Every other week the experts at AOPA bring you up to speed on all things flying.
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Jim Leighty, Al Gilson, and Tony Roberts talk about different airstrips to visit, the ups and downs of flying in the Pacific Northwest, and all the fun events you can find here! We also like to discuss aviation music, movies, books, and websites. Basically we are just a bunch of fun loving pilots that have a passion for aviation just like you!
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Seja bem-vindo(a) ao Podcast do Hangar 7 Church, liderado pelos pastores sêniores Juan Pinheiro e Keila Braga! Toda semana, uma nova mensagem para te abastecer com o combustível do Céu!
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A podcast where we explore the personnel and equipment behind the missions in Public Safety Aviation.
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Der Polit-Talk zu aktuellen Themen, die die Gesellschaft bewegen: Jede Woche empfängt Moderator Michael Fleischhacker beim Talk im Hangar-7 eine Runde hochkarätiger Gäste. Mit ihnen diskutiert der Gastgeber live im Hangar-7 am Flughafen Salzburg über brennende Fragen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Kontrovers, hintergründig und lösungsorientiert: Der Talk im Hangar-7 – jeden Donnerstag Abend bei ServusTV.
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A Disney-loving married couple from Nebraska who enjoy people-watching at Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar. Join Scott and Candice as they dive into all things Disney—snacks in hand and drinks at the ready. We'd love to have you be part of the conversation!
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Join us at Hangar 46, the Air and Space Power Centre's podcast for the Royal Australian Air Force. Each episode has a different guest joining us in the hangar for a chat with our hosts and cohosts. Our team covers topics like international relations, technology, ethics, culture, emerging air and space power challenges and more. Please note: This podcast is recorded in a live operational hangar, background noises may occur.
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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a missionary pilot overseas? Or have you been curious about what it’s like to raise a family in a different culture? Or have you ever thought about how you could use your skills, talents, and abilities to serve the Lord, wherever you are? Then you’re in the right place. On From the Hangar, your host Lem sits down with a variety of staff serving at MAF, both on the field and at HQ. We’ll talk about what led them to MAF, what it’s like serving in the ...
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News, film, pop culture, cats, airplanes, hockey, soccer, tech, current events. Follow me @hangarcat and at hangarcatmedia.com
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The history, development, collaborations in aviation. Plus how aircraft fly and what its like to fly and why bother.
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Welcome to the Hangar. Where you can tap in with the JETS on a interview or maybe even a freestyle cypher. We’ll be discussing new music and upcoming events to the latest releases in fashion.
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All New Podcasts from USA’s Greatest Living Aviator!“Hoot Gibson’s Hangar”. The podcast will be a weekly visit with Robert "Hoot" Gibson, and his fascinating guests from across the entire aviation spectrum.Hear Hoot’s first-person accounts of his combat missions, his time at Miramar’s Top Gun School, his experiences at the Navy Patuxent River Test Pilot School, his classified Department of Defense Space Shuttle missions, his hair-raising flights as a Formula I and Unlimited Class Air Racer, ...
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Podcast en español sobre aviacion y carrera espacial.
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Jake Seal, founder of Black Hangar Studios is experienced in producing, writing, and directing; a love of film first and foremost drives him. With an overarching passion for analog photography, cinema cameras, and analog processing, printing, and delivery... His diverse interests, investments, and specialties also encompass cutting-edge stereoscopic 3D, AR, VR, 360, long-term archiving, and everything celluloid. Jake Seal of Black Hangar Studios has made a significant impact on the entertain ...
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Espacio creado para la comunidad amante de la aviación donde se tocarán temas históricos y de actualidad relacionados con la aviación de una manera moderna y cómoda.
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Here you find short audio clips to help you on your business growth journey. In this podcast, I share my experience and observations on what it takes to grow a business. With a focus on sales and marketing, tune in for some inspiration to help you with your business development. If you like what you hear, come join our community for a more lively discussion. Flavio Hangarter
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Hangar 18 é um podcast sobre ufologia e casos do insólito criado por Cristiano Zoucas e Fernando Ribas, dois amigos que dividem o mesmo interesse pelo assunto e discutem os mais diversos temas e casos num bate papo informal, com seriedade e descontração na medida certa. Ajude o Hangar 18 a crescer! www.apoia.se/hangar18podcast
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If you love all things about Aviation as we do, then you will certainly enjoy our crew and show. We are presenting this Podcast for the Aviation Enthusiast featuring news and technology discussions on all things Aviation. Our Goal is to have fun and present discussions on diverse Aviation topics with our partners and various guests from commercial and military aviation communities. The Hangar Deck Podcast team aims at bringing a relaxed, enthusiastic and entertaining experience while talking ...
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Serie de podcasts amenos orientados al mundo de la aviación con dos entregas semanales una de un programa de poco mas de una hora con temas diversos y una capsula informativa semanal de aproximadamente 30 minutos.
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„Ich glaube, dass diese Woche einige sehr große Dinge passieren könnten“, prognostizierte US-Präsident Donald Trump am Sonntag – und tatsächlich scheint eine Waffenruhe im Ukraine-Krieg in greifbarer Nähe. Nach Gesprächen in Saudi-Arabien hat Kiew einer 30-tägigen Feuerpause zugestimmt, jetzt liegt der Ball beim Kreml. Indes stehen in Europa die Ze…
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Episode 241 - The Role of Airbus and Loft Dynamics in LAPD Operations, with Chief Pilot Kevin Gallagher Part 2
Welcome to the Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS, in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. Thank you to our special sponsor Airbus for making this recording possible. In this two-part series, hosts Jack Schonely and Jon Gray highlight how the Airbus AS350 series helicopters make LAPD’s mission sets possible through a conver…
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Disney Parks are constantly evolving, but with every exciting new addition comes the bittersweet loss of beloved attractions. In this episode of Falling Down the Rabbit Hole, Scott takes a deep dive into some of the most iconic attractions that are no longer with us. Why did they disappear? What replaced them? And do they still live on in some way?…
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Episode 222: Medical denials delayed; aging ATC ops identified; and the benefits of VR simulators
FAA medical denials are delayed indefinitely, GAMA and Piper add to G100UL fuel woes, a government report cites aging ATC ops, GAMA releases 'strong' state of the industry aircraft delivery report, and the ice runway logs a stellar year. Plus, Ian learns about the benefits of using virtual reality for helicopter training.…
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Esta é mais uma série do Hangar 7: O Legado de Rute No primeiro episódio o Pastor Juan Pinheiro fala sobre características marcantes na história de Rute: lealdade, humildade, obediência, honra e trabalho duro. No Mês Internacional das Mulheres nossa comunidade segue honrando o papel incrível delas! ✨ Somos uma igreja onde suas vozes são ouvidas e v…
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On this episode of From the Hangar, Ryan and Annabel Koher sit down with host Lem Malabuyo and talk about their lives as MAF missionaries. Ryan serves an MAF pilot in the Mozambique program, but experienced a very difficult situation two and a half years ago. Ryan was arrested and imprisoned under accusations of supporting insurgent activity, spend…
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Episode 240 - The Role of Airbus and Loft Dynamics in LAPD Operations, with Chief Pilot Kevin Gallagher Part 1
Welcome to the Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS, in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. Thank you to our special sponsor Airbus for making this recording possible. In this two-part series, hosts Jack Schonely and Jon Gray highlight how the Airbus AS350 series helicopters make LAPD’s mission sets possible through a conver…
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Seit dem öffentlichen Eklat im Weißen Haus ist die internationale Sicherheitsarchitektur im Umbruch. US-Präsident Donald Trump und sein Vize JD Vance haben dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj die Militärhilfen gestrichen und Europa ist alarmiert: In Deutschland haben Union und SPD ein Finanzpaket von historischem Ausmaß für Verteidigun…
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Este é o terceiro episódio da série Encontros com Jesus e o tema foi Natanael. O Pastor Joede Braga narrou com toda sua sabedoria a história quando Filipe, um dos discípulos que Jesus convidou a segui-lo encontra Natanael. E, todo animado, conta que encontraram o Messias! Mas Natanael dá de ombros e debocha: “Pode vir alguma coisa boa de Nazaré”? E…
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Olá, seja bem-vindo(a) a bordo! Começamos mais uma nova série no Hangar7: Encontros com Jesus. Pastor Juan Pinheiro fala sobre o Encontro de Jesus com o cego Bartimeu em Jericó, e nos convida a termos um encontro com Jesus para que Ele posssa nos trazer de volta como família do céu.由Hangar 7 Church
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Nesse episódio a Pra. Loyde Almeida fala sobre o encontro de Jesus com Paulo de Tarso, e nos convida a termos um encontro profundo e transformador com Jesus.由Hangar 7 Church
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Episode 239 - From Combat to Creativity: The Story Behind Helo Girls™ and Aviation Advocacy Part 2
Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS and in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jon Gray and Jack Schonely talk with Kodey Bogart. During this series we explore Kodey’s career and impact within the aviation industry, highlighting her remarkable path from military service as a Bla…
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Fünf Monate und drei Anläufe hat es gebraucht, jetzt regiert man zu dritt. Und Bundeskanzler Christian Stocker (ÖVP), Vizekanzler Andreas Babler (SPÖ) und Außenministerin Beate Meinl-Reisinger (NEOS) wollen liefern: „Wir haben sicher keine Schonfrist“, so Stocker im Talk Spezial bei ServusTV. Welche Pflöcke will der Bundeskanzler konkret einschlage…
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Spring has arrived at EPCOT, and that means it's time for the 2025 EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival! In this episode of Hangin’ at the Hangar Bar, Scott and Candice dig into everything this year's festival has to offer—from fresh topiaries to brand-new food booths, and of course, all the festival eats and drinks. We’re covering every Ou…
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Episode 238 - From Combat to Creativity: The Story Behind Helo Girls™ and Aviation Advocacy Part 1
Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS and in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jon Gray and Jack Schonely talk with Kodey Bogart. During this series we explore Kodey’s career and impact within the aviation industry, highlighting her remarkable path from military service as a Bla…
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It’s the 15th anniversary of Hangar 49! Join us as our hosts look back over the last 15 years. And then proceed to babble about the usual aviation drivel. Fasten your seat belts, please put your tray table up, sit back, and enjoy the flight. Movie/TV Series: Flight Risk Book: Fire Eaters by Peter Pigot Interview: Erika Armstrong/Advanced Aircrew Ac…
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Nach dem 25. Februar 2020 ist in Österreich nichts mehr, wie es vorher war: Als sich die ersten Covid-19-Verdachtsfälle in Tirol bestätigen, reagiert die Politik mit harten Maßnahmen. Mit Lockdowns, Veranstaltungsverboten, Schulschließungen, Maskenpflicht und Massentests versuchen die Verantwortlichen mehr oder weniger erfolgreich, die Pandemie ein…
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Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS and in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jon Gray and Jack Schonely talk with Eric Hannum, who is not only a law enforcement pilot but also a chase pilot for a professional off-road truck team racing in the SCORE Baja series in Mexico. Eric …
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AOPA pushes back on ADS-B misuse, Cirrus says 'no' to G100UL, the rag-wing Piper AD is finalized, and government layoffs affect the FAA. Plus, we talk with Sentimental Journey award winning Vagabond owner Nathan Hauser.由AOPA
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🎙️ Hangin’ at the Hangar Bar - A Disney Adults Podcast Episode Summary: Ever wondered what Disney parenting looks like through the eyes of non-parents? Scott and Candice are here to share their observations, offer some lighthearted advice, and maybe, just maybe, help make the parks a little more magical for everyone—kids and adults alike. From surp…
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Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS and in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jon Gray and Jack Schonely talk with Eric Hannum, who is not only a law enforcement pilot but also a chase pilot for a professional off-road truck team racing in the SCORE Baja series in Mexico. Eric …
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Ein 14-Jähriger ist tot, fünf Menschen teils schwer verletzt, und Österreich steht unter Schock: Nachdem vergangenen Samstag ein junger, radikalisierter Syrer auf eine Gruppe von Passanten eingestochen hat, nimmt die Debatte über Verschärfungen im Kampf gegen islamistische Gefährder Fahrt auf – auch im Hinblick auf die Regierungsverhandlungen zwisc…
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Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS, in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jack Schonely and Jon Gray are thrilled to welcome Tim Tucker, a seasoned aviator with an extraordinary 54-year career in aviation. Tim shares compelling stories from his time flying the Bell Huey helico…
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Episode Summary: Planning a trip to Walt Disney World? In this episode of Hangin' at the Hangar Bar, Candice takes a deep dive into Disney resort levels and amenities to help you decide where to stay. From Value to Deluxe resorts, she breaks down what each category offers, the perks of staying on property, and when off-property accommodations might…
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Er ist für seine starke Meinung bekannt, seine Kolumnen polarisieren und sein aktuelles Buch musste er selbst verlegen - dem Verlag war es zu polemisch. Ulf Poschardt, einer der bekanntesten Journalisten Deutschlands und Herausgeber der Welt, hat mit seinem Essay eine scharfe Abrechnung vorgelegt: Deutschland stehe am Abgrund. Und schuld sei das „S…
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Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS, in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jack Schonely and Jon Gray are thrilled to welcome Tim Tucker, a seasoned aviator with an extraordinary 54-year career in aviation. Tim shares compelling stories from his time flying the Bell Huey helico…
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Machtkampf statt Wählerwille: Nachdem nun auch die Koalitionsgespräche zwischen FPÖ und ÖVP geplatzt sind, steckt das Land in einer handfesten politischen Krise. Wer ist schuld? Was kommt jetzt: Expertenkabinett, Minderheitsregierung oder Verhandlungsanlauf Nummer drei? Oder retten uns nur mehr Neuwahlen? Wie lange müssen wir noch auf eine stabile …
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Über einen Monat haben FPÖ und ÖVP verhandelt, jetzt ist die Bombe ist geplatzt: Auch diese Regierungsverhandlungen scheitern. Das politische Chaos ist perfekt. Kommt es jetzt zu Neuwahlen oder installiert Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen eine Expertenregierung? Ist unser politisches Personal zu schwach, können Parteigrenzen nicht mehr über…
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Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS, in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jack Schonely and Jon Gray talk with members of the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department's Henry One, including unit supervisor Chris Haas, pilot Nigel Cooper, and tactical flight officer Lawrence Matelli.…
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Começamos mais uma nova série no Hangar7: Encontros com Jesus. É preciso nascer de novo. Você entende isso? Nicodemos, um cara que poderia ser um Phd nos tempos de hoje, não entendeu. 🤔 Nascer de novo é a transformação da natureza humana - triste, destruída, escrava dos erros - em uma natureza nova, deixando as coisas velhas para trás e permitir qu…
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Welcome back to another exciting episode of Hangin' at the Hangar Bar! In this episode, Scott and Candice sit down with Theron Skees, former Disney Imagineer and founder of Designers Creative Studio, to discuss his brand-new book, Creating Memorable Worlds, set to release this spring. Theron shares invaluable insights into the themed entertainment …
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Aviation expert Tom Haines shares his perspective on flying into and out of of Washington's DCA airport, the SFRA and FRZ, certain VFR routes, remaining on assigned altitudes or headings, limitations of ADS-B and TCAS systems, circle-to-land approaches, and what changes the midair crash of American Eagle Flight 5342 might bring. And stay tuned for …
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Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS, in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part series, hosts Jack Schonely and Jon Gray talk with members of the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department's Henry One, including unit supervisor Chris Haas, pilot Nigel Cooper, and tactical flight officer Lawrence Matelli.…
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"That’s what we’re all there for. We are a CAS team.” Join us in the hangar for the first ever collaboration episode between Hangar 46 and The Cove Podcast, as we chat to Weapons Systems Operator and recently qualified Fighter Combat Instructor Flight Lieutenant Pete, and Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) Troop Command Captain Craig Hogendyk,…
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FPÖ-Chef Herbert Kickl könnte bald Kanzler sein. Auch wenn die ÖVP von einer "schwierigen Phase" in den Koalitionsverhandlungen spricht, scheint Blau-Schwarz kurz vor dem Abschluss zu stehen. Der aktuelle Knackpunkt: die Aufteilung der Ministerien. Doch je näher Kickl dem Ballhauplatz kommt, umso massiver werden die Proteste. Am Dienstag, dem 25. J…
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Fünf Jahre nach Ausbruch der Corona-Pandemie blickt Anders Tegnell, Schwedens ehemaliger Staats-Epidemiologe, auf die Krisenbewältigung zurück. Während Deutschland und Österreich harte Lockdowns verhängten, setzte Schweden auf Eigenverantwortung und freiwillige Maßnahmen - ein Kurs, der international für heftige Debatten sorgte. Kritiker warfen Teg…
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Welcome to The Hangar Z Podcast, brought to you by Vertical HeliCASTS, in partnership with Vertical Valor Magazine. In this two-part leadership series episode, hosts Jack Schonely and Jon Gray sit down with Clint Pulver, an Emmy Award winner, author, keynote speaker, pro drummer, helicopter pilot, and partner in the helicopter apparel company Heli …
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"If we don't talk about it, then you don't know" Join us in the hangar for the first time in 2025, as we chat to Air Vice-Marshal Wendy Blyth, AM, on teamwork, navigating parenthood, and her transition from Head of Air Force Capability into Head Force Design. This episode is hosted by Group Captain Michael Sleeman, and co-hosted by Flight Lieutenan…
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Episode Summary: Welcome back to Hangin' at the Hangar Bar - A Disney Adults Podcast! We’re kicking off our new season with an exciting episode all about the 2025 Epcot International Festival of the Arts. Join Scott and Candice as they provide a high-level overview of this vibrant festival, including must-do activities, experiences, and entertainme…
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