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三位各自畢業於柏克萊與南加大,有著多年實務經驗的升學顧問,為你精闢分析變化多端的大學入學審核,與你討論升學趨勢與脈動。在這裡,我們聊聊關於申請大學的大小事,帶你輕鬆進大學。We know it is difficult to navigate the often overwhelming and competitive nature of college admissions. On this podcast, we share valuable insight, tips, and perspective on topics such as how to write the perfect essay to what applications look like in a post-COVID world. Our hosts will take you beyond the admissions process so you’re fully prepared to apply to the school of your dreams.
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Felix潘敬祖,一位夢想實踐家,身兼激勵導師、唱作歌手、節目主持、司儀、影音公司及培訓公司創辦人。過去二十年的努力,成功實踐歌手夢,曾加入華納唱片成為作曲人、奪得香港青年協會歌曲創作及樂隊比賽獎項,並為電台、慈善團體及多個商業機構創作歌曲。Felix熱愛以音樂傳遞正能量,於08年首次自資推出慈善唱片及音樂會,收益撥捐慈善之用,其後活躍於大小舞台演出及擔任歌唱比賽評判。 2012年正式進軍香港樂壇,推出唱作大碟及舉辦個人音樂會,奪得新城勁爆新登場男歌手獎項,同年創立「飛帆影音製作有限公司」,是一位高級影音顧問及唱片監製,近年亦開始擔任活動節目主持。除了熱愛以音樂,Felix亦是一位擁有十多年經驗的體驗式培訓導師,從小接觸野外挑戰訓練,機遇下於2005年為慈善機構創作主題曲而參與青少年領袖培訓,展開十多年的慈善工作及體驗式培訓之路。 其後考獲多項專業培訓資歷,包括:攀石、潛水、繩索技術、繩網教練等,同時熱愛心理啟發和藝術治療研究,考獲Points of You®、Personality Dimensions®、NLP、Music Therapy、Circle Painting及A ...
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show series
EP. 13 | The Last Mile: College Admission Results 大學錄取結果陸續出爐,不知道大家有沒有拿到自己心目中理想學校的錄取通知,還是收到備取通知 (Waiting List),或是拒絕信? 今年大學申請人數又創新高,相信各位可能對於錄取結果感到徬徨,究竟要怎麼選擇學校? 無論是要在5/1前送出意向書 (Statement of Intent to Register),或是收到備取通知的你,能夠做些什麼呢? 家長的角色應該是如何呢? 我們來帶領大家走完申請大學的最後一哩路! 記得追蹤我們的 IG: @beyondadmissions,以及訂閱我們的Podcast頻道,有想聊的話題或有任何問題都歡迎留言給我們哦! https://www.instagr…
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EP. 12 | Hidden Gem: Colleges You Might Regret Not Known Part 2 大學名單裡的遺珠推薦 Part 1 得到聽眾朋友們的熱烈迴響!這一次我們的大學遺珠系列再度來向大家介紹隱藏版的大學名單,可能是你從沒考慮過要申請的學校,可能是不了解、或是有著深深的誤解。這次我們繼續來帶領大家深入了解,千萬不要忽略這些隱藏版的學校名單,很可能是你達成理想目標的關鍵! 追蹤我們的 Instagram,各種大學訊息分享,有想聽的話題或有任何問題都歡迎給我們留言喔!…
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Produced by the AEC Team Charlie Musgrove Donald Stabile Maggie Zheng Helen Zhao Warm-up Speech Turning a zero-sum game into a win-win situation Real life is not a zero-sum game. Only the most cynicalpeople give credence to this mentality, but unfortunately, these cynics havetoo much influence in our society. Zero-sum gaming is based on a fallacy, …
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Produced by the AEC Team Donald Stabile Charlie Musgrove Maggie Zheng Helen Zhao Warm-up Speech Friendship and Vulnerability The topic of vulnerability is a tricky one. Talking aboutvulnerability makes us feel vulnerable. At the first sight, it seems odd that we can encouragesomeone to like us by revealing our weaknesses to them. After all, don't w…
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Hey, guys! Welcome to 开心萌萌百分百Happy Moments100! It has just dawned upon me that having fun can empowerourselves and empower others. As long as we have a good time, our beloved oneswill feel the ripples of our positive emotion. So let’s celebrate differencesand create bonds and friendship. Here comes a Valentine’s Day joke: Long long time ago, a prin…
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EP. 11 | Summer Planning: Making the Most of Summer Activities 放暑假啦! 如何開心過暑假,又能有效利用暑期時間充實自己? 到心儀的大學修一門特別的課程? 參加各界舉辦的領袖夏令營? 到有興趣的領域實習? 找份適合的暑期工作? 造訪未來可能申請的大學? 落實計劃已久的passion project? 越早開始規劃,越能妥善安排,完成平常學期間沒有時間做的事,全心投入自己熱愛的活動! 追蹤我們的 Instagram,各種大學訊息分享,有想聽的話題或有任何問題都歡迎給我們留言喔!…
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Hey, guys! Welcome to Happy Moments 100! It has just dawned upon me that having fun can empowerourselves and empower others. So I have decided to collect jokes across culturesand publish them in my podcast. I was also thinking of writing some originaljokes by myself. Welcome to comment! Joke 002 In an English class, a Chinese student asks anAmerica…
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Hey, guys! Welcome to Happy Moments 100! It has just dawned upon me that having fun can empowerourselves and empower others. So I have decided to collect jokes across culturesand publish them in my podcast. I was also thinking of writing some originaljokes by myself. Here comes the first try. Welcome to comment! Joke 001 A mother asks a wise man fo…
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小耳朵们,和朋友吹牛需要一些谈资吗?空闲时间感到孤单吗?“阿基米德英语百科”携手“新飞跃英语”陪伴你,天南海北无所不聊,每天开心就好。 Hey,guys! Do you need something to brag with buddies? Do you need a companion inyour spare time? Archimedes Encyclopedic English and New Leap English will behere for you. Talk big and have a good time!
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小耳朵们,和朋友吹牛需要一些谈资吗?空闲时间感到孤单吗?“阿基米德英语百科”携手“新飞跃英语”陪伴你,天南海北无所不聊,每天开心就好。 Hey,guys! Do you need something to brag with buddies? Do you need a companion inyour spare time? Archimedes Encyclopedic English and New Leap English will behere for you. Talk big and have a good time!
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From thisepisode, we have the pleasure to invite Professor Musgrove and Emily to hostthis program. They willintroduce the most breath-taking natural wonders, many of which are among theUNESCO World Heritage Sites. Welcome tojoin them to travel around the world and practice your English listening. ----Archimedes Encyclopedic English阿基米德英语百科 节目介绍 “阿基…
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From thisepisode, we have the pleasure to invite Professor Musgrove and Emily to hostthis program. They willintroduce the most breath-taking natural wonders, many of which are among theUNESCO World Heritage Sites. Welcome tojoin them to travel around the world and practice your English listening. ----Archimedes Encyclopedic English阿基米德英语百科 节目介绍 “阿基…
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From thisepisode, we have the pleasure to invite Professor Musgrove and Emily to hostthis program. They willintroduce the most breath-taking natural wonders, many of which are among theUNESCO World Heritage Sites. Welcome tojoin them to travel around the world and practice your English listening. ----Archimedes Encyclopedic English阿基米德英语百科 节目介绍 “阿基…
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From thisepisode, we have the pleasure to invite Professor Musgrove and Emily to hostthis program. They willintroduce the most breath-taking natural wonders, many of which are among theUNESCO World Heritage Sites. Welcome tojoin them to travel around the world and practice your English listening. ----Archimedes Encyclopedic English阿基米德英语百科 节目介绍 “阿基…
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From thisepisode, we have the pleasure to invite Professor Musgrove and Emily to hostthis program. They willintroduce the most breath-taking natural wonders, many of which are among theUNESCO World Heritage Sites. Welcome tojoin them to travel around the world and practice your English listening. ----Archimedes Encyclopedic English阿基米德英语百科 节目介绍 “阿基…
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