Rabbi Michoel Frank shlit"a is the Rabbi of Ohr HaTorah in Silver Spring, MD. Rabbi Frank delivers a conference call shiur weekly on Thursday nights including 10 minutes of Halachah and 10 minutes of Parshah. Many other shiurim are posted here as well.
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Study one halacha or more each day from the Shulchan Aruch (code of Jewish law) authored by the Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi.
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Learn basic Jewish laws and customs to properly observe the Torah traditions, with a touch of some of the underlying halachic reasoning and practical applications, and occasional chassidic insights. This class is based on the text of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (the abridged code of Jewish law).
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The Daily Halachah with Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe http://www.torchweb.org/
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Learn the practical laws and customs to properly observe the Shabbat with renowned halachic expert Rabbi Yosef Shusterman. Presented is a comprehensive series of fifteen-minute lessons on applying Jewish law related to Shabbat in a clear and to-the-point style.
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This episode discusses how the Jews found favor in the eyes of the Mitzrim.
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This episode discusses the concept of a Basis for both a Muktzah item and a non-muktzah item.
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode discusses the third perek of Mesilas Yesharim - the practical approach to acquiring Zehirus.
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Daf Hashavuah
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This shiur was given by Yarchei Kallah Bnei Torah in 2025, on the topic of עביד איניש דינא לפשיה, taking the law into your own hands. It covers the questions of when can you tow someone who is blocking your driveway, and when can you take action if someone is causing you damage by leaving things on or around your property.…
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode discusses why the Torah conceals the identity of Moshe's parents, and where Moshe inherited his character traits from.
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This episode discusses the rules of Bosis in Muktzah, when placing a muktzah item on something will make the surface Muktzah as well.
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This episode continues to learn the Mesilas Yesharim's concept of Zehirus, and the crucial importance of making time in the day for it.
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This episode discusses an intriguing approach of the Bnei Yissaschar to Asarah Bi'Teves and a Chasam Sofer.
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This episode is discusses the unique approach of the Shem Mi'Shmuel to Asarah Bi'Teves creating a Yom Tov in the future.
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This episode shares a fascinating Shem Mi'Shmuel who explains how Asarah Bi'Teves will eventually become a Yom Tov, through our fasting and teshuvah today.
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This episode discusses the halachos of Basis Li'Davar Ha'Assur.
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Daf Hashavuah
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode is the first part of a three-part series on Mesilas Yesharim. It discusses the structure of the sefer, and begins to learn through the middah of Zehirus, being careful, and how to apply it to our lives.
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This episode discusses the machlokes of the Ibn Ezra and the Ramban about hidden miracles and the connection to Chanukah.
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This episode discusses the halachos of Muktzah Machmas Chisaron Kis.
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This episode deals with the overarching question: What is our obligation to do Chesed, and to participate in the needs of the Tzibbur? Is the Mitzvah of ואהבת לרעך כמוך something which is absolutely obligatory, or is it a choice?
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This episode discusses some of the other decrees made by the Yevanim, for the purpose of causing Klal Yisrael to forget Hashem.
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode discusses what is the ideal time to light, and how do we view lighting during the ideal time בזמן הזה, and how does it measure up against other needs.
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This episode is a shiur given by the father and son day of learning in YGW High School. It covers the topic of Al Hanissim, what is the nature of this addition, if it is equivalent to Retzaih or Yaaleh Va'Yavo, or it is a different kind of obligation.
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This episode discusses the meaning of the addition: הרחמן הוא יעשה לנו נסים - how do we ask for miracles?
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This episode discusses the halachos of Chanukah.
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode discusses why Yaakov Avinu created a Matzeivah for Rachel Imainu and what that means for us today.
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This episode continues to discuss halachos of Kli She'melachto Le'issur, regarding when you may move it for it's space, and the halachah of pots and pans.
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode discusses how the Torah does not recognize Lavan as Yaakov Avinu's father-in-law, nor as the father of Rachel and Leah!
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This episode goes through the halachos of V'sein Tal U'matar and reviews what we have learned about Muktzah so far.
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Daf Hashavuah Nedarim
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This episode explains why Rivkah was so troubled by her pregnancy and what we can learn from this.
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This episode discusses the halachos of Kli She'melachto Le'issur, in terms of phones, laptops, and electronics - what are their status.
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This episode is a shiur given to Health Professionals about how to navigate an emergency on Shabbos, and includes a Q&A session.
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Daf Hashavuah
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode discusses the pasuk of Yitzchak's marriage to Rivkah, how she resembled Sarah, and what this teaches us about the yichud room!
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This episode continues to discuss the halachos of Muktzah Machmas Gufo such as stones and sand and leaves, and how it can be prepared for Shabbos.
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Daf Hashavuah Nedarim
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This episode discusses Rav Hirsch's approach to why Sarah's name changed from Yiscah to Sarai, to Sarah.
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This episode discusses the category of Muktzah Machmas Gufo, such as rocks and dirt, what are the guidelines of this kind of Muktzah.
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Daf Hashavuah
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Daf Hashavuah
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Daf Hashavuah Kesubos
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Daf Hashavuah
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This episode is a shiur on the topic of how the shiur of Keday Achilas Pras is applied to eating a כביצה in the Sukkah and eating a כותבת on Yom Kippur. It is the Halachos portion of the Shabbos Shuva Drashah 5785.
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Daf Hashavuah Kesubos
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This episode is the Hashkafah portion of the Shabbos Shuva Drashah. In it we discuss how the Aseres Yemay Teshuvah were granted to us, Beinonim, for the express purpose of getting us out of that role!
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