, Intuition, and Emotional Health with Samantha Skelly
If you knew that 5 minutes of daily breathwork would radically enhance your business and personal life, would you prioritize it? In this episode of The Kelly Roach Show, we sit down with Samantha Skelly, the founder of Pause Breathwork and a leading expert in breathwork, to discuss the profound impact that breathwork can have on personal and profes…
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