Messages from Pastor Matt Erickson and Eastbrook Church, a non-denominational church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Part 1 of a 3-part focus on the story of Jonah and its relationship to our calling as modern-day believers to go into the ends of the earth and preach the gospel.由Bertil Engqvist
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The fundamental reality of Scripture is that God is king of the world. We will trace the theme of the kingdom of God throughout the Old Testament, with examples from Adam and Eve, Samuel and the judges, King Saul and King David, the prophets and exile, Daniel’s apocalyptic, and Messianic expectations.…
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Many scholars believe that Ecclesiastes is edited by a narrator, who takes the questions assembled by the Teacher (Qoholet) and reframes them with some qualification. Chapter 12 is often seen as the ultimate reframing of the entire book of Ecclesiastes around the question: what is the most important thing in life?…
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Ecclesiastes falls within the wisdom writings, grouped along with other books in the Hebrew Bible in the Ketuvim. More specifically, Ecclesiastes is one of the five Megillot, connected with the festival of Sukkot, or the Feast of Booths. Throughout the book, the writer wrestles with how to find real wisdom. In a world where truth is up for grabs, w…
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We all at one time wrestle with the question, “why do bad things happen to good people?” The writer of Ecclesiastes is no different: “There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 8:14). Is the…
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“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). The litany of different seasons the Teacher explores can make it seem like life merely undulates along a path over which we have little control over and in which we may struggle to find meaning. “What has been will be again, what has been done wi…
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The first few chapters of Ecclesiastes explore various pursuits in life, showing how any of them might become meaningless for us. Whether it’s the pursuit of pleasure, hard work, knowledge, or riches, any of these things apart from God can become sources of dissatisfaction. So, what can truly satisfy us?…
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One of the most pervasive themes in Ecclesiastes is what can seem like the apparent meaninglessness of life. The very beginning of the book centers on this theme: “Meaningless! Meaningless!’, says the Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless’” (Ecclesiastes 1:2). We can all feel like this sometimes. So, is life meaningless or meanin…
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Following on our series on 2 Peter we spend one week looking at the book of Jude, one of the most interesting and short books in the Bible. Jude is interrelated with 2 Peter, so this is a good time to explore it.由Ruth Carver
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Because of the unique timing of Christmas Eve, this is a stand-alone message for Christmas Eve 2023 called "A New Day."由Matt Erickson
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The conclusion of our series on 2 Peter brings us to the final words of this letter, urging us in light of all that has been said, to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).由Matt Erickson
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We want to watch for that day of the Lord, but we also want to live in light of it. Peter’s question should ring through our minds and hearts as well, “What kind of people ought you to be?” (3:11). 2 Peter 3:10-13由Jim Caler
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Peter reminds his readers of the reason he is writing: “to stimulate you to wholesome thinking” (3:1-2). This spurring on is vitally important as we enter days that are confusing and may wonder if there will ever be a day when Jesus returns. As we begin Advent, the words of 2 Peter 3 coincide with the Advent longing for the parousia of Christ.…
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Following false guides leads us away from the power and presence of God. Such wandering is not without consequence and may leave us wondering, with our author, if it would be better to have not known the way of righteousness in the first place. 2 Peter 2:10b-22由Matt Erickson
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Peter points out he was an eyewitness of Jesus’ incarnation and transfiguration, while also highlighting the importance of the prophetic message about Christ he and others bear. This gives us an opportunity to talk about the message of Christ, the significance of the apostles, the power of Scripture, and contemporary prophecy.…
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The life of faith is built on the grace and power of God. Yet we are twice invited to “make every effort” in growing with God in character and confirmation of our calling and election. (2 Peter 1:5-11)由Lisa Sinclair
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The author reminds his readers of the power of God available to them. Through faith in Jesus Christ we have access to God’s “very great and precious promises” so that we have “everything we need for a godly life.”由Matt Erickson
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A message from Pastor Dan Ryan, from Romans 10:13-17 to conclude our 2023 MissionsFest, "Sent."由Dan Ryan
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A message from Rev. Dr. Jack Sara, President of Bethlehem Bible College, from Romans 10:13-17 to kick off our 2023 MissionsFest, "Sent."由Rev. Dr. Jack Sara
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This week will explore examples of believers who move from initial steps of faith to a life of growing and deepening discipleship. We will look at the believers in Jerusalem (4:32-37) and Berean (17:10-15) as examples of growing faith exemplified in learning, praying, sharing, and growing. Then we will examine the life of Barnabas (4:36-37; 9:26-28…
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When Peter preaches sermon to a crowd of Jews and God-fearing Gentiles gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost, there is a dramatic response. We are told that about three thousand became disciples of Jesus that very day. Perhaps the story of Cornelius (Acts 10) could be referenced as well. This week we explore the beginnings of life change that leads u…
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When Philip encounters an Ethiopian eunuch who is seeking to understand the words of the prophet Isaiah. The eunuch actively asks questions and seeks answers, and that becomes an opportunity for transformation. Philip is present with him to ask questions, guide him into understanding about the Messiah, and lead him to a next step of faith. Philip e…
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We explore the ministry of Paul and Silas in the Macedonian city of Philippi, particularly their interactions with the jailer where they are imprisoned. Acts 16:16-40由Matt Erickson
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This week we will explore the third movement of prayer: praying outward. We will investigate what it means to connect with others and God in prayer. We will develop what it means to pray “out” in terms of praying for others on our own, praying for others in person, and praying with others for others.…
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This week we will explore the second movement of prayer: praying inward. We will search out what it means to connect with ourselves and God. We will develop what it means to pray “in” in terms of praying from our need (“help!”), praying about our sin (“I’m sorry!”), and praying out of gratitude (“thank You!”).…
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This week will seek to provide a definition of prayer as conversation with God. Then we will explore the first movement of prayer: praying upward. We will explore praying “up” as praying praise, praying God’s character, and praying God’s promises. Silence before the greatness of God may also factor in.…
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A message at our annual Eastbrook Outdoors service on how Jesus is the ultimate rebuilder and repairer of all that is broken in our selves, our city, and our world.由Matt Erickson
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There are many listings of names in Nehemiah, but it is particularly important to see the transformation that begins to happen amidst repair and rebuilding. Exiles and outcasts become residents with a place. This should give some attention to God’s covenant promises about the land.由Matt Erickson
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Last week we explored the centrality of God’s Word in the identity and project of rebuilding and repair. The people not only hear God’s word but respond to it. This is a powerful example of humble confession and a community turning toward God.由Ruth Carver
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One of the most striking episodes in Nehemiah is the reading of God’s law by Ezra to the people. We also see the people responding to the story of Scripture by living into it with the Feast of Booths.由Femi Ibitoye
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A standalone message from Rev. Yousef Hashweh on overcoming obstacles from Joshua 5:13-6:5.由Rev. Yousef Hashweh
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There are opponents from the very beginning and all throughout Nehemiah’s efforts. It shouldn’t be surprising when troubles arise as we pursue the work of repair and rebuilding.由Matt Erickson
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The list of builders by section seems sort of odd to us but is also an important recognition of the workers who apply themselves to the task. This is really not about Nehemiah but about the people.由Will Branch
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Hearing about it from a distance, Nehemiah now sees firsthand what is going on. From that point he urges action: rebuilding.由Matt Erickson
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Nehemiah has to approach King Artaxerxes about the need and his own sense of calling to help with the repair.由Matt Erickson
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Nehemiah’s response to the brokenness of Jerusalem is a deep prayer.由Matt Erickson
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This week will introduce the summer series and Nehemiah’s encounter with the news of Jerusalem’s disrepair.
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由Matt Erickson
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Exploring the seven “I am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John, this Easter season we want to encounter Jesus again for the first time. Drawing upon the Gospel context and Old Testament history, we want to step more deeply into what Jesus was saying then and what it means for our life with God today.…
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Exploring the seven “I am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John, this Easter season we want to encounter Jesus again for the first time. Drawing upon the Gospel context and Old Testament history, we want to step more deeply into what Jesus was saying then and what it means for our life with God today.…
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Exploring the seven “I am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John, this Easter season we want to encounter Jesus again for the first time. Drawing upon the Gospel context and Old Testament history, we want to step more deeply into what Jesus was saying then and what it means for our life with God today.…
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Exploring the seven “I am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John, this Easter season we want to encounter Jesus again for the first time. Drawing upon the Gospel context and Old Testament history, we want to step more deeply into what Jesus was saying then and what it means for our life with God today.…
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Exploring the seven “I am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John, this Easter season we want to encounter Jesus again for the first time. Drawing upon the Gospel context and Old Testament history, we want to step more deeply into what Jesus was saying then and what it means for our life with God today.…
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Exploring the seven “I am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John, this Easter season we want to encounter Jesus again for the first time. Drawing upon the Gospel context and Old Testament history, we want to step more deeply into what Jesus was saying then and what it means for our life with God today.…
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Exploring the seven “I am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John, this Easter season we want to encounter Jesus again for the first time. Drawing upon the Gospel context and Old Testament history, we want to step more deeply into what Jesus was saying then and what it means for our life with God today.…
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This message will focus primarily on the story of the Tower of Babel and how it sets the stage for the confusion of the nations and separation of peoples based in the vain pride of humanity. The message will point toward God’s intervention in Abraham and through that toward the need for Christ.由Matt Erickson
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This message will pick up with the second half of the flood story all the way through God’s covenant with Noah marked by the rainbow. Some attention here to the Noahic Covenant and Christological connections with it.由Jim Caler
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This message will explore God’s need to cleanse the earth and the importance of Noah and his family for this work. The story of the building of the ark, the gathering of the animals, and the downpour upon the earth will receive focus here. How do we still need cleansing?由Matt Erickson
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This passage is one we might be apt to skip over because we’re not sure what to say about these stories of people. But there’s a reminder here that over time humanity expands, grows, and spreads to different places. This message will bring focus to the curious text about the Nephilim and the continual expansion of evil over this time which troubles…
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This message will explore the human tendency toward jealousy and anger. Working in Jesus’ teaching on the Sermon on the Mount about anger and murder will help us from seeing Cain and Abel as an episode of terror removed from us.由Matt Erickson
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