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To help support this podcast, please consider giving a tax deductible contribution here: https://thechesedfund.com/rabbikatz/support-rabbi-katzz-podcast --- Rabbi Dovid Katz, PhD is lauded for his extensive knowledge of Jewish History, his engaging and insightful lecture series, and eye opening historical international tours. Follow him weekly. New content released each week, including Personalities in Jewish History, Insights into Tefillah and Perspectives on the Haftarah and Parshah. Spons ...
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Tony Katz Today airs from 12-3pmET. What are we talking about? Politics, breaking news, political theory, art, the markets, food, libations and what ever else may come to mind. The program is fast-paced, upbeat, funny, thoughtful and topical.
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On a mission to rescue jazz radio from the blahs! Celebrating Jazz Culture with news, views and inspiration for your daily walk and not to mention plenty of this music we so lovingly call JAZZ! Each episode is expertly blended and intended to give "Young Jazz Lovers" more of what they're Jazzin' for! New episodes post regularly. Listen, subscribe and fall in love with Jazz Radio all over again. We gonna keep Jazzism rocking until the cops come knocking.
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In a world filled with stress, anxiety and fear, it is essential to take care of our mental and physical health. We must strive to find hope and balance in our lives by focusing on our well being. This includes taking care of our physical health through diet, exercise, and rest; as well as nurturing our spiritual side through prayer, meditation and mindfulness. Taking the time to focus on these areas can help us achieve greater levels of mental clarity and emotional stability in order to lea ...
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Der "Sprich Katze" Podcast ist der ultimative Guide für alle Katzenliebhaber! Tauche gemeinsam mit Katzenverhaltensberaterin Laura in die faszinierende Welt der Katzen ein. In diesem Podcast nehmen wir Dich mit auf eine spannende Reise, um das Geheimnisvolle und Faszinierende der Katzensprache zu erkunden. Katzen sind Meister der nonverbalen Kommunikation, mithilfe dieses Podcasts wirst Du lernen, Deine Katze besser zu verstehen. Das Ziel? Mehr Harmonie zwischen Dir und Deiner Katze / Deinen ...
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A one-of-a-kind insiders look at Hollywood from a totally different perspective. This inspirational weekly series provides an “all access pass” to the entertainment business through the eyes of comedy manager/producer Barry Katz and the industry's biggest "behind the scenes" players who candidly reveal the risky decisions they made that led to the most groundbreaking internet, television, radio, music, and film content in the world. Combining humor, insight, and motivation; Katz provides the ...
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Are you the woman who has everything except your man? Dating coach Evan Marc Katz will help you find him. Evan is the author of four books, has a blog with over 35 million readers, and has coached 13,000 women through Love U, his signature course that helps smart, successful women find lasting love. With a rare blend of wit, wisdom, and warmth, Evan is an invaluable asset to any woman who is frustrated with dating and wants to fix her broken man-picker. Each week, Evan gives tangible, practi ...
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Hallo, wir sind Jennifer & Marcus, die Köpfe hinter dem Katzen-Podcast "Social Miezia". Schön, dass du mit deinen Pfoten den Weg zu uns gefunden hast. Seit 2018 sind wir mit unserem eigenen Katzenaccount @karamell_und_zucker auf Instagram aktiv und haben in dieser Zeit einiges an interessantem, unterhaltsamen und lustigen Katzencontent entdeckt. Und genau darum geht es in unserem Katzen-Podcast. Wir wollen dir Content präsentieren, der heraussticht. Einmal im Monat unterhalten wir uns hierzu ...
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Der Podcast von Petman und Canina. Die Experten für Ernährung und Supplemente für Hunde und Katzen. Rohfütterung, pur und einfach - das ist die Idee hinter dem Petcast. Wenn es um die Ernährung von Haustieren geht, entscheiden sich immer mehr Menschen für eine frische, rohe Ernährung ihrer vierbeinigen Freunde. https://petman.de und https://www.canina.de Du hörst von unserem Moderatorenteam Sabine Thöne-Groß und Joe Rahn als Experten auf diesem Gebiet sowie von Tierhaltern, die ihre Tiere au ...
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This is the official podcast of stand up comedian Louis Katz. There is no theme or regular host. He just talks to people he wants to talk to, because he resents having to start a podcast in the first place.
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Der Tierarzt-Podcast zur Ernährung von Hunden und Katzen - napfcheck

Dr. Julia Fritz (Fachtierärztin für Tierernährung und Diätetik) und Manuela Bauer (Fachjournalistin) für Tierthemen))

In unserem napfcheck-Podcast spricht Tierärztin Dr. Julia Fritz mit der Fachjournalistin Manuela Bauer über alle Themen rund um die Ernährung von Hund und Katze - vom Welpen bis zum Senioren, über verschiedene Fütterungsformen im Allgemeinen und spezielle Fütterung bei bestimmten Erkrankungen. - Julia Fritz ist promovierte Fachtierärztin für Tierernährung, international anerkannte Expertin (DECVCN) und Inhaberin von „napfcheck“, einer spezialisierten Praxis für tierärztliche Ernährungsberatu ...
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Hollywood fashion expert, VIP personal shopper and commentator Joseph "Joe" Katz brings you in-depth interviews with celebrities and influencers about their style and personal experiences. He also shares the best beauty and lifestyle tips and tricks to help you look and feel your best.
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Disrupting the status quo takes an entrepreneurial mindset and a passion for putting customers first. Listen as Mike Katz, President of the T-Mobile Business Group sits down with trailblazing leaders from businesses large and small to learn how they bring innovative thinking to life, what inspires them to drive change, and where they see new opportunities.
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Cards With Katz

Slice of Healthcare LLC

A Slice of Healthcare podcast hosted by Dr. Marc Katz, Cardiology Fellow at St. Lukes Health Network. Key topics center around medical school planning, career advice, cardiology and more!
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Unter Katzen

Katrin Boers

Der ehrliche Podcast über das Zusammenleben mit Katzen - oder, wie es ist, die Angestellte seiner Katzen zu sein. Es geht um Haare und ums Kuscheln, aber auch um Kotze und Kacke und wer darf wo im Bett schlafen. Fluse, Fredo und ich sind fast ein Dreamteam - keine echte Dreiecksbeziehung, weil beide zwar mich lieben, sich aber gegenseitig nicht ausstehen können. Ob es doch noch ein Happy End gibt und was es mit dem Fress-Alzheimer, dem Futterstreik und den Käseschwestern auf sich hat, das er ...
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Cash & Katz' Cinema Club

Cash & Katz' Cinema Club

This is a show about cinema and the effect of different movies in your life. Happy childhood memories or how movies changed you. Join Cash and Katz on this journey to memory lane with some of the movies you love.
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Hannah Wolters & Jana Falk

In unserem Podcast sprechen wir über verschiedensten Themen im Leben von Frauen, die dringend einen besseren Platz brauchen: Von Frauen in Führung bis hin zum weiblichen Zyklus. Weg vom Katzentisch, ran an die große Tafel! Wir sind Hannah und Jana und wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Frauen und ihren Themen mehr Sichtbarkeit zu verschaffen. Wir brennen für Female Empowerment und nehmen euch in unserem Podcast mit auf eine Reise, auf der wir einiges lernen wollen. Wir wollen ergründen, w ...
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Hello my beautiful one, I’m Sam Katz, a hypnotist who has dedicated my life to helping you create the abundant and delicious life that you deserve. Over 1,2 million viewers in 157 countries trust me to guide them beyond limiting beliefs and self-doubt. Through my hypnosis sessions, you’ll unlock the power of your subconscious, master your mind-body connection and become the powerful deliberate creator you were born to be. If you are ready to quantum leap into your dream life, download my fre ...
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It’s Katz World Official!

It’s Katz World Official!

A little bit of everything happens here! Whether it’s a story time about something that happened or talking about the latest things heck even Join me while I read! You can hear it for fun or maybe you’re a parent wanting a few moments to yourself to eat that chocolate without the kids knowing! Maybe you’re Going for a drive and don’t want your kid(s) on electronics pop this on and let them hear a good ole Story! Put on my podcast and let me read to you while you enjoy the peaceful minutes al ...
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Mit "Katzen und Cashcows" begibt sich Dramaturgin und Übersetzerin Lisanne auf die Reise hinter die Vorhänge der Musicalbühnen Deutschlands. Wer schreibt eigentlich Musicals? Kann man vom komponieren leben? Wie entsteht eine Choreografie und was machen Musiker_innen eigentlich tagsüber? Fragen über Fragen, die in Interviews mit spannenden Gästen aus der deutschsprachigen Musicalszene beantwortet werden wollen. Und wer weiß...vielleicht finden wir dabei ja endlich das "neue deutsche Musical", ...
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Ich bin Katrin Witt von HundKatzeLeidenschaft. Als ausgebildete Tierarzthelferin beschäftige ich mich schon seid Jahre mit der Ernährung von Hunden und Katzen. In meinem Beruf erlebe ich immer häufiger Menschen, die sich ein Haustier anschaffen, aber sich nicht der Bedürfnisse Ihres Vierbeiners im Klaren sind oder von der Informationflut so überschwemmt werden, dass sie im Endete gar nicht wissen was sie machen sollten. In meinem Podcast möchte ich über unterschiedliches Themen von der Ansch ...
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Divorce is not an event, it is a process and, like many other processes, preparation and planning can make the difference between positive outcomes and disaster. Getting SplitReady is your source for information on the issues and considerations that should be part of your plan. We bring you poignant, informative and sometimes humorous perspectives from top industry professionals and experts. Join us for unscripted and honest discussions with our expert panels on top professionals and thought ...
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Chef Jamie Adams and Leonardo Moura are co-owners and business partners with over 40 years of experience in the restaurant industry. We all love to eat well, drink and be merry and we got pretty good at selling that whole thing with our two Atlanta based restaurants, il Giallo and Lagarde, so we’ve decided to share our food and wine experience in a podcast that covers our experiences and expertise with a great sense of humor and without taking ourselves too bloody seriously. Welcome to Katze ...
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'The World of Real Estate' takes you behind the scenes of the real estate industry in New York City. This podcast series is hosted by New York real estate powerhouse, Frances Katzen. Frances gives you access to some of the most prestigious leaders in the New York City real estate industry as well as the Global real estate Industry. She lifts the veil on what really goes on behind the scenes of a deal and provides her listeners with unparalleled information. Frances is the founder and leader ...
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Meister des Universums - Männer, die auf Katzen reiten. 40 Jahre Masters of the Universe in Deutschland Hi, ich bin Berney und ich steh auf Popkultur. Klingt wie die Vorstellung in einer Selbsthilfegruppe aber nein ich bin stolzes Kind der 80er und hab auch das ein oder andere schöne Sammelobjekt aus meiner Kindheit zuhause stehen. Was mir allerdings noch fehlt, ist was von den „Masters of the Universe“. Irgendwie ist das ganze Ding mit Eternia ziemlich an mir vorbeigegangen und das will ich ...
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show series
Talent manager Barry Katz sits down with esteemed writer Perry Rein for an insightful conversation. Rein shares his journey, working odd jobs such as Al Pacino’s driver to getting fired on his birthday from his first big PA gig to winning an Emmy. Rein found his way through a writing assistant job and with the help of long time collaborator and par…
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Sometimes, attraction disappears in an instant—but is the ick a real dealbreaker or just a reflex? In this episode of the Love U Podcast, I break down why women experience the ick more than men, the psychology behind these sudden turn-offs, and whether they’re actually keeping you from a great relationship. From minor quirks to social conditioning,…
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אַאַמוּ"ר כּוֹתֵב בְּאֶחָד מִמִּכְתָּבָיו My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], writes in a letter: עַל פִּי הֲגָהוֹת אָשְׁרִ"י נְטִילַת יָדַיִם לִסְעוּדָּה ג' פְּעָמִים רְצוּפוֹת “According to Hagahos Oshri, when washing our hands for a meal we should pour [water from a vessel] three times consecutively [over each hand]. כֵּן הָיָה עוֹשֶׂה אַאַמו…
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מִצְוַת עֲשֵׂה הָרִאשׁוֹנָה The first positive commandment is, ובִלְשׁוֹן הָרַמְבַּ"ם "לֵידַע שֶׁיֵּשׁ שָׁם מָצוּי רִאשׁוֹן מַמְצִיא כָל נִמְצָא כו according to the wording of Rambam, “To know that there is a Primary Being who brings into being all existence… וִידִיעַת דָּבָר זֶה מִצְוַת עֲשֵׂה וּכְמוֹ שֶׁכָּתוּב אָנֹכִי ה' אֱלוֹקֶיךָ Knowing this …
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הַצֶּמַח צֶדֶק סִפֵּר לִבְנוֹ אַאַזְמוּ"ר The Tzemach Tzedek told his son, my revered grandfather, the Rebbe [Maharash], אֲשֶׁר הַדְּרוּשׁ וּמַרְאֵיהֶם וּמַעֲשֵׂיהֶם — תּוֹרָה אוֹר פָּרָשַׁת יִתְרוֹ that the maamar entitled U’Mareihem U’Maaseihem — which appears in [the Alter Rebbe’s] Torah Or, Parshas Yisro — הוּא דְּרוּשׁ הָרִאשׁוֹן שֶׁאָמַר הָרַ…
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Hour 1 Segment 1 Tony starts the show talking about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Making his first statement as secretary of health and human services. Tony also talks about how the left thinks that inflation is way higher now than when it was under Joe Biden. Hour 1 Segment 2 Tony talks about President Donald Trump announcing reciprocal tariffs and asks i…
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Hour 3 Segment 1 Tony starts the final hour of the show joined by Griff Jenkins of FOX News Live to talk about the record number of lows of illegal immigrants entering the country. Hour 3 Segment 2 Tony talks about the push to get Marc Fogel out of a Russian prison and how quickly President Donald Trump got him out. Tony also talks about property t…
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Hour 2 Segment 1 Tony starts the second hour of the show talking about Vice President J.D. Vance speaking at Munich speaking about Russia/Ukraine and talks about migration and free speech. Hour 2 Segment 2 Tony talks about John Dickerson and Maurice DuBois saying there is an appeasing of Russia going on. Hour 2 Segment 3 Tony talks about being in f…
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Hour 1 Segment 1 Tony starts the show talking about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Making his first statement as secretary of health and human services. Tony also talks about how the left thinks that inflation is way higher now than when it was under Joe Biden. Hour 1 Segment 2 Tony talks about President Donald Trump announcing reciprocal tariffs and asks i…
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עוֹמְדִין בְּעֵת קְרִיאַת הַשִּׁירָה It is customary to stand while the Song of the Sea is read [in the synagogue on Shabbos Parshas Beshalach]. הפטורה: וּדְבוֹרָה אִשָּׁה נְבִיאָה The haftarah [for Parshas Beshalach] begins U’Devorah ishah neviah (Shoftim 4:4-24 and 5:1-31). עֶס אִיז אַ מִנְהָג צוּ עֶסן שׁוואַרצֶע קאַשֶׁע It is customary to eat bu…
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Greetings All You Young Jazz Lovers, February 14th in the USA is officially Valentines Day, a day created by a small entrepenuer ages ago to... well, quite frankly sell more product. The origins seem to begin around 1850 in Massachusetts with a woman regarded as the mother of the American valentine - Esther Howland, the daughter of a stationer. She…
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Von Pipi-Problemen und Futterlösungen – Wie eure Vierbeiner steinfrei bleiben! Was sind Harnsteine? Harnsteine können zum Notfall werden. Große Hunde sind weniger betroffen als kleine. Woran merkt man, dass Hund oder Katze Harnsteine haben? Zuerst muss der Urin untersucht werden. Was ist Struvit? Welche Harnsteine gibt es neben Struvit und Calciumo…
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אַאַמוּ"ר אָמַר My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once said: צְוִוישׁעֶן קעֶלט אוּן כְּפִירָה אִיז גאָר אַ דִינעֶ מְחִיצָה “Only a very fine line separates spiritual frigidity from an actual denial of G‑d. עֶס שְׁטעֶהט כִּי ה' אֱלֹקֶיךָ אֵשׁ אוֹכְלָה הוּא It is written, ‘G‑d your L‑rd is a consuming fire.’ אֱלֹקוּת אִיז פְלאַם פַייעֶר Divinity…
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Hour 1 Segment 1 Tony starts the show talking about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being officially confirmed as the secretary of health and human services and Kash Patel being voted out of committee. Tony also talks about Mark Dayton and how Tina Smith and Gary Peters won’t seek reelection. Hour 1 Segment 2 Tony talks about Nigel Farage on NATO expansion, …
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Hour 3 Segment 1 Tony starts the final hour of the show joined by Dr. Matt Will, economist at the University of Indianapolis, to talk about the latest in the producer price index. Hour 3 Segment 2 Tony talks about Missouri A.G. suing Starbucks over violating DEI rules. Hour 3 Segment 3 Tony talks more about a British Politico’s wife had a contract …
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Tony starts the second hour of the show talking about Jasmine Crockett saying Elon Musk is “for sure doing nefarious things”. Tony also talks about Pam Bondi and the D.O.J. suing against New York and top officials over immigration policies. Later, Tony talks about the left rally song chant of which side are you on and asks the audience. See omnystu…
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Hour 2 Segment 1 Tony starts the second hour of the show talking about Jasmine Crockett saying Elon Musk is “for sure doing nefarious things”. Tony also talks about Pam Bondi and the D.O.J. suing against New York and top officials over immigration policies. Later, Tony talks about the left rally song chant of which side are you on and asks the audi…
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Tony talks about a car ramming into a crowd in Germany, injuring at least 28 people, with the suspect arrested being an Afghan asylum-seeker. Tony also talks about $45 million worth of condoms sent to Gaza. Later, Tony talks about Reuters being paid $9 million by the D.O.D. for social engineering. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information…
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Hour 1 Segment 1 Tony starts the show talking about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being officially confirmed as the secretary of health and human services and Kash Patel being voted out of committee. Tony also talks about Mark Dayton and how Tina Smith and Gary Peters won’t seek reelection. Hour 1 Segment 2 Tony talks about Nigel Farage on NATO expansion, …
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Tulsi Gabbard confirmed. Inflation is up. Politico is hot garbage. Injuries as car plows into crowd in German city of Munich. Department of Education should be shut down. Parents who bought into the trans ideology. Chief Chris Bailey shows up to Vision Zero meeting, but won't answer the question if the IMPD will assist ICE if asked. Vision Zero’s v…
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Tara laughs at Tony's Hedgehog reference. Like the US, Germany and Europe has an immigration problem. Pete Hegseth meets with NATO. Urges NATO to increase their spending. Trump’s EPA chief vows to claw back $20 billion in climate funding 8:36: USAID was funding Reuters. Tony invites Indiana mayors to talk property taxes See omnystudio.com/listener …
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Chief Chris Bailey shows up to Vision Zero meeting, but won't answer the question if the IMPD will assist ICE if asked. Vision Zero’s vision is for zero cars. Munich car horror is 'a suspected attack', officials say as Afghan asylum seeker is arrested. Framed Clockwork Orange poster for sale 7:46: We are losing our ability to speak See omnystudio.c…
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