The 94WIP Afternoon Show with Ike Reese, Spike Eskin, and Jack Fritz every weekday from 2-6pm.
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The official podcast of Greg Fritz.
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Auf meinem Podcast spreche ich mit spannenden Gästen über Training, Ernährung, Therapie, Mindset und alles aus der Welt. Mein Ziel ist es den spannendsten Persönlichkeiten dieser Bereiche aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum eine Plattform zu geben und dir die Möglichkeit aus jeder Episode etwas mitzunehmen.
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Kom med tilbage til musikkens storhedstid i tressernes og halvfjerdsernes England og USA. Musikekspert Kim Fritz udbyder seks foredrag om kunstnere/bands, der alle både afspejler og havde indflydelse på deres samtid.
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Pfarrer FritzsBox - christlich - katholisch - gut ! Predigten aus der katholischen Gemeinde Bruchsal-Michaelsberg (Thomas Kluss)
Lebendig – so soll unser Glaube sein. Unsere Kirche, unsere Gemeinschaft und unseren Glauben mit Leben füllen, das ist unser Ziel. Wir sind eine sehr lebendige christliche Gemeinde aus dem badischen Norden von Baden-Württemberg. Um noch mehr Menschen für das Wort Gottes erreichen zu können, haben wir uns zu diesem Podcast entschieden. Wir veröffentlichen hier regelmäßig die Predigten unseres Pfarrers Thomas Fritz (daher auch der Name "FritzsBox"). Zudem kommen auch Predigten weiterer Geistli ...
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Wir, die Gruppe Emma und Fritz, sind eine ideologiekritische Gruppe aus Stuttgart. Wir veranstalten regelmäßig Vorträge und Buchvorstellungen im Raum Stuttgart oder online und veröffentlichen die Audiomitschnitte anschließend im Netz. Gerne lassen wir uns auch selbst zu Vorträgen und Workshops einladen. Wir sind zu finden bei Spotify, iTunes, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter und unter
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Kurz und knackig bekommst Du hier Impulse für Deine Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Es geht darum, wie Du Deine Motivation steigern kannst, wie du schaffst, was Du Dir vorgenommen hast, anstatt dass dich deine Vorsätze schaffen. Du erfährst, wie Du mehr Mut entwickelst zum Loslassen und Anpacken. Wie es Dir gelingt aus deiner Komfortzone herauszutreten und wie Du Dir neue nützliche Routinen zulegen kannst. Es geht um dich - wie du bist und wie du werden kannst, was du bist. Zwischendurch lade ic ...
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Wöchentlicher Fussball-Podcast mit Max Fritzsching & Michael Strohmaier! Rückblick & Highlights vom Bundesliga-Spieltag und auch ein bisschen 2. Bundesliga - jeden Sonntag neu! Auch als YouTube-Show verfügbar: Clips, Memes und vieles mehr auf Social Media! Instagram: TikTok: X (Twitter): --------------- Managed by Scaling GmbH Business-Anfragen an: i ...
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Blog/Podcast/Videocast de um brasileiro em Munique, sobre a vida na Alemanha e na Europa em geral.
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Musik ohne Plattenvertrag im Radio. Immer Sonntags von 20-22 Uhr. Auf Fritz. Eure Songs einfach über einsenden.
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Welcome to the On The Fritz podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Fritz Kalkbrenner's album "Ways Over Water" will be released in october 2014, this is a little teaser of the third milestone of the Berlin born singer and producer.
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Falls nicht die akute Unlust zuschlägt, dann wird es mehrfach täglich einen beliebigen Witz zu hören geben, der zum schmunzeln, stirnrunzeln oder ähnliches einlädt.
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Family based variety podcast giving the listeners the Coatesville point of view, covering topics such as life, sports, street life, prison, death, entertainment, politics, religion and more hoping to give the listeners a home for all there current life planning and enjoyment.
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Fritz Kalkbrenner’s album "Grand Départ" will be released in October 2016, this is a little teaser of the 4th milestone of the Berlin born singer and producer.
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Adolf Eichmann war in den 50er Jahren einer der meist gesuchten NS-Verbrecher. Als Leiter des Reichssicherheitshauptamts war er verantwortlich für die Verfolgung, Deportation und Ermordung von schätzungsweise sechs Millionen europäischen Juden. Im Mai 1960 wurde Eichmann schließlich vom israelischen Geheimdienst in Argentinien gefasst und nach Israel gebracht, wo ihm 1961 der Prozess gemacht wurde. Welche Rolle Fritz Bauer beim Auffinden Eichmanns zukam, war lange unbekannt. Wäre es ohne das ...
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Die beiden leidenschaftlichen Seebären Fischer & Fritz haben die Leinen los gemacht und steuern volle Fahrt voraus - in Richtung der nächsten Partynacht. Damit den beiden Wasserratten die Arbeit auf und unter Deck leichter von der Hand geht, hat sich das DJ-Team Achim Reichels Alltime-Party-Klassiker vorgeknöpft und in ein zeitgemäßes Soundgewand transportiert. Damit bleibt garantiert kein Tanzbein still stehen und gute Laune ist dabei ebenfalls vorprogrammiert – auf Wasser, an Land und auf ...
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A classic locked room mystery, in a not-so-classic setting. (Intro by Karen Savage)
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Fritz inherits a ghoulish haunted house from his late uncle, Felix. There's only one catch: he's got to stay a night in the creepy old mansion to own it. Calling over some friends to help Fritz work up the nerves to overnight it doesn't go so well, as each of his guests tell campfire-like stories complete with sound effects. If you like horror stories, scary facts, and spooky radio plays, this is your podcast!
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Join me as I open with Biblical studies, speak the truth in love, tie in current events with a Biblical response, and present the Gospel, no holding back.
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Tokio Hotel kapern die Frühsendung. Nina Chuba spielt ihre Lieblingshits live im Radio. Und Splashbrudda und Abdi Rackzman drehen on air frei. Für zwei Wochen geben wir unsere Studioschlüssel an unsere Lieblings-Promis und lassen sie einfach mal machen. Ist das eine gute Idee? Keine Ahnung, aber hört doch einfach mal rein in die Sendungen von FritzTakover.
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This is the Office Anywhere podcast - a show that inspires you to create meaningful change for yourself and others. My name is Peter Fritz, and I'm a 50+ creative entrepreneur in Australia who helps mid-career professionals find their unique talents so they can climb the right mountain and start living on purpose. To check out previous episodes, go to Welcome, and thanks for tuning in!
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Honest conversations that explore life with intention. We are all looking to live well, but what does that look like and how do we do it? With busy work schedules, screaming kids, bills, and responsibilities, it often feels like we are getting by, not living. Off the Fritz podcast is a collection of honest stories and conversations with people who have learned, and are continuing to learn, to live with direction and intention, even when life gets crazy. This podcast will inspire listeners an ...
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Als ARD Korrespondent berichtete Fritz Pleitgen in den 70er und 80er Jahren aus der Sowjetunion, der DDR und den USA. Er moderierte fast 300 Mal im Fernsehen den Presseclub. Als WDR Hörfunkdirektor war er maßgeblich an der Entstehung von 1LIVE und WDR 5 beteiligt. Das sind nur einige Stationen in einem langen Berufsleben - für einen Mann aus einfachen Verhältnissen, ohne Abitur oder Studium. Fritz Pleitgen erlebte als Journalist historische Momente der deutschen und internationalen Geschicht ...
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Fritz Haarmann – Der Kannibale von Hannover
Antenne Niedersachsen - Niels Kristoph und Jochim Redeker
Der Vampir, Menschenschlächter, der Kannibale - Die Öffentlichkeit hat ihm viele Namen verpasst: Fritz Haarmann. Mindestens 24 Junge Männer hat der Serienkiller von Hannover umgebracht - getötet im Liebesrausch! Die bestialischen Morde haben die Menschen in ganz Europa in den 1920er Jahren in Atem gehalten. Reporter Niels Kristoph spricht mit Historikern, Haarmann-Experten, Angehörigen von Opfern und Profilern von der Polizei. Wer war dieser Mann, wie konnte es zu diesen abscheulichen Verbre ...
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Financial Success for Entrepreneurs from The Money and Business Hero with Florian Fritz
Florian Fritz
The Money and Business Hero Podcast is here to provide financial education and money making or wealth building tips for entrepreneurs. To achieve that we will talk about the three pillars of financial success: Money Mindset, Money Management and Money Making talking with experts in business or finance about their stories, experiences and best tips. We will have investment and trading tips for stocks, cryptos, and other assets.We will talk about business success for entrepreneurs by hearing a ...
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🎙218 mit Prof. Dr. Jens Ebing: Von Muskelaufbau bis Rhabdomyolyse: Die Risiken & Potenziale im EMS-Training
👟Spare 20% bei VIVO BAREFOOT mit dem Code: FRITZCAST20 : Wie effektiv ist EMS-Training wirklich? In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Prof. Dr. Jens Ebing, Sportwissenschaftler und Experte für Trainingsphysiologie, über die Hintergründe, Vorteile und Risiken von Elektromyostimulation (EMS). EMS wird oft als Zeitspar-Wu…
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Full Show: Ike, Spike and Fritz are asking Eagles fans which Super Bowl they feel more connected to on a Tell the Truth Thursday. Plus, updates from Phillies Spring Training with Opening Day just a week away.
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Minh Schredle am 30.01.2025
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Queen songs, som titlen antyder er det ikke et program om deres historie, men nedslag i enkelte sange spredt ud over deres karriere. Jeg har valgt en række numre som måske ikke bliver spillet så ofte, det er en blanding af Lp tracks og singler. Mit første møde med Queen var singlen Killer Queen i 74 og derefter albummet A Night At The Opera fra 75.…
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Episode 792: The Author and Finisher of Our Faith - Jesus did not just die as a martyr. He wasn't just dying for a cause; He actually became our substitute! Learn more on this episode of Good News with Greg Fritz.
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Most Valuable Plea | 26. Spieltag | Bundesliga | Saison 2024/2025 | Highlights | Rückblick
Direkt vom Kreisligaplatz ans Mikrofon: Ein Sonntag wie er im Buche steht! Der Meisterkampf ist vorbei - oder doch nicht?! Classic Laterkusen ist zurück. Der FC Bayern hingegen wird kreativ im Ringen um Florian Wirtz und geht auf Schwester. Der BVB machts mal wieder wie ein Hollywoodschauspieler und zeigt mehrere Gesichter. In Bochum gibts mal wied…
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Hour 4: Ike, Spike and Fritz play sound from Travis Kelce who thinks that the Eagles will likely lose one of AJ Brown or Devonta Smith soon due to financial concerns.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show with 5:30 Creed and the Text Line.
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For his Top 5 at 5, Jack Fritz shares the five best rivalries Spike has with other people.
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Hour 3: Ike, Spike and Fritz are discussing the Phillies and if we've seen the last of Garrett Stubbs in the big leagues after he was sent down to AAA.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz discuss the Eagles offseason and free agency with most of the available players in the rear view mirror.
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Jack Fritz shares his High Hopes Jackie Baseball report by giving an update on Ranger Suarez and Garrett Stubbs being sent down to AAA.
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Hour 2: Ike, Spike and Fritz continue to compare the 2017 and 2024 Eagles Super Bowl titles and ask how different this past Super Bowl would've been from a fan perspective if it were a close game.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz take a look at the early odds for the 2026 Eagles Insider of the Year after the 2025 award was handed out to ESP on Wednesday.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz discuss the NCAA tournament and ask the question of what is the best postseason sport?
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Hour 1: Ike, Spike and Fritz discuss their feelings on Super Bowl 59 after being a month and a half out and if they look back more fondly on the 2017 team or this one.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz discuss the new dome proposal in Cleveland and if there could eventually be a dome built for the Eagles.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz open up the show by discussing which Eagles Super Bowl team fans connect with more, 2017 or 2024.
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From 'High Hopes' (subscribe here): James Seltzer and Jack Fritz can hardly contain their excitement eight days ahead of the Phillies first game of the 2025 season. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Full Show: It's Eagles Insider of the Year Day as Ike, Spike and Fritz hand out the inaugural award for the best Eagles insider with the finalists being Eliot Shorr-Parks, Tim McManus and Jason Dumas.
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Hour 4: Ike, Spike and Fritz continue to talk Brandon Graham and the legacy he leaves as an Eagle. Plus, the Top 5 at 5 and the Text Line.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz play audio from Ja'Marr Chase criticizing the food and activities in the city of Cincinnati and have Ike respond on the comments regarding his hometown.
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For his Top 5 at 5, Jack Fritz gives an early power ranking for next year's Eagles Insider of the Year Award.
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Ike, Spike, and Fritz announce the winner of Eagles Insider of the Year...Eliot Shorr-Parks! The guys discuss the voting with ESP and 3rd place finisher Jason Dumas. Plus, Marcus Morris sounded off on Daryl Morey.
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After a highly competitive race, the Eagles Insider of the Year is revealed and the chase for next year's trophy begins!
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The guys react to Marcus Morris' comments on Daryl Morey's decision making and getting traded from the Sixers.
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Hour 2: Ike, Spike and Fritz are discussing the Phillies, specifically the leadoff spot and if there could be two alternating lineups with Trea Turner and Kyle Schwarber leading off this year.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz are joined by Hunter Brody who gives an update on the struggling Flyers.
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Jack Fritz gives an update from Phillies Spring Training in Clearwater and brings up the idea for two separate lineups potentially this season.
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Hour 1: Ike, Spike and Fritz begin the show by discussing Eagles Insider of the Year award day as Eliot Shorr-Parks tries to overtake Tim McManus for the top spot.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz discuss multiple rule changes that have been proposed by NFL teams and if they'd be in favor of them or not.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz begin the show by discussing who should win Eagles Insider of the Year with the award being handed out at 4:30. Should Eliot Shorr-Parks overtake Tim McManus for the No. 1 spot?
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Full Show: Ike, Spike and Fritz are celebrating Brandon Graham as the 15-year vet and two-time Super Bowl Champ announced his retirement from the Philadelphia Eagles. They also discuss BG's legacy and replay his speech from earlier in the day.
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Hour 4: Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by continuing to celebrate Brandon Graham as well as doing the Top 5 at 5 and the Text Line.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by taking calls in appreciation of Brandon Graham after his retirement.
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For his Top 5 at 5, Jack Fritz shares the five saddest things WIP hosts do as he responds to Joe DeCamara's challenge.
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Hour 3: Ike, Spike and Fritz replay Brandon Graham's retirement speech and celebrate his 15 year Eagles career.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz continue to replay Brandon Graham's retirement announcement as he takes questions from reporters.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz replay Brandon Graham's retirement speech and continue to celebrate BG on his big day.
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Hour 2: Ike, Spike and Fritz are joined by Eliot Shorr-Parks for a full hour to talk Brandon Graham, Eagles offseason, Birds Mt. Rushmore and more!
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Eliot Shorr-Parks continues to talk BG retirement and discusses the rest of the Eagles offseason including the signing of Azeez Ojulari.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz are joined by Eliot Shorr-Parks for 'Tuesday's with Eliot' to discuss Brandon Graham's retirement and if he's on the Eagles Mt. Rushmore.
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Hour 1: Ike, Spike and Fritz are dedicating the first hour of the show to the retirement of Brandon Graham and discuss the impact and legacy he leaves with the Eagles.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz continue talking BG and how he is one of the all-time Eagle greats who will likely have his number retired.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz are celebrating Brandon Graham after he announces his retirement from the NFL after 15 years.
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From 'Clap Your Hands' (subscribe here): James Jackson is back with another daily pod. Today, he breaks down the win against the Mavs in the Quentine Grimes Revenge Game. He then previews tonight's matchup with the Houston Rockets in his "What To Watch For." To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit:…
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Full Show: Ike, Spike and Fritz are discussing the Eagles defense and if they feel that the offense needs to carry the load next year after all the departures on the other side of the ball. Plus, reacting to Azeez Ojulari signing with the Eagles and what it means for ESP's Insider of the Year stock.
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Hour 4: Ike, Spike and Fritz react to the Eagles signing Azeez Ojulari and bring on Eliot Shorr-Parks who has had Ojulari on his radar for weeks.
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Ike, Spike and Fritz wrap up the show by discussing the Azeez Ojulari signing with Eliot Shorr- Parks and share texts from the Text Line.
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As Jack Fritz shares his Top 5 at 5, breaking news drops of the Eagles signing Azeez Ojulari who has been a target of Eliot Shorr-Parks' this offseason.
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