给华语听众: 主使用许多的人来告诉人们天堂的启示,比如Kat Kerr (看可人), Kevin Zadai (开闻泽代)等等,我们在这里把这些英语信息用华语来分享给大家。 多数情况下,这些分享可以通过手机应用在不同平台听取。 使用技巧:对于使用音频链接而非应用之情况,在有些地方,可能会出现用手机不能播放的状况,正常情况是被拦阻了。请使用电脑或笔记本的浏览器打开链接,就可以播放了。 如果你从这些启示得了帮助,你也可以转发给你周围的朋友们。 祝福大家! 联系邮件:[email protected] To English-spoken Audience: Have you been greatly touched and helped by heaven revelations from Kat Kerr, Kevin Zadai and others? I am one of those people and I speak Chinese also. I put up this podcast so that you can share these beauti ...
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與您分享“銅鑼”音波,以及走在身心靈旅途上的生活體悟。 Ajeetdev是昆達里尼瑜伽教師(Kundalini Yoga teacher),也是銅鑼音療師(Gong Player)。“阿菊蝶芙”是其中文發音。 每一場銅鑼浴都是由Ajeetdev 與四面銅鑼即38吋賽得娜鑼 (Paiste 38“ Planet Gong C2 Sedna),32吋鏡面鑼(MEINL 32" DON CONREAUX EIGHT CORNERS OF HEAVEN GONG),24吋海王星鑼(Paiste 24" Neptune Planet Gong),22吋重低音鑼(Paiste 22" Accent Gong),共同在能量導引下進行的創作。 聆聽銅鑼浴之前,請記得先戴上耳機或打開外接式喇叭,才能讓您的身心充分感受到銅鑼音頻的美好。 Please put on headphones before listening. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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掉線工程師下班後日記 偶爾看點書,常常講幹話 歡迎你加入成為我日記的一部分 你可以在IG找到不務正業的我喔 (目前還只在測試階段,會慢慢更新的唷) ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ IG: Tera.Chu Powered by Firstory Hosting
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長期關注身心靈領域的慧卿老師,最喜歡的興趣就是看電影了,因為透過電影發現許多人生的故事與道理。 透過電影,人生而得到更多的啟示與發現!! 邀請您 一起 跟著 慧卿老師,看見電影背後所帶來的生命故事、人生道理與心靈流動的感受吧! 喜歡我們的podcast,請訂閱 #慧卿の看電影聊人生 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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正义已经在翻转了,我们仍需存心忍耐。 你们必须忍耐,使你们行完了 神的旨意,可以获得所应许的。(希伯来书 10:36 和合本2010) 因为知道你们的信心经过考验,就生忍耐。但要让忍耐发挥完全的功用,使你们能又完全又完整,一无所缺。(雅各书 1:3-4 和合本2010)
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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