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The fundamental reality of Scripture is that God is king of the world. We will trace the theme of the kingdom of God throughout the Old Testament, with examples from Adam and Eve, Samuel and the judges, King Saul and King David, the prophets and exile, Daniel’s apocalyptic, and Messianic expectations.…
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Many scholars believe that Ecclesiastes is edited by a narrator, who takes the questions assembled by the Teacher (Qoholet) and reframes them with some qualification. Chapter 12 is often seen as the ultimate reframing of the entire book of Ecclesiastes around the question: what is the most important thing in life?…
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Ecclesiastes falls within the wisdom writings, grouped along with other books in the Hebrew Bible in the Ketuvim. More specifically, Ecclesiastes is one of the five Megillot, connected with the festival of Sukkot, or the Feast of Booths. Throughout the book, the writer wrestles with how to find real wisdom. In a world where truth is up for grabs, w…
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We all at one time wrestle with the question, “why do bad things happen to good people?” The writer of Ecclesiastes is no different: “There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 8:14). Is the…
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“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). The litany of different seasons the Teacher explores can make it seem like life merely undulates along a path over which we have little control over and in which we may struggle to find meaning. “What has been will be again, what has been done wi…
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One of the most pervasive themes in Ecclesiastes is what can seem like the apparent meaninglessness of life. The very beginning of the book centers on this theme: “Meaningless! Meaningless!’, says the Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless’” (Ecclesiastes 1:2). We can all feel like this sometimes. So, is life meaningless or meanin…
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Peter reminds his readers of the reason he is writing: “to stimulate you to wholesome thinking” (3:1-2). This spurring on is vitally important as we enter days that are confusing and may wonder if there will ever be a day when Jesus returns. As we begin Advent, the words of 2 Peter 3 coincide with the Advent longing for the parousia of Christ.…
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This week will explore examples of believers who move from initial steps of faith to a life of growing and deepening discipleship. We will look at the believers in Jerusalem (4:32-37) and Berean (17:10-15) as examples of growing faith exemplified in learning, praying, sharing, and growing. Then we will examine the life of Barnabas (4:36-37; 9:26-28…
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When Peter preaches sermon to a crowd of Jews and God-fearing Gentiles gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost, there is a dramatic response. We are told that about three thousand became disciples of Jesus that very day. Perhaps the story of Cornelius (Acts 10) could be referenced as well. This week we explore the beginnings of life change that leads u…
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When Philip encounters an Ethiopian eunuch who is seeking to understand the words of the prophet Isaiah. The eunuch actively asks questions and seeks answers, and that becomes an opportunity for transformation. Philip is present with him to ask questions, guide him into understanding about the Messiah, and lead him to a next step of faith. Philip e…
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This message will focus primarily on the story of the Tower of Babel and how it sets the stage for the confusion of the nations and separation of peoples based in the vain pride of humanity. The message will point toward God’s intervention in Abraham and through that toward the need for Christ.由Matt Erickson
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This passage is one we might be apt to skip over because we’re not sure what to say about these stories of people. But there’s a reminder here that over time humanity expands, grows, and spreads to different places. This message will bring focus to the curious text about the Nephilim and the continual expansion of evil over this time which troubles…
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